Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 3085: Penetrate to 200 kilometers

"I hate bugs." Carl let out a curse in his heart: "Return my tomcat!"

Carl is still missing the previous era. If he is still driving a Tomcat fighter, he can now start the afterburner and continue to run to the target at supersonic speed. Although it will consume a lot of fuel, but now this This kind of critical moment, naturally the faster the better.

Moreover, as long as the target can be 100 kilometers away, the Phoenix missile can be used to intercept the first wave, and then the Sparrow missile can be used to intercept the second wave, and then it can be rushed to fight with the rattlesnake, which can intercept three times, and also Create opportunities for the back, even if it is to intercept those supersonic anti-ship missiles, it can greatly reduce the pressure on the rear fleet.

But now, these abilities have disappeared. On their aircraft carriers, the Tomcat fighters are no longer there, and these bugs are left.

Although Boeing called this aircraft the Hornet, and even the later improved model called the Super Hornet, everyone still likes to call it a bug.

They don’t like this kind of aircraft, but they can’t help it. Before the stealth aircraft was put into service, it was estimated that they only had this kind of aircraft as the main force. Fifteenth fighter.

Everyone knows that the aircraft was improved on the basis of the Tomcat fighter. It was originally designed by the Eagle Country. Therefore, if the country supports it, it will be improved on the basis of that aircraft. It is definitely Gru. MAN’s strengths.

What a pity, those **** businessmen! politician! I played my own plane to death.

Carl was quite dissatisfied at this time. He was sitting on his plane, feeling the strong thrust of the ejection, his body pressed tightly on the seat, and at the same time, he could not help but let out a loud complaint.

His plane was ejected into the air.

Just after the ecstasy was over, the deck was filled with steam, and the deck crew was about to reset the catapult. At this moment, they heard a very speechless voice in the headset.

"The steam storage tank is faulty, the predetermined pressure cannot be reached, the pressure relief valve is broken, **** it!"

Four catapults. At this time, there was a row of aircraft on the bow. Therefore, only the catapults on the angled deck could be used. At this critical time, only five or six F-18 fighters were ejected. As a result, , The catapult is broken!

"Hurry up and repair." Richard shouted loudly on the bridge.

Of course, this is not a real war. After all, the Han people have not really started a war with their hearts and minds. This is just a confrontation at sea. However, they can no longer dispatch large fleets. There are only a few aircraft.

Time is precious. It is estimated that five to ten minutes will be wasted after repairing the catapult or vacating the bow deck. During this time, it has been impossible to intercept. People must have completed the deterrent mission and left arrogantly. .

At this time, Richard suddenly wanted to have a flying deck like a Han Chinese. There was no need for a catapult, and similar failures would never occur. Damn it!

Carl heard the sound in the radio, and he could no longer eject the carrier-based aircraft. They only had six F-18s to intercept a large number of Backfire bombers?

This joke is a bit big!

He has already turned on the afterburner extravagantly, but the original aerodynamic layout of this fighter is a compromise solution, everything can be done, and everything is sloppy! Now, the wings of his fighter plane cannot be swept back, and the resistance is great. Even if the afterburner has been turned on, it can only accelerate slowly, and there is absolutely no such a whistling momentum of the Tomcat fighter.

At the same time, the performance of his nose radar is not as advanced as that of the Tomcat. If it is a Tomcat, he can find that kind of target at a distance of 300 kilometers. Thinking of this, he started to complain again.

At this time, the bomber unit of the H-9 bomber was still cruising at supersonic speeds at ultra-low altitudes, and fuel was being consumed at an alarming rate.

The empty weight of this aircraft was originally 58 tons. After the improvement in Han, a lot of cumbersome equipment, electronic system updates, etc. were removed, and two people were reduced to become a two-person pilot system. Through these improvements, the reduction was reduced. The empty weight of one ton became 57 tons. At the same time, before it set off, it was loaded with 54 tons of fuel. Now, the engine is like a monster drinking oil, constantly swallowing huge amounts of fuel in. .

"We have 25 tons of fuel left. There are still 300 kilometers away from the target." said the assistant next to Fang Bing.

"We continue to fly forward for a hundred kilometers, and then pull up, after locking the target, we will return at high altitude." Fang Bing said.

If they wanted to attack from a long distance, they would be able to launch anti-ship missiles and then retreat calmly, but now their attack has just begun. They have to fly to a distance of 200 kilometers at an ultra-low altitude. At this distance, They can already use their own airborne radar to lock onto the target.

The bomber is not an early warning aircraft after all. Therefore, when attacking at a long distance, it is impossible for its own airborne radar to search for a target three or four hundred kilometers away. Only at a distance of two hundred kilometers can the opponent be targeted to attack. At that time, it was all supported by the data link, receiving target signals from early warning aircraft or reconnaissance satellites to bind the transmitted data.

Now, they want to penetrate to 200 kilometers and use their airborne radar to lock in. At that time, the Eagles will be surprised.

"There is news from the AWACS. They ejected and took off six fighter jets, and they are leaping towards us." The assistant continued, while pointing to a screen between them.

Only six took off? Fang Bing is a little strange, they are sure they are here to intercept?

"Don't worry about him, at their current speed, we happened to be in contact at a distance of 200 kilometers. At that time, we had completed the simulated attack and then left." Fang Bing finished speaking and continued to shout on the radio: " Attention, continue to penetrate to 200 kilometers, and then return!"

At that time, just let them take a look at our equipment!

Twenty-four bombers continued to fly over the sea at ultra-low altitudes. Seagulls along the way flew up with exclaim. In vigorous momentum, these planes continued to head towards the Eagle Chinese aircraft carrier formation.

Then, a warning came from the radar warning receiver. They had been locked by the opponent's radar, and it seemed that the big bugs had arrived.

"Don't worry about them, let's move on, pay attention, all the bombers pay attention, we are ready to pull up!" Fang Bing's gaze looked into the distance. Beyond the sea and the sky, there is the Ying Guoren aircraft carrier formation.

Ying people, tremble under the combination of Lao Tzu's boom nine and Ying strike 12!

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