Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 2546: Thanks for help

Without advanced electronic technology, there is nothing. With the development of technology, this becomes clearer and clearer.

In terms of aerospace, Xiong’s satellites have a short in-orbit life, and Xiong also has its own satellite navigation system, but the satellite’s life in orbit is only half a year. If they want to maintain their satellite navigation system in normal operation, they have to continue. Launch new satellites to the ground.

Let’s look at GPS satellites. A GPS satellite has a lifespan of at least five years, and after reaching its life span, it can work for one or two years.

In terms of electronic technology, Han has become an existence that is difficult to surpass. If you want to meet the needs of aerospace, it is a special chip specially developed. Even so, Han has several generations of advanced technology ahead of the West. The calculation performance is good, the calculation can be more accurate, the transmission speed is fast, it can meet the needs of image transmission, and there are various other advantages, such as long life and so on.

As for now, Han's spacecraft is also relying on this advanced nature, and Ramon and others are full of praise. Originally, they didn't think the Han's spacecraft was how reliable, but now when they saw everything around, they completely dismissed it. Their thoughts, this spacecraft, must be more stable than the Soyuz.

The spacecraft separated from the orbital module and began to enter the falling orbit. The reentry angle of the spacecraft was extremely accurate. The three of them lay on the seats and could see various data displayed on the front display screen, even the technical route of Han They are different, they can also understand a lot of the above things, especially, one of the screens is displayed graphically, and the theoretical curve and actual curve of the falling are on the screen, which is exactly the same.

Ramon kept sighing in his heart, he used to sit in Guantian.

When the parachute overhead was opened, their safety was no longer a problem.

"Found the goal!"

"Helicopter, dispatch immediately!"

In the main landing field on the Han State grassland, four helicopters were on standby in the four corners of the landing area. After the radar caught the target, the helicopters all began to fly towards the target. Then, helicopter pilots saw it with naked eyes. A huge parachute descending from the sky!

Its recovery is the same as that of the Soyuz spacecraft of Xiong Country. Now on one of the helicopters, Ilyushenko exclaimed: "Your recovery is so efficient."

Because there was no discovery, after the spacecraft landed, the astronauts climbed out of the spacecraft and returned to the cabin by themselves, and then waited for a long time. Things happened from time to time. Now Han is not anymore. Such efficient discovery and such efficient travel are too. It's rare.

The helicopter's engine was roaring and the propeller was roaring. Ilyushenko watched the black bell-shaped device of the return cabin slowly descending. When it was about one meter above the ground, the buffer rocket ignited and the parachute rope was cut. Everything was in Apple pie order.

From the perspective of recovery, the space shuttle has many advantages over the spacecraft. The space shuttle is controllable and can fly in the atmosphere. There are even several airports in front of the route to choose from, but the spacecraft is parachuted down, just like the paratroopers. Similarly, it is not certain where it will fall.

However, this method has low cost and reliable technology, and the space shuttle is incomparable.

When the hatch opened, Ramon came out first. He looked at the sky of Han, the ground under his feet, and the people who came to meet him. After opening his helmet, he said seriously: "I represent the Eagle China Aerospace, thank you for your help, your spacecraft is stable and one of the best vehicles!"

He was sincerely admired.

"The universe belongs to all human beings. We have the right to use the universe peacefully. We are honored to be able to help you," Qin Guan said.

In this experiment, although Han's astronauts did not go to the sky, they still completed the verification. Moreover, future flights will be easier and more reliable, and the dangers will be borne by the Eagles. Why not? Besides, in addition to the income of hundreds of millions of eagle dollars, there is also an extravehicular space suit!

This is a historic moment. The photographer arrived soon. Three Eagle astronauts took a group photo in front of the return capsule of Han State. They all walked out by themselves and looked very good.

However, this is also the period when Eagle Nation’s aerospace industry has the closest contact with Han. Once this period passed, Eagle Nation once again recovered its ugly face, besieged Han in every aspect, and even made it at the International Conference. This shameless act of refusal to issue a visa to Han, preventing Han from participating in the conference.

Now, the rescue operation is successfully concluded.

The Eagle’s Grubia space shuttle has also begun to return. The remote control state is also completely possible. After all, the first few launches of the space shuttle were not controlled by humans, and the launch and recovery were achieved entirely by remote control.

Under the command of ground remote control, it left the Mir space station and embarked on its return journey.

Any spacecraft that wants to return to the ground has to slow down. After the speed is reduced, it moves close to the center and naturally landed under the gravity of the earth.

The same is true of the current Grubia. Its fuselage adjusts its attitude, its tail nozzle is forward, and flames are ejected. Under the reaction force, the space shuttle starts to decelerate. It is like a flying cannonball reaching its highest point. In that way, the orbit went down and entered the atmosphere at a beautiful angle.

When the spacecraft's return module returns, its strongest base is facing the atmosphere, and when the space shuttle is returning, it is roughly the same. It relies on the solid and flat abdomen to face the atmosphere to slow down, just like turning the belly. Like a fish, the Grubia entered the atmosphere.

NASA is highly nervous at this time. They are afraid of some mistakes. Their observation system has been staring at the returning space shuttle. At this stage of slowing down into the atmosphere, it is the most dangerous.

The space shuttle Grubia entered the atmosphere and the friction generated high temperatures, exceeding 1,400 degrees! The special material under the belly is burning at this time, and the friction temperature is taken away by burning to ensure the safety of the body.

Just in the process of burning, suddenly, at the hit position, the flame rose, and the heat flow rushed in. Under the high temperature of 1400 Baidu, the surging heat flow followed the damaged position and got into the space shuttle, just below. In one second, the space shuttle turned into a big fireball in space!

The target disappeared from the radar screen.

The entire NASA staff were stunned. They watched this incident happen and were helpless. Fortunately, they sent away the astronauts ahead of time. They did not cause a greater disaster, but just lost a spacecraft. It's just an airplane.

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