Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 3069: Prepare for **** mission

Now, the various armed forces in this country have begun a ceasefire, and international peacekeeping forces have begun to be sent, but unfortunately, this is just a short-lived.

The peacekeeping forces have their own restrictions and cannot be used against civilians, and those armed personnel are hidden among the civilians. Therefore, these peacekeeping forces will be repeatedly kidnapped or even torn apart. As for the humanitarian provided by the United Nations. Relief supplies will be robbed as long as they are delivered.

Now, none of these situations have appeared yet, but Qin Guan knows it clearly. With the disadvantage of rescue, and at the same time, the people of Yingguo want to control this important geographic location and begin to increase troops on a large scale. To control the local situation, and this ending is the fall of the Black Hawk.

That was a classic incident. Qin Guan knew it clearly. Later, the people of Ying Country were also discouraged, and in this country, even more violent, many people embarked on the road of robbery.

They leaned on the busiest waterways nearby, and of course they focused on the passing ships. Under such circumstances, a group of pirates, which seriously endangered the safety of world shipping, appeared.

Speaking of the pirates here, it definitely makes the crew all over the world hate their teeth. Every time they walk through here, they must be careful. Once they are hijacked, they can almost only rely on ransom. The next time, the pirates were fed and greedy, and their courage grew. Therefore, more people became pirates, and the sea here became more terrifying.

At this time, it was the turn of various countries to organize navies to escort, and the Chinese navy would naturally seize this opportunity.

The military is to maintain the security of the country and protect the life and property appointed. With the development of trade, Han will pay more and more attention to the lifeline at sea. Therefore, the Han Navy must undertake the task of escort.

"In the past, we used to perform **** missions in the Gulf, but the threats we faced at that time were completely different from those we are now. After the rise of pirates there, it will seriously threaten our maritime safety." Qin Guan said: "I hope that our navy can plan ahead, train and deploy in advance, and once the situation there deteriorates, it can quickly dispatch navy ships to perform **** missions."

Now, Qin Guan mentions this pirate country that makes another parallel time-space seafarer gritted his teeth. It is actually a bit early. There have been pirates there since ancient times, but it is not well-known. However, Qin Guan is forward-looking. He has a long-term vision and strong judgment, so he said that if pirates arise there, they will certainly rise.

General Zhang nodded: "Well, it seems that we have to talk in detail, let's go, let's go to the conference room."

Since it was talking about fighting and performing tasks, Makarov found it inconvenient to participate. However, Qin Guan waved with them and took everyone to the conference room.

Makarov was grateful for a while, this President Qin didn't regard himself as an outsider at all, his heart was warm.

Qin Guan has long been playing this little trick of buying people’s hearts. In fact, Makarov is already a person who has access to his own secrets. There is no problem with this kind of **** operation. Asking him to join together can also increase his trust, so why not do it?

"The pirate country is a little far away, so there must be a supply ship in the formation we dispatch." Qin Guan said: "Moreover, this is a long-term operation. Therefore, I suggest that we dispatch two destroyers and one ship. The supply ships are in a formation, each time they perform tasks for three months to six months, so that they can be rotated to train our main warships, and at the same time, we can also use the port of the Holy Kingdom as our base. "

The port of the holy country has been developed with the investment of Han, and it is very easy for the Chinese navy to repair and add anything there.

The scale of the **** does not need to be particularly large. After all, pirates are not fools. As long as they see warships escorting them, can they still attack warships?

However, Qin Guan just said it was an oil palm country, and now he called it a pirate country. This title made everyone a little bit ridiculous.

However, Qin Guan said that there was a pattern.

"At the same time, we need to carry our Marine Corps. After all, the Navy will also have this need in the future. Now it is just time for the Marine Corps to continue to undergo actual combat tests. When we are escorting, we organize an **** formation. At the same time, we can also let the Marines The fighters of the team descended onto the protected cargo ships. Even if there were only two to four people on each ship, they could successfully disperse the pirates."

Pirates use the most primitive weapons. Once they see the regular army and know that they can’t succeed, they have to flee. After all, they are seeking money and there is no need to take their lives.

If the cargo ship has its own weapons and can even fight against pirates, it is a pity that this is very dangerous and cannot meet the laws and regulations of the port where the cargo ship is docked. Therefore, the military can only provide this protection.

Now, the newly-built warships of the Han State have a larger and larger displacement, 6,000 tons, or even tens of thousands of tons of warships, and there is enough space inside to accommodate additional marines.

Or, the integrated supply ship has enough space to accommodate them, which just gives the Marine Corps a chance to train.

Speaking of these, don't think that Qin Guan is not a professional naval officer, but he is very clever, because that is what the Han Navy did in that parallel time and space. This should be a fairly mature plan.

The big killer of the aircraft carrier is not necessary at all. Even the anti-ship missiles and the large-caliber naval guns on the warships are actually unnecessary. As long as the carrier helicopter is equipped with a machine gun to shoot the pirates, The pirates can be driven away.

Even, if necessary, the light anti-ship missiles carried on the carrier helicopters can easily send them to the bottom of the sea. However, there is no need to do so absolutely, otherwise the pirates will be angered, and the Chinese cargo ships will be selected to start. The gain is not worth the loss.

As long as there is no plan to step on the land and completely destroy them, they cannot be forced too hard.

And step on land? Forget it, the Eagle Nation’s special forces did not seek benefits in the past, and the Han Nation did not have the need to develop forces there, so there was no need to go up and ask for trouble.

"In terms of fighting pirates, our rapid-fire gun is definitely a weapon for fighting pirates." After Qin Guan finished speaking, Makarov, who attended the meeting, suddenly spoke.

Now that I have participated in the meeting, I have to put forward some ideas of my own.

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