Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 2653: landing

Most of our pilots are already accustomed to the flight of the third-generation aircraft, and it is certainly not easy to control when returning to this backward aircraft. At the same time, there are only one or two, which can not form combat effectiveness. It is better to let the technicians. Go fiddle.

"Of course, you don't need to worry. For this kind of aircraft simulator, we will definitely develop it quickly so that everyone can adapt in advance."

The piloting of the Tu-16 bomber is quite cumbersome. There are six crew members sitting in different positions, just like the operation of the bombers during the World War. Even the tail gun needs a special person to operate it.

By the time of the Tu-22M, it has been reduced. This bomber only needs four people, the pilot, the co-pilot, the navigator and the weapon operator. These four people are all sitting in the cockpit above the nose. The two people in the front have windows, and the two people in the back are almost all black, only a small window. Anyway, their screens also need to avoid interference from outside light, so this is acceptable, and it is very similar to the MiG 31 similar.

However, this is also due to the backwardness of electronic technology, which requires four crew members to operate. If Han Guo introduces and improves the avionics and fire control equipment, then only two people will be enough. Screen display equipment, navigation, attack, and throwing precision-guided weapons can be done by one person, and the other is responsible for flying the aircraft. The two-person driving system is sufficient. In this way, it can also reduce the number of crew members. Know and train. The crew members are quite resource intensive. With two fewer people, the training cost can be cut in half.

How about the space for the two seats behind? It is definitely not needed there. After all, the volume of our avionics is much smaller than that of Xiong’s products. The space developed by ourselves is more economical, and the latter is redundant. Just change it and add a single bed and coffee. Machines, toilets, etc. should be better, right?

At the same time, since advanced airborne equipment is used, the pilot training of the aircraft is simple, and it is possible to develop a similar flight simulator to train pilots in advance.

With the development of technology, the cost of training pilots can also be reduced, because flight simulators have become more and more realistic. Training on the simulator does not need to burn precious fuel or worry about danger, even if it is a crash. That is, the program is re-entered. This kind of convenience is absolutely incomparable to real training.

"Yes, President Qin is right. We will select pilots immediately and prepare to receive training for modification." Navy commander General Wang said: "But, I think it would be better if we had an instructor. "

Now, this is a brand-new airplane, and if there is no instructor, it is obviously inappropriate if you just try to find it on your own.

Qin nodded his head. The instructor's words could only be done from the two people who brought the bomber over. Will they agree? As long as they offer conditions that they cannot refuse.

Just when I was talking about this, there was a huge roar in the sky above my head, and immediately everyone stopped talking and ran outside.

In the night, the runway lights were shining and became two light bands. In the distance, two huge bombers were turning on the navigation lights and accurately entered the landing route.

As far as technology is concerned, Xiong’s pilots are absolutely top-notch, flying on unfamiliar routes and landing on unfamiliar runways.

As the plane approached, in the darkness, the huge silhouette was also shown to everyone's eyes. At first glance, it was big, and at the second glance, it was still big!

There are navigation lights at the lower front of the nose and below the air intake. At this time, there are ray-like rays around the navigation lights, which looks quite spectacular. The first Tu-22M bomber unfolds its wings. Landed towards the runway of the base.

Beside it, it was accompanied by a J-11 fighter jet.

When they fly to the national border, of course they have to dispatch fighter planes to respond immediately. Although they have been negotiated, they should also prevent any possible situation, such as what if the other party is bombing?

Escort is a must.

At this time, the **** missions were all the most elite pilots, and the one who landed with the flight was Chen Rui!

Chen Rui’s heart was also extremely shocked. From his perspective, he could see the upper part of the bomber, the huge air intakes on both sides, the auxiliary air intakes above, and the unfolded wings that made him feel extremely It’s magnificent. If the opponent is an eagle, then your own plane is a pigeon. It’s all down in a while, so you have to check it out!

Qin Guan and others all stood on the airport, waiting for the plane to land. Its landing gear was lowered. Then, you could see the huge, strong and powerful tires. There were twin tires in the front and one side in the back. The four tires want to bear the weight of hundreds of tons and withstand the impact of landing. The tires of this large aircraft are just such a magnificent.

With just one landing gear, there is a lot of knowledge. The technology of this heavy bomber is not so easy to break through.

The main landing gear at the back touched the runway, and two blue smoke appeared on the runway, and then continued forward, and the high-flying nose also fell.

Viewed from the side, this bomber is also very spectacular. Its nose is very pointed. From the side, the entire fuselage looks like a huge flying shuttle. The tall single vertical tail at the tail should be the largest of all fighters. Right?

The whole of it embodies the unique violent aesthetics of the Xiong country. What Qin viewed is also full of emotions. Picture-22M, finally arrived in Han country. From then on, Han country will have a real bomber. The mission that cannot be undertaken can be handed over to Tu-22M.

No, this is not Tu-22M, this is our Boom Nine!

The first bomber slid to the tarmac, and the second bomber landed. When the second bomber landed, everyone had already rushed to the tarmac. They were all quite happy. They had never seen it before. This kind of big guy used to tremble for it, but now he can finally be proud of it.

It will soon become a strategic force to protect its own territory.

Mikhailov turned off the engine, and the deafening roar disappeared. The long flight was quite torturous. Now, he felt that his physical strength had been exhausted, and his back was leaning against the seat. , Take a break for a while, and then go on.

In this process, you can just wait until the ground crew move the gangway over.

At this point, the people below are already a little embarrassed.

"What's the matter?" General Wang, commander of the Air Force asked, "Where is the gangway?"

"General, our gangway is not long enough!"

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