Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 2580: Use nuclear bomb

Only Han has promised not to be the first to use nuclear weapons. Other countries have never said that now that the war has been fought, they have been impatient. If they have nuclear weapons, they will of course get started.

In other words, even if they do not use nuclear weapons, as long as they threaten the date palms to use nuclear weapons, are they afraid?

Schwapf decided, looking at the people below, his eyes swept across a person's face: "We are a nuclear power, and we will never let the date palms keep us suppressed!"

Mushroom bombs are the best way to end the war. The island country back then was still dreaming of a ceasefire in accordance with the actual line of control, waiting for further development. As a result, the Eagles threw two mushroom bombs, which made the islanders immediately dumbfounded. Accepted the request for unconditional surrender.

The power of mushroom bombs is evident.

Back then, the people of Yingguo were trapped in the quagmire of the Monkey War. I don’t know how many times they wanted to use a nuclear bomb, but in the end it didn’t work. The main reason was that the monkey was backed by the bear country. That war, in essence, It is a confrontation between two superpowers. Both sides have nuclear bombs. Once the Eagle Nation does it, the Bear Nation will definitely do it, even under the guise of monkeys. Therefore, no matter how itchy the Eagle Nation's teeth, amidst domestic anti-war sentiments, it eventually withdrew its troops and declared defeat.

It is different now. Now, the aggressive war of the date palm country is planned by all countries in the world, and there is no one behind the date palm country to support them. After the war, the Eagle Nation’s army is about to lose face. Especially now, their aircraft carrier formation has been attacked by others, and the Midway Island was almost sunk. It is still scarred. At that time, can the Eagles not take revenge?

Let’s go on the nuclear bomb. In addition to the strategic nuclear bombs that destroy the entire country, they also have various tactical nuclear bombs. First, they use a stealth plane to throw a few of them, so that the date palms can taste the taste of nuclear bombs!

"I don't agree!" At this moment, someone below said.

This is a coalition meeting, with representatives from all countries, especially the head of the military of the country that was originally here.

Schwapf looked over and spoke to King Su, the representative of the happy desert country!

The Eagle Nation was able to carry out this war, and the Happy Desert Nation played a great role. They persuaded other countries to allow the Eagle Nation to send troops, and on the land of the Happiness Desert Nation, they provided the Eagle Nation with a military base and gave them a lot of Financial support, and also coordinated to send troops together.

All this has made many people dissatisfied. The bearded man who once presided over a guerrilla war in the mountain country left the happy desert country because of his disgust.

In his eyes, this is tantamount to drawing a wolf into the room.

After all, the Western world headed by the Eagle Nation supports the Kingdom of David and oppresses their compatriots. For this reason, four wars have broken out. Now, their compatriots are still oppressed by the Kingdom of David. As a result, they must now welcome the Eagle Nation. army?

This has been considered a kind of blasphemy. If the Eagles use mushroom bombs here, it is conceivable that this contradiction will definitely intensify.

King Su would not agree.

"General, please be cautious." Behind King Su, Major Yang who followed him also stood up and said: "The current situation is a bit unfavorable, but it has not yet reached the point where nuclear bombs are used. The strength of our coalition forces is still there, and the date palm The country is already at the end of the battle. As long as we continue to bomb, the country of date palms will definitely retreat step by step."

Looking at this eastern face, Schwapf was angry. If it weren't for the weapons provided by your Han country, could we fight so hard? Now it's okay for you to teach me how to fight here? When I was on the battlefield, you didn't know where to shoot.

"It is the soldiers of our Eagle Nation who died. Our soldiers are bleeding. There is the fastest way to end the war. Why can't we use it?" Schwapf insisted.

"If you use it, it will shed more blood!" Major Yang said: "In the country of date palms, although the industry is underdeveloped, there are still many chemical plants and pesticide factories."

When Major Yang said that, in an instant, Schwapf's eyes radiated an aggressive light: "You mean, they have biological and chemical weapons?"

"I can't be sure. I just speculate. In theory, factories that can produce pesticides and fertilizers can produce chemical weapons." Major Yang said.

If they want to produce, it is certainly possible. Needless to say, special production. If you look at the leakage of many chemical plants, the safety of surrounding residents will be threatened. There have even been examples of black chemical plants causing the death of nearby residents. So, if they want to produce, then they may produce it!

Even if their chemical plant is blown up now, it is useless. Maybe someone has already produced it and find a place to store it.

If the coalition forces release a nuclear bomb to the date palm country, even though the date palm country does not have a nuclear bomb, it can also use biological and chemical weapons, such a weak country’s big killer. Moreover, they also have Scud missiles and Hussein missiles. Recent battles can tell that once the warhead is a biochemical weapon, it will cause greater casualties to the coalition forces.

This kind of weapon will not work even if it is intercepted. For example, the gas bomb, the Kaishan missile intercepted 20 kilometers away, the warhead exploded, the poison gas spread, and the wind direction might threaten them. I really did that. I guess I will have to wear a gas mask every day. In the high temperature of the desert, wearing that thing, can I still have combat effectiveness?

Thinking of this, Schwapf knew that his own way of threatening with a nuclear bomb was really not a good way, and he couldn't help cursing: "It's all those **** Han weapons!"

"The **** thing is the person who uses the weapon, it has nothing to do with the weapon." Major Yang said: "If you curse our weapon like this, then you don't buy our Kaishan missile."

A word made Schwapf shut up, and Major Yang felt extremely refreshed. In the past, Han was full of envy when facing the advanced weapons of Eagle. Now, you can finally look up and tell them that our weapons are the most advanced and you don't want to use them. Don't use them.

The Eagles dare not say that they don't use it. With the level of their Patriot missiles, how can they be able to guard against Scud? They are waiting for the Kaishan missile every day!

Just after finishing talking, a harsh air defense alarm sounded in the base, yes, say Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived, Cao Cao is definitely the fastest man in the world!

With the sound of the air defense sirens, two tongues of flames rushed up, and the Kaishan air defense missile deployed in the Happy Desert Country was launched in an emergency and intercepted systematically.

It seems that they have confidence in this kind of missile. Nobody at the scene intends to enter the bunker, and no one speaks. Only General Schwapf is left muttering there. How will this battle be fought?

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