Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 2668: QQ small steel cannon

The shape of this car is small, only more than three meters long, and the width is very small. However, as a whole, it still looks like a two-box car. The front engine compartment is short, and the rear is a structure with four doors. The trunk, the entire body has smooth lines, and has a special aesthetic, especially the two headlights in the front, which are so energetic. At first glance, Qin Guan thought of the small QQ that was once popular in the north and south!

There is a big resemblance. Of course, this little QQ is definitely not an imitation of a foreign car. It is completely self-made, because the original car from Kimchi country has not appeared yet.

Seeing Qin Guan's appearance, Director Zhang was very happy. He knew that he had received Qin Guan's affirmation. Qin Guan was so pleasantly surprised.

"This is a trial installation. Some of the parts have not yet been researched and developed. It will take a few months before the trial runs." Factory Director Zhang said.

Looking at the paint on the outside that could illuminate the human figure, Qin Guan knew that the processing technology of this car was quite good. He opened the car door curiously, then bent down, got in, adjusted the seat, fortunately, high. A tall person will not be uncomfortable. Although it is not comparable to the large space of an SUV, it is still good to shelter from the wind and rain.

The front instrument panel has not been assembled yet. It seems that they are determining the structure of the instruments inside the instrument panel. There is no gear mechanism for the right hand, but the door on the left has been installed. There is no crank on it, indicating that it is electric. Car windows, this should be considered a high-end version.

"Tell me about your inspiration. Why did you suddenly think of making such a car?" Qin Guan greeted Director Zhang and sat in the co-pilot. The two of them sat here feeling it, and Qin Guan also chatted with him. .

Everything cannot be controlled by Qin Guan. What Qin Guan looks forward to is the emergence of creative people. Obviously, Haihe Automobile Factory gave Qin Guan a surprise. Without Qin Guan's intervention, they developed this way. A product that meets the needs. Yes, this is in line with the social needs at this stage.

"We have always been producing vans." Director Zhang said: "At the same time, we are also investigating. We hope to find some new business opportunities. I can't find that the domestic demand for cars is becoming more and more prosperous. Everyone can afford Hongqi cars."

Hongqi sedan was originally positioned as a national car of the Han country, just like a Volkswagen sacred car. However, the country’s economic development has not reached that standard after all. In large cities, there are more and more Hongqi sedans. , In the country, it was the era of the van.

"In the urban-rural junction below, the roads are narrow and the Hongqi cars are too wide and too long. It is not only inconvenient to walk, but also difficult to turn around. Our van is the most suitable. However, the van has a disadvantage. It’s just not upscale.” Director Zhang said: “Our customers hope to have a small car, especially those who already have a van at home, and also hope that they can drive the car to visit relatives and friends during the holidays. They want the size of the car to be about the same size as the van, but higher-end."

If you have driven a van, you will be able to feel the difference from driving a car. The steering wheel of the van is heavy, the engine is noisy inside, and the rear shock absorber is steel plate. It is uncomfortable to sit up and bump. Therefore, the van cannot satisfy people. Pursuing high-end footsteps.

Our own car just meets this need. It has a small size and is easy to shuttle in cities and villages. At the same time, it is manufactured completely in accordance with car standards. The engine is in the front, which isolates noise transmission. The layout is more comfortable to ride, the steering is assisted, and the interior looks luxurious.

More importantly, the price is cheap!

Hongqi cars have not been handed down in urban and rural areas, not because they are expensive! The final price of this vehicle of ours is expected to be about 10,000 to 20,000 higher than that of the van. This way, it is less than half the price of the Hongqi sedan, so it will definitely be able to penetrate the lower market!

At the same time, another advantage is that many parts of the van can be used. For a car, the most important thing is the engine. The engine of the van is 1.0. If the car is too big, there will be no suitable engine. Match, now, put the engine sideways inside the plug and drive the front wheels to make a car.

Sharing the engine with the van can also reduce the cost and ensure sufficient profits. For the auto factory, if there is no profit, it will eventually go to a dead end. If there is not enough profit to engage in research and development, it will not work.

"At the same time, in order to make a big hit, we plan to showcase our car at the Europa Automobile Festival. In terms of power equipment, we vigorously promote our pollution-free EFI engine, and there are more powerful turbochargers. The compressed version is like a small steel cannon." Director Zhang continued. When he said these words, he was looking forward to it. As a factory manager, of course, he hopes that the products of his factory will be famous all over the world.

Qin Guan came to understand, they put turbines on their van engines, they were planning to build a small QQ cannon! Just like a golf, Volkswagen is just a car, that is, a golf. The power of this car has a variety of options. The powerful vehicle is a small steel gun on land.

It's just that their chassis is very stable, what about your own? Little QQ goes racing, breaking hundreds in a few seconds? What a test!

"The head office will also help propagandize." Qin Guan said: "Now that the world's oil prices are soaring, our car, energy saving and emission reduction, is adapted to the development needs of the country and the world, and will not only sell well in China , It can be sold all over the world and become our star product."

Because of the date palm country war, the current international oil price is soaring again. This kind of car still has development prospects. It will be popular for at least ten years!

It is unrealistic for Han to change from a backward agricultural country to a powerful automobile country. It is unrealistic for every household to drive small cars and only expect Hongqi cars. This kind of small QQ will become a national car, just like a white elephant country. Like the Tata sedan.

Thinking of this, Qin Guan couldn't help but patted his head. He just inspected here, and actually forgot his purpose this time.

The inspection of the Haihe Automobile Factory was definitely not a momentary impulse. He had a purpose for a walk-and-go inspection.

"In the long-term plan of Haihe Automobile Plant, do you plan to build factories overseas?" Qin Guan asked Director Zhang.

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