Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 2847: Gust in the game

Once the "Ace Combat" game was released, it was sought after by game enthusiasts all over the world. In the past, flight simulation games have never been made so realistic, especially this flight seat, which allows players to have the deepest substitution. Feeling, playing, it's just fun.

At the same time, Mbappe is also continuing to play this game. The more he plays, the more alarming he becomes, because in it, after the confrontation, the Tomcat fighter has almost an overwhelming advantage over the Mirage 2000.

This shows what?

The opponent exaggerated the performance of the Tomcat fighter, um, it must be like this, so that people think that the Mirage 2000 is worthless!

And Mbappé, after more than thirty attempts, finally won the Tomcat fighter and passed this level!

At this time, it was late at night, and Mbappé rubbed his red eyes. Although he wanted to go to bed a long time ago, once he started playing, he would be happy. He wanted to play the next level. At least, watch first. See what's new in the next level.

The game was saved, and then the next level was loaded. On the interface you loaded, a uniquely shaped fighter flashed by, and suddenly Mbappé was surprised.

Rafale fighter?

In this game, not only Phantom 2000, but also Rafale fighter?

The Mirage 2000 fighter is an improvement based on the Mirage 3. Although the appearance has not changed much, the performance of the fighter has been greatly improved after the application of new technologies such as digital telex.

Relying on this fighter, Dassault squeezed into the club of three generations.

And what about gusts? The Rafale fighter, in their eyes, is a generation ahead.

The Mirage 2000 is a single-engine, medium-sized aircraft. They also made a dual-engine heavy Mirage 4000 fighter, which seems to be enough, but there is still a parallel project, which is the Rafale fighter.

The Rafale fighter is a dual-engine medium-sized aircraft, and indicators such as take-off weight are the same as the Mirage 2000. Therefore, many outsiders are a little puzzled about Dassault’s simultaneous development of two medium-sized third-generation aircraft.

Of course, this is also due to their own reasons. The biggest reason is the arrogance in the bones of the chickens. Back then, they did not hesitate to lower their stance and joined the Europa Joint Fighter Plan. The result?

Other countries in the chicken country actually refused to accept Dassault, especially if they did not use their M88 engine. Dassault was outraged and decided to go it alone and engage in the same type of fighter!

Gusts and typhoons have a duck layout, but if you look closely, there is still a big difference.

The typhoon’s canard is far away from the main wing, so it can act as a leverage and use the smallest area to move the aircraft to obtain a large head-up moment.

As for the Rafale fighter, the canard wings are very close to the main wing, and even overlap. In this case, the head-up torque of the canard wings is very small, and the vortex effect of the canard wings is very strong.

This is also caused by the difference in technology accumulation. For Dassault, the best is the tailless delta wing layout. Now add a canard, and they can only be used as a vortex generator.

After all, the Rafale fighter is newly developed, so the structure of the airframe is relatively novel, especially the air intake. Finally, the adjustable intake cone is no longer used, and the position is also placed on the ribs.

The belly layout of the typhoon is not used, because this fighter also has another function, which is to board!

The chicken country has an aircraft carrier. Their Mirage 2000 exists as a land-based fighter. The third generation aircraft that the navy needs is the Rafale.

In fact, it can also be seen from these that the joint research and development of various countries has different needs, and the final layout is different, and it is impossible to negotiate.

The other countries are all land-based fighters, and naturally choose the air intake of the belly. This is the most efficient. If the chicken country has an aircraft carrier, it needs two ribs air intake, and it will eventually fall apart.

Although Niu Country also has an aircraft carrier, Niu Country's compact aircraft carrier must be used to operate small sea harriers, and definitely does not intend to use this kind of joint fighter to board the ship.

Dassault Company is proud. Even if they rely on the technology of their own country, they have also developed this kind of aircraft. After they dispersed, they were holding back their energy. In 1986, there was a prototype. In 1990 In 1991, it began to land and take off on the aircraft carrier.

Now, this fighter is at the end of the test flight. Compared with the Typhoon fighter, the progress of this fighter is much higher. For the people of Jiguo, this aircraft is a money-making tool in the future.

That's right, now the gust is still for their own use. They rely on the Phantom 2000 to sell money. When the phantom 2000 is not good, then they can launch the gust to continue to make money. As for now, the gust is only for their own use.

Unexpectedly, this aircraft also appeared in the game!

Mbappe's drowsiness was absent, only his eyes were still red. After entering the game interface, he began to enter the fierce air combat again. This fight was even more shocking.

The simulation of this aircraft is exactly the same as the actual Rafale fighter! All kinds of performance data are almost closely matched, just like the Han Chinese got all the data!

Especially supersonic cruise!

In the external claims of the Rafale fighter, supersonic cruise is a big selling point. With several air-to-air missiles mounted, they claim that they can perform supersonic cruise at Mach 1.4.

In fact, this is of course bragging. Under the thrust of the current M88 engine, it is impossible to maintain such a speed at all. The later improved M88fadongj with increased thrust is almost the same. In fact, the supersonic cruise of this aircraft is first turned on. Afterburning, flying to 1.6 Mach, and then turning off the afterburner, can barely make a supersonic cruise of 1.1 Mach.

The current airplane is in such a state, and it is directly cruising at supersonic speeds and cannot get in at all.

It is not surprising that the Chinese people can get the data of the Mirage 2000. After all, the Mirage 2000 has been exported to many countries, but the Rafale fighter is different. This kind of aircraft has not yet been officially put into service!

No, you must report this news to the company headquarters!

Mbappe stayed up all night. The next day, Roland Dassault, the head of Dassault, who had been dizzy by the recent arms sales case, couldn’t believe him after receiving the news. His ears and the briefcase in his hand fell to the ground all at once.

Because of the major fraud in the arms sales case, there is a lot of rumors around the world. The integrity of the government of the chicken country has also been completely destroyed. Many people have been implicated. The life of Dassault is not easy, and it is also accepting the society. Accusations, even have to go to court to testify, and now, there is such a new news!

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