Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 2821: Eagle Nation also wants joint fighter jets

That's right, the current Eagle Nation was completely disrupted by Qin Guan's plan. At this time, in the Eagle Nation's Ministry of Defense, their response to this incident made them scratch their heads.

Secretary of Defense Cheney, with gray hair, a little fat, and a pair of gold glasses. In this team, like their president, he is always called a tough guy. After all, the Eagle The war between the country and the date palm country was planned by him. Now, although he has paid a certain price, he has achieved the result they wanted. The power of the Eagle country has entered the oil producing area, and they are stationed in the waterless country. , Will be stationed forever, like a nail, always inserted there to realize their own interests.

It's just that the Secretary of Defense is different from the commander of the military. He belongs to a civilian office and is generally the person the president trusts the most. Once the president steps down, he will have no suspense.

Therefore, there is not much time for Cheney, but he is facing such a mess. Under the strategy of Han, how should they fight back? Han is playing a big game!

"Han has been planning for a long time. They obtained three aircraft carriers by means of despicable means. They are now planning to use an advanced fighter jet project to win over the traditional weapon exporting countries that originally belonged to us." The general roared: "In this way, they can disintegrate our power and realize their strategic layout."

It is too bad for the Han people to do this, and now you can see that countries like Hans and Noodles have stretched out their hands, and it is too late to stop them now.

After all, these countries are different from island countries. The Eagle Nation does not have strong control power. Moreover, they have developed good cooperation with Han in the past few years, and they have considerable trust in Han. They knew this would happen, so they shouldn't support it. Han, now such a mess has come out.

"These complaints are useless. Now, the most important thing for us is to come up with our own plan." Cheney said: "Since the plan of Han is attractive, then we should also have a similar plan. After all, We can’t just have F22 a fourth-generation machine, we also need advanced and low-cost fourth-generation machines to occupy the market.”

I thought that by relying on F16, we could earn money in the world arms market for many years. Who would have thought that Han was the first to advance military aircraft to the fourth-generation aircraft field, and Han had this advanced technology. Over the years, their development It is impossible to imagine.

Cheney was sighed, Han was really too powerful.

"However, the research and development of a new fighter plane requires too much capital. We have already overspent a lot on the F22 project, and the test flight of the project is still in the foreseeable future. If we develop another fourth-generation aircraft, this kind of effort will be required. I am afraid it is not something we can bear." The Air Force commander took the lead to express his views.

Of course, the Air Force wants to create a low-end fourth-generation aircraft like the F15 and F16 are matched with each other. However, the Air Force cannot afford such R&D investment.

"Yeah, so, we must jointly develop the three services. This fighter, just like the Han Chinese, can be used by our air force, navy, and marines." Cheney said.

Hearing this, the commander of the Navy immediately changed his face: "That's impossible, Minister Cheney, have you forgotten the development of the F111? Any plan to unite the Air Force and Navy fighters is the most stupid."

The Air Force does not want to jointly develop with the Navy, because the needs of the two sides are very different.

What the Navy wants is dual-engine fighters, and it also needs to strengthen the landing gear. The Air Force doesn't have that kind of demand at all. The two sides still have many different requirements in detail. Therefore, rashly conflating the two will inevitably have to pay a price.

For example, the most important point is that the Navy’s carrier-based aircraft is the most dangerous when landing, just like performing acrobatics. This requires the Navy’s aircraft to have a lower speed and at the same time, it must have enough thrust. Once the landing fails, you must give up the landing and start again. In addition to requiring the aircraft to have a high thrust-to-weight ratio, these also require a low wing load on the wings, which is completely different from the requirements of the Air Force.

The Congress was of course willing, thinking that this would save costs, but in fact, what came out was tasteless, as was the case with the F111 project that year. It was planned that the Navy and the Air Force would use it together. As a result, the project was seriously overweight and could not be boarded.

The navy is proud. They simply look down on the air force. The F4 ghost of the navy back then is an example. The fighters developed by the navy far surpass those of the air force. Therefore, the air force has also purchased it. The navy will never be right. The Air Force compromised, so those fighters kept even the folding wings and the tail hooks.

Now, the Navy will not develop joint research and development with the Air Force.

Besides, the Air Force already has the F22. This is an advanced dual-engine heavy air-control fighter. What about the Navy? The Navy’s NAFT program now seems hopeless, which makes them very uncomfortable.

Because, to develop a new fourth-generation aircraft, it consumes too much money. Although they also want to quickly get the fourth-generation aircraft out like the Air Force, they cannot allocate enough research and development funds.

With the help of Congress, they also considered changing the Air Force’s F22 fighter to a carrier-based version. However, after a series of studies, it was found that this was impossible. The improvement of the F22 must be strengthened by General Ge. For example, to intercept landing requires additional tail hooks and a stronger fuselage, the landing gear must be strengthened, and catapult takeoff requires strengthening of the front landing gear and the structural strength of the fuselage. It turns out that such an improved F22 is already overweight and it is impossible to fly from the aircraft carrier.

Grumman has launched their stealth machine project, but now Grumman is stinking in their eyes.

If it weren't for Grumman, how could Han's fighters develop so quickly! The third-generation aircraft of Han State started with that batch of F-14 Tomcat fighters. Now, Han State has the world’s largest Tomcat fighter force, even more than the Eagle State Navy’s equipment. They have already begun to phase out Tomcats and use multi-purpose F-18 fighters.

Grumman is a lofty attitude. It seems that the Navy’s fourth-generation aircraft can only choose an improved version of their Tomcat. This makes the Navy very uncomfortable, and is very dissatisfied with Grumman from top to bottom.

Therefore, they first eliminated Grumman’s fourth-generation aircraft project. As a result, they are now in a dilemma. In Cheney’s words, it seems that the four-generation aircraft project of the Navy and the Air Force is to be combined?

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