Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 3063: Technology sharing

Han has its own national conditions, so it must take a path that suits Han's own development. Qin Guan does not particularly understand these economic issues. He just knows that the general direction cannot be changed, and he blindly develops real estate. It is absolutely impossible to regard real estate as the pillar industry of the economy.

This matter should be coordinated by Major Yang. It is enough for him to make a report.

The next day, Qin Guan tapped the keyboard in his spacious office and began to make this report, taking all the details into consideration as much as possible, as a reference opinion.

After all, this can be regarded as a new period of development for a country. In the past, it was all welfare housing. Now, it has moved to commercial housing, which will inevitably bring about many problems.

As for the final effect, it is really uncertain.

While Qin Guan was working, he received a report that Rui Jian, the newly appointed ambassador of Yingguo, came to see him.

This is a Han Guotong. When there were no ambassador-level officials in the early years, he had already worked in the diplomatic institutions of Han. After the embassy was established, he became a deputy ambassador. Until now, when the new president comes to power, he has Was promoted to become an ambassador.

Over the years, he has watched the rapid development of the Han country and finally became the most powerful country. He could faintly fight against the Eagle Nation. However, the current Eagle Nation has constant problems, which makes people embarrassed.

Moreover, thinking of his mission, he also felt a little scratching his head. This matter is not easy to handle. The general manager of this tough North Industries Corporation has a terrifying identity behind him. Therefore, as an ambassador, he came to visit and still It was a little uneasy.

Now Rui Jian walked into the room and saw Qin Guan who was still there crackling on the keyboard. At this moment, Qin Guan raised his head during his busy work, then smiled, walked up and shook hands with him. .

"Mr. Ambassador, welcome to our North Industries Corporation as a guest." Qin Guan said: "You are different from the others. You have worked in Han for many years. Therefore, you will be more pragmatic. I am very busy now. So, what can I say? Just say it."

Qin Guan is really busy. Moreover, some time ago, Yingguo deliberately sanctioned North Industries Corporation and even detained Qin Guan’s most trusted assistant, President Lisa. This made it impossible for Qin Guan to treat these people sincerely. Eagle people, what if the ambassador is here? He would definitely not go out to meet him, it would be great to be able to meet each other.

"That's it. The new president of our Eagle Country is proposing a plan for the construction of an information superhighway." Rui Jian said: "And this project requires a fairly high level of ability in computer and network technology."

If you want to raise the backbone network to the G level, you naturally need the high-performance operation of network communication equipment. Don't underestimate the switch. The throughput of data is also very powerful.

Now, Rui Jian has proposed these, but they are also lacking in Eagle Country. Although they also have the Internet, the speed of the Internet is very low. It is already a low-powered person in front of the fast speed of 100M in Han.

Now that he said this, Qin Guan nodded seriously: "Yes, this requires the most advanced network technology in the world."

"We now know that Han is very advanced in this area." Rui Jian looked at the expression on Qin Guan's face and said seriously: "So, we hope that you will make all these technologies public so that we can Develop a better computer network to serve the world and let mankind have a better tomorrow."

Rui Jian said while looking at Qin Guan’s face, and found that the other party did not show any dissatisfaction or approval. He was also a little worried. However, what should be said is still going on: “Technology knows no borders. It's all for the sake of all mankind. We know that we used to have some friction before, but it was all about the previous president. Our current president attaches great importance to the relationship with Han."

Qin Guan glanced at Rui Jian and asked, "Anything else?"

"If possible, I also hope that you will disclose the technology of computer chips and export advanced lithography machines to Eagle Country to improve our processing technology, so that we can stand on the same starting line and continue to compete. Competition will make the world develop, right?"

Qin Guan shook his head helplessly: "I thought you could say something creative. I didn't expect you to disappoint me. Please don't waste my time."

After speaking, Qin Guan finally stopped paying attention to him. He continued to crackle on the keyboard in front of his computer. He was very busy and even met the other party. Who would have thought that the other party would not appreciate him at all. Waste your precious time.

What I am writing about the healthy and orderly development of the real estate market is a century-old plan, and I was interrupted by your nonsense.

Rui Jian suddenly became embarrassed from the sidelines. He had anticipated many results. For example, President Qin would even argue with himself in anger. In fact, these requirements are only one-sided and wishful thinking, but businessmen, they can all be discussed. .

Eagle country has indeed fallen behind in terms of electronic technology. The chip industry has always been unable to catch up with Han. There is only one way to catch up. They are required to open up their technology and everyone will stand on the same starting line again!

Now it’s just the beginning of the discussion. Naturally, the other party is required to disclose it. The other party does not disclose it. It requires high patent fees. Everyone can talk about it. In short, as long as the goal can be achieved and the technology of Han is obtained, then That's it.

But now, when people heard about it, they just ignored themselves, which made all the rhetoric that Rui Jian had prepared, all in vain.

Xiucai walked in and gestured to ask him to go. However, nothing was agreed. Of course Rui Jian would not leave. Xiucai did not force him to leave, so he stayed here and let him watch Qin Guan work well. Up.

In the past few years, the electronic technology of Han State has developed rapidly. Computer CRT monitors have begun to be phased out. Naturally, this is even truer here in Qin Guan. With a large LCD monitor, whether it is working, Still playing games, it’s pretty cool. At this time, he knew that the ambassador would not leave, he was deliberately neglecting him. If you don’t want to leave, just keep it. Anyway, I’ll assume that I haven’t seen him. .

Qin Guan crackled on the computer for two hours. It wasn't until noon that he finally stopped. Then, he stood up and moved his body before he noticed Rui Jian.

"Why, you haven't left yet?"

For these two hours, Rui Jian was tormented. He watched Qin Guan working there without interrupting him. Now, Qin Guan finally spoke, but he came up and drove him away.

"President Qin, maybe we can talk about it again." Rui Jian said, "You can also say what you want."

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