Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 2940: Virtual digital currency

In fact, Qin Guan had thought about this before. Just like MLM, it is quite bluffing and attractive. If it is operated well, it will not only make money by speculating this currency, but also make computer hardware in short supply. .

Other people don’t have this kind of thinking anymore. Now they are all looking at Qin Guan with strange eyes, while waiting for Qin Guan to introduce them. Qin's thinking is too divergent, they are afraid that they can't keep up with Qin. Rhythmic.

"Well, let's first explain what virtual currency is." Qin Guan began to introduce it.

Ordinary currency, which is issued by the government, is visible and tangible. This virtual currency must be virtualized. However, virtual currency can be purchased with real currency. This is the most important thing. The next step is also a prerequisite for hype.

"First of all, what we need to do is to design a set of special algorithms. A lot of calculations must be done to generate this kind of virtual currency. It has no specific currency issuing agency and is completely generated on a computer. The algorithm can also be open source, so that everyone can monitor it. Therefore, it does not have any cheating behavior. It is not like the government, which can be issued at will. Moreover, the total amount of currency is determined. For example, Set a number of 21 million."

This number cannot be particularly large, and a scarce resource must be made, otherwise how to hype? Moreover, the quantity is small, and there are always buyers who are willing to be fooled.

"Then, its release is based on our P2P network. Everyone knows that this situation is peer-to-peer. This peer-to-peer transmission means a decentralized payment system. These two features, special algorithms, decentralization , Can ensure that the value of the currency cannot be manipulated by the large-scale manufacturing of bitcoin. In short, it is generated through a large number of calculations based on a specific algorithm. The bitcoin economy uses a distributed database composed of many nodes in the entire P2P network to confirm and record all And use cryptographic design to ensure the security of all links in currency circulation."

When Qin Guan said this, everyone was frowning. Only Jobs had the strongest understanding. But when Qin Guan came up with these specific plans, Jobs still had to think carefully to understand Qin. View of this idea.

"To sum up, this kind of Bitcoin is not controlled by any country, any bank or financial institution. It is a digital currency composed of a series of complex codes generated by a computer. The new Bitcoin is manufactured through a preset program. Anyone can participate in the manufacture of this kind of bitcoin, and it can be circulated across the world through the Internet, and bought and sold on any computer, and no one knows who the other party is during the transaction. There is a saying on our network , You don’t know if the person sitting across from the computer is a person or a dog."

"In other words, the algorithm of this kind of Bitcoin must be quite complicated. Even if it is our Hanxin No. 5 chip, it may take days or even months to come out?" Finally, Mr. Ni Spoke up.

If this project is proposed, Hanxin Technology will definitely be responsible for research and development. Therefore, they must take the lead in determining these basic ideas.

If this is the case, then the global demand for computer hardware will naturally have a great increase.

"It's not entirely true. Bitcoin is a scarce resource. At the very beginning, because there are few people who know it, mining is easy." Qin Guan said about mining, and then explained: " The computer is like a miner, constantly digging in the computer network to get bitcoins. At the beginning, because there are fewer miners, they occupy more resources, so the mining results are significant, and you can easily get a lot of bitcoins. Coins, the more you go backwards, the more people know, the more and more mining machines, and the fewer and fewer remaining bitcoins, so the greater the effort required to mine."

Mr. Ni continued to fall into meditation, and they were responsible for the specific techniques. To obtain this effect, the procedures required are very complicated and require superb skills.

"But, this is virtual currency after all, without any value, how can we let people buy it?" someone asked again.

Faced with this question, Qin Guan's face was smiling: "How did the stock market become hype, then we can make Bitcoin hype like the law."

Everyone is holding money and rushing to the stock market. In fact, behind the real, there are countless dark hands that control the rise and fall of the stock market, and then get benefits from it. Needless to say, the stock market, if the funds are sufficient, even manipulation The finance of a country can be done, and Soros has done it before.

Now, it is too easy to hype Bitcoin.

Because a limited condition is that the quantity is scarce, no matter at any time, the scarcity is the most expensive thing. If you want to hype, there is always a way, and, that Choi Eunxi, isn't there nothing to do right now? Even hype can be fooled by this woman.

"This seems to be a scam, right?" Finally, someone made such a voice in the meeting.

Isn't this a scam?

Hearing this question, Qin Guan said with a smile, "So, buying a lottery ticket, is it gambling?"

For many people, buying a lottery ticket for two yuan is actually not expensive, and you may even win a big prize. However, the probability determines that most people invest less than they get, and most of them are at a loss. , There are only a few lucky ones. If they cheat during the lottery draw, then ordinary people have no chance.

In essence, it is the same as gambling, but there is no problem with buying lottery tickets, because it is allowed by the state.

Bitcoin is the same. As long as all countries in the world allow it, isn't it enough?

Buying a virtual currency with real money is of course a scam category. After all, Bitcoin has no value. It even omits the printing of banknotes. It is just a virtual currency on the Internet. digital.

However, it can make money. As long as it is hyped up, why can't it make money? Moreover, it fluctuates many times, but it does not collapse, because the number is small, 21 million, the number is too small, and it will always pit the people who want to enter the game. The world has many advantages.

This is equivalent to an upgraded version of "The Emperor's New Clothes", which is equivalent to a group of people hyping about 21 million non-existent "gorgeous clothes" made by those two crooks. Everyone is an emperor, and the one who finally tells the truth The little boy who doesn’t exist yet, whoever says that the emperor is not wearing clothes is stupid.

"Mr Qin, this upgraded version of the emperor's new outfit should be issued by our Apple company." At this time, Jobs had fully understood it.

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