Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 2564: Stealth bomber pre-research

"With the development of technology, this professional fighter bomber will be eliminated. We can see from the Eagle Nation's equipment sequence. Their F-16 has replaced bombers to perform conventional tactical bombing missions. Our existing fighter planes also have this ability. The biggest advantage of the JH VII is that it is cheap. If this improvement is made, the cost will rise." Qin Guan said.

The FH-7 can be equipped in the Air Force in large quantities and sold at the same time. Of course, there is a performance advantage, but the biggest advantage is that it is cheap!

In the Air Force, we need high-tech aircraft and cheap aircraft. In fact, the F-16 can be equipped in large quantities in the Eagle Nation’s army, relying on cheap, and acting as a versatile airman.

Now, Qin Guan clearly pointed out the significance of the JH VII, and also pointed out that future tactical bombing can be done by stealth four-generation aircraft.

"But the stealth fourth-generation aircraft is expensive. Our aircraft is cheaper than that aircraft?" said the technician who just explained.

"If it is cheap, the current JH VII is very cheap." Qin Guan said: "No matter any country, even the Eagle Country, it is impossible to equip a large number of fourth-generation aircraft. The stealth aircraft is used to knock on the door. After kicking open the opponent's door, a large number of non-stealth machines are still needed to throw bombs. Therefore, the current JH VII is sufficient."

Even in 2020, stealth machines will be high-end, and many countries can't afford to equip them. They still rely on three generations of machines to fight the world. It is not so easy to talk about popularizing stealth machines.

"Mr. Qin, you are right, but our bomber unit hasn't had a stealth aircraft up to now. Our air force also has this need, right?" Old Chen said.

Everyone is engaged in scientific research, and you can't stand still. Doesn't the army need new stealth bombers?

Looking at the current air force, the bomber unit has shortcomings. Although the JH-7 is good, it is a tactical bomber. The H-6 is considered to be larger, but after all, it is limited and it is not a strategic bomber. It is even inferior to the JH-7. It's easy to use. This shortcoming of the Air Force must be made up for!

"Have you seen the wreckage of the special Eagle Nation bomber that was shot down by the Date Palm Country?" Qin Guan asked.

The enthusiasm for scientific research of the scientific and technological personnel present satisfies Qin Guan. The atmosphere is like this throughout the country, and the country can only make progress.

Therefore, they have to give them a new project, which was originally planned by Qin Guan.

"I have seen it." Old Chen said, "Although we can only see half of the wing, we can also think of the configuration of this bomber. If we are correct, this should be a flying wing aircraft. I really didn’t expect that the people of Eagle Country actually made this kind of aircraft!"

Qin nodded his opinion: "Yes, this is a flying-wing bomber. In the equipment sequence of our Air Force, this bomber is the most lacking! Since it is here this time, I will leave a task for everyone to develop this. Kind of a big guy!"

Develop such a big guy! There were also a lot of people present, all of whom had been involved in the blast, and now heard Qin Guan say this, they were immediately excited, big guy, how old is it?

"Let’s talk about the basic data first. This kind of inter-age long-range bomber has a range of about 12,000 kilometers, and the long-range bomb load can reach more than 20 tons. In addition to conventional bombs, it must also be able to carry precision guided weapons and airspace. Shoot long-range cruise missiles."

Needless to say weapons, only the first two figures, with a range of 12 thousand and a carrying capacity of 20 tons, these two figures are the figures that can only be achieved by long-range strategic bombers!

"How about it, are you confident?" Qin Guan asked.

Domestic tactical aircraft have almost been developed, and it is time for strategic bombers!

If it is irresponsible, then of course you can just nod your head and say yes, but now Mr. Chen doesn't dare to promise directly. As an engineer, you must consider the actual situation.

For example, the first problem is its penetration capability!

"Is it necessary for this aircraft to have supersonic capability?" Chen Lao asked. If you want to penetrate defenses, you may need low-altitude supersonic penetration. This cannot be directly accepted by yourself. This requires powerful engines to support it. Without an advanced power system, the supersonic penetration is a joke.

"No need." Qin Guan said: "It is not easy for such a large aircraft to achieve supersonic penetration. Our technical route is to go stealth and give up supersonic capabilities."

The representative of supersonic cruise is Tu-160. This kind of big guy is in Qin Guan’s plan. It doesn’t need to be too much, you can have it. It’s invisibility that your side focuses on. After all, in this respect, since it’s already Come to the forefront.

"If there is no need for supersonic penetration, then our power system can use the existing high-thrust turbofan engines used in civil aviation. If the engine is guaranteed, then we have the confidence to develop it!"

This kind of large bomber needs super power. If it is supersonic, it has to be equipped with afterburner. For such a big one, we don’t have technical reserves. After all, the engines used on fighter jets are different from those on bombers. With afterburner, it is very similar to civil aviation. It can be solved by civil aviation engines. When there is a better one in the future, it can also be replaced. It is much easier to replace bombers with engines than fighters.

When studying any fighter, the engine is the most important thing. Without a good engine, everything is useless. Now that the engine problem is solved, Mr. Chen can make up his mind.

"Yes, do you have any ideas?" Qin Guan asked.

"Since the stealth bomber is to be used, it must be the same as the Eagle Country, using flying wing layout." Chen Lao said: "This layout has no vertical tail and can better solve the problem of stealth. The main difficulty is the development of the control system. We believe that we have accumulated deep technical accumulation and can be solved."

Without the vertical tail, the steering depends on the horizontal rudder surface. This requires ultra-high flight control technology. In fact, this kind of flying wing layout has been around for decades, but it has only appeared now because of flying. The problem of control, the previous hydraulic control, it is impossible to think about it.

If you want to develop such an advanced stealth bomber, of course, you also need powerful electronic capabilities and aerodynamic design. In these respects, Mr. Chen is confident.

"Okay, then you will enter the pre-research stage first. In short, the two indicators just now cannot be changed. At the same time, this type of bomber needs to be both nuclear and conventional bombers. In addition to throwing nuclear bombs, it also needs conventional weapons. In the pre-research stage, we can also obtain some intelligence materials for your reference."

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