Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 3083: Blast out

A naval aviation base along the coast of Han.

The base here has been specially built one by one large hangars. The reinforced concrete hangars can block the attack of special ground-penetrating projectiles. A special Hongqi-9 air defense is also deployed along the coast. The missile force shows how important this is.

The runway of the base is very long. In the past, it was mainly used for take-off and landing of the H-6. Now H-6 has been decommissioned. At this time, in the hangar, a large bomber is moving from the hangar. Towed out by a tractor.

This kind of fighter is quite classic in appearance. Just look at the huge air inlets on both sides and you can recognize it at a glance. This is the unique big killer of Xiong Country, the Tu-22M bomber!

However, now, these fighters have been branded with new numbers. On the tall vertical tail of the tail, the emblem of the Han Navy is also painted. These big guys are now part of the Han Navy and are their important long-range aircraft. Attack power.

One, another, densely packed, if you look at it from the sky, it looks like an ant moving house. If you count them carefully, it is exactly twenty-four, the standard of a flying group.

That's right, this is the first complete bomber regiment of the Han Dynasty Navy Air Force. Fang Bing, the regimental commander, carried an aeronautical chart clip that a common bomber unit had in his hand. Wearing a helmet, he looked at the lines in front of him. The elite pilots of the bomber regiment.

They flew from Hongliu Gai. The original H-6 needs six people to drive, but on the Tu-22M, there are four people left, and the improved HJ only has two people left. Therefore, some posts were abolished, and the rest were elites.

Now, forty-eight pilots are standing here, their eyes are equally firm.

"Today, it was our naval aviation force that bombed the 9th bomber unit. It was the first official appearance to show our strength. Therefore, I hope everyone must fly out of our naval aviation force. We do not have **** fighter jets. We rely on ourselves. We can’t make any mistakes, understand?”

"Understand!" everyone shouted in unison.

"board the plane!"

Fang Bing, carrying his own flying wallet and his co-pilot, headed towards the bomber that had become the number 001. His bomber, with the number 001, was the number one naval aviation force!

It's a pity that those Tu-160s were all taken away by the Air Force. If the Navy had such a big guy, it would be even better.

While thinking, Fang Bing climbed up the gangway. Before boarding the plane, he glanced at his plane again. At this time, his plane was carrying three latest domestically developed supersonic anti-ship missiles. This kind of missile is the real big killer against aircraft carriers.

In the old days, the KH-22 supersonic anti-ship missile was mounted on the Tu-22M. This was a commonly used anti-ship missile in the era of the bear country. It caused long-range damage to the enemy and was a big killer against aircraft carriers. However, Over time, this missile has actually become obsolete.

The Han State has so far shown only the Eagle Strike 81 and Eagle Strike 82 series of anti-ship missiles. These are subsonic anti-ship missiles. They are similar to destroyers and cruisers. If they deal with aircraft carriers, they are far Not enough.

Therefore, if you want to deal with the aircraft carrier formation, you must have a new big killer. This is the anti-ship missile code-named Eagle 12. The rectangular air inlet on the side of the missile body is its unique symbol. The missile had only just been developed, and it was equipped with the H-9 bomber unit and became their big killer against aircraft carriers.

Now, let the people of Eagle country know their own powerful combat power!

Fang Bing stepped onto the plane, and with a huge roar from the tail, his bomber rolled along the runway, and then pulled up. Under the belly, three large supersonic missiles looked so exaggerated.

One, another, twenty-four bombers, formed a huge formation and headed toward the sea.

Inside the cabin, the large LCD screen was shining. Looking at the digital map on it, Fang Bing looked at his flight chart again. As an old pilot, he just couldn't change his habit.

However, he certainly will not resist the new equipment. In fact, he certainly likes this advanced digital equipment.

"The data link has transmitted new data and updated the target position. We need a heading that is two degrees to the right." On his right, the companion said to him.

If you want to hit an aircraft carrier, you can’t do it with one or two aircraft alone. It must be a system. Now, maritime satellites are constantly monitoring the tracks of the opponent’s aircraft carrier, and they can also receive information such as early warning aircraft. Flying towards the target is just a part of this huge combat system.

Twenty-four bombers formed a large formation and flew in the direction of the target. Fang soldiers looked down. Below was the vast sea, and some small islands could be seen. Here, the Eagles once proposed the first The island chain tried to control the Han Chinese navy within the first island chain. Now, this idea has long gone bankrupt. They can break through the first island chain at any time as long as they need to enter the ocean.

Thinking of this, Fang Bing was extremely excited in his heart.

"Attention, there are still 600 kilometers away from the target, and we are ready to turn to ultra-low altitude penetration." Fang Bing issued an order.

Their large bombers are huge. If they fly high in the sky, they will definitely be discovered by the opponent’s radar system from a distance. Therefore, if you want to break through the opponent’s interception, you must use the method of ultra-low altitude penetration. The curvature of the earth, to better hide yourself.

"Roger that."

One by one voices came, and everyone followed the lead plane and dived down from high altitude.

The H-9 bomber is also a variable-sweep wing fighter. When it is about to make a turn, it will unfold its wings. Now, it swept the wings to the end to reduce the speed as much as possible. , With the help of the energy that dived down from a high altitude, bombing the nine bomber, just like this in the dive, exceeding the speed of sound!

When Xiong Guoren was building the Tu-22 bomber, the Tupolev design bureau was not very concerned. He came up with a bomber that could only fly at supersonic speed with no load. This made the army quite dissatisfied with it. It was the first to take the lead before it was overthrown and started again, and the Tu-22M was transformed. This bomber can launch a supersonic attack on the enemy while carrying an offensive weapon!

The aircraft group entered a low altitude, and the shock cone that the nose broke open seemed magnificent, and it could even affect the sea. The waves on the sea were swept by this air current and became more turbulent.

Charge, charge, towards the enemy's aircraft carrier, attack!

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