Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 2932: Hurriedly jump over the wall

In the original time and space, Intel is the giant in this area. In order not to be noticed by the antitrust department, Intel has always been competing with AMD.

In fact, if Intel makes efforts, there will be no room for AMD to survive. Intel is called a toothpaste factory because it originally has the technology, but you don’t need to take out all the good technology at once and look at the opponent. If your opponents make better progress, you will improve yourself. Slowly improve the performance of the product little by little. On the one hand, you can earn more profits. On the other hand, you are also waiting for AMD’s progress. To be forced to death.

However, Hanxin Technology Company is not like that, it is completely killing Intel.

Hanxin Technology’s products have always surpassed each other by an order of magnitude. Intel has just developed 286 chips, which are comparable to Hanxin No. 1 chips. As a result, Hanxin No. 1 chips have begun to significantly reduce their prices. , At the same time, the Hanxin No. 2 chip turned out.

When Intel worked hard to produce a processor chip of the same level, the Hanxin No. 3 chip came out, the main frequency has reached 1GHZ, and the 0.18 micron manufacturing process has also been used, and the heat generation has also begun to be greatly reduced.

At this time, Intel is no longer able to catch up. The Pentium processor that they racked their brains has finally reached GHZ, but it uses the backward 0.25 micron process, which generates a lot of heat, so even if it is Even low-end users don't want to use it anymore. They would rather go to the second-hand market to Amoy Hanxin No. 2 and then overclock, or Amoy Hanxin No. 3, rather than buy this Pentium processor.

Intel has been desperate, investing a large sum of money in, and then getting very meager income, it can't compete with Han Guo's products at all, and the last straw that crushes the camel is Hanxin 4.

This kind of processor has reached the main frequency of 2G, and, even worse, it has two cores concentrated on a small chip!

The main frequency has come to an end. Continue to increase the main frequency. In addition to being useful to people who specialize in scientific computing, ordinary users cannot experience the smoothness of the processor, and multi-core has become a new point of performance improvement.

In a computer, there are many tasks to be performed. These tasks occupy the processor's time in different ways. The processor handles multiple tasks at the same time. In fact, they are processed one by one. Now, there are two cores. If two tasks are processed at the same time, then one processor will process one. This effect is also conceivable, and it will definitely greatly improve the response speed of the computer.

Intel, however, can't keep up with what they say. Since they can't keep up, they have other options if they don't want to go bankrupt.

This is naturally persuading the Eagle Country Congress to conduct an anti-monopoly investigation on Hanxin Technology, and then impose a high fine. If the anti-monopoly law is established, it will spit out all the benefits Hanxin Technology has obtained in Eagle Country over the years. , And it has to be several times the profit. In this way, Hanxin Technology will be greatly injured.

What about Eagle Country? Of course there are many benefits. For example, this high fine is just enough to make up for the Eagle Country’s fiscal deficit. The current president has jumped over the wall for the final election. Any way can be thought of. Such a big benefit. It is impossible for him not to see it.

For Intel, Hanxin Technology Co., Ltd. has been imposed such a high fine, the most likely is not to pay the fine, if it does not pay, then it can only withdraw from the Eagle Country market, and will not deal with Eagle Country in the future .

In this way, Intel can take a long breath and set aside the market for Intel to take a breather. Although some smuggled chips will enter the Eagle Country, the price will definitely rise. At that time, Intel's products will naturally It will open up sales and put them on the right track again. After all, if they fall, then Eagle Country’s chip industry and Eagle Country’s Silicon Valley will all follow suit.

For Yingguo people, this plan has many benefits. Therefore, under the current circumstances, they will spare no effort to strangle Hanxin Technology.

Of course, this is just a microcosm of the macroscopic world. If you look at it from a higher perspective, you can know that as the Han country becomes stronger, there will definitely be more and more friction with the Eagle country.

When the imminent threat of Xiong country suddenly disappeared, the people of Yingguo turned around and found that Han was already too powerful. When Han's industrial products occupied the global market, it was time for Han to rule the roost.

There have been other examples in the past, such as island countries, but these countries are not sovereign countries. As long as the people of the Eagle country show their power, they can make them surrender and give up the profits.

But Han is not good. Han will never succumb. Han will never succumb to a certain country. Back then, Xiong and Chen had millions of soldiers on the border, and even wanted to use mushroom bombs against Han. The country is not afraid, let alone now, how can the Han country be afraid of Eagle country’s interference?

If Eagle Country wants to suppress Han's economy, it must start with these methods. First, it suppresses Han's high-tech. To say that Han's leading high-tech enterprise is of course Hanxin Technology.

Moreover, this trend is now obvious. There will be more and more electronic products in the world, and it will even change the world. If the people of Eagle Country do not occupy the commanding heights in this regard, their future decline is also obvious.

When the situation develops to this level, this kind of trade war will erupt between Han and Eagle. This is definitely not just a Hanxin technology company, but the entire country, all walks of life, and eventually will be affected. If The Eagle Nation succeeded this time, and then it will be suppressed in other areas. In the end, even the clothes of the Han Nation will be sanctioned by the Eagle Nation.

The Eagles are already in a hurry, and they jump over the wall in a hurry. This is one of the most common methods that can be used. What is the antitrust law? In Eagle Country, are there still few monopolized sectors?

Even if the current president steps down and the new president takes office, there will be economic frictions. Moreover, the next tall, handsome and handsome president who is about to take office will play a hand of economic cards. In this guy’s term, The information superhighway has been built, and the Eagle Country’s economy has been put on an excellent track of high-speed development. After he takes office, he will definitely make great efforts in these aspects.

Now, Qin Guan's gaze has been behind, and he has seen the time when economic wars are about to break out. However, Han has never been afraid of it, and Han has been prepared.

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