Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 2524: Just luck

"What? Start emergency procedures immediately, rescue the pilots, find the place where the bomber crashed, and blow up the wreckage. The secrets of this bomber must not be revealed!" Schwapf was going crazy, before dispatching the troops. Some people worry that the B-2 bomber unit has only been formed for two or three years, and the break-in has not been completed. Will it be a problem if it is rushed out?

At that time, no matter what, who knows, I really encountered an accident here!

This is the most advanced stealth bomber in Eagle Country! Compared with it, F117 is in pediatrics, the stealth design, the number of bombs carried, and the electronic equipment on it are all the most advanced, especially the stealth coating on it, which is the cost of the scientific research personnel of Eagle Country. It took a lot of effort to develop it. Although it is very complicated to maintain, it needs to be repainted every time the flight, etc., but the effect is definitely quite good.

If the wreckage is picked up by the date palms, the date palms will definitely be handed over to the Han. After all, the date palms can persist until now. It is the Han’s credit. If the Hans get these materials, the secret is Leaked!

I really didn't expect that the most advanced stealth technology of my own bomber would have accidents. Is it still a mechanical failure this time?

It must be a mechanical failure, otherwise, how could the bombers in other directions complete their missions on time? Did not suffer any interception?

The date palms are really lucky, but my luck is too bad! Admiral Schwapf felt he was about to vomit blood.

"General, the search and rescue team has already been dispatched."

"Blocking this secret and promoting it to the whole world, we dispatched the most advanced stealth bombers and launched a deadly attack on all air bases in the Date Palm Country!" Admiral Schwapf said.

Even if the international deadline for the date palm country is far from coming, it is absolutely unbearable now. It must be confirmed to the world that the Eagle country is capable of winning this war. With its scientific and technological strength, The date palm country is such an indecent country, there is no capital to confront it!

Not long after the order was issued, Admiral Schwapf put a newspaper in front of the front page of the newspaper. The most prominent position was a photo. In the photo, only the B-2 bomber was left. Half of the wings, but the unique W-shaped lines cannot be wrong, that is, the wreckage of the crashed bomber has been found by the date palms!

Of course, this is certain. After all, the location where the bomber crashed was in a densely populated area on the outskirts of the date palm country’s capital. Just after the bomber was knocked down, it was less than two hours before the day broke It has been found. After the bomber landed, it broke into several segments. The wing of this segment was considered the most complete. Then, the trailer was mobilized. When it was dawn, the trailer came over and took a photo. Duan's wing was loaded with a trailer and disappeared from everyone's sight.

This wreck is already maddening, and the text below is even more irritating.

The title of this report is that we have the ability to protect our airspace!

The newspaper is the most famous national-level newspaper in the date palm country. After all, this news must have been leaked from the date palm country first, and then it will be reprinted crazily by major newspapers in the world. Now, the news in the newspaper is absolutely sensational.

The Date Palm Nation shot down an Eagle Nation bomber. This is the most advanced secret bombing of the Eagle Nation. You can see from the structure of the wing that no matter how advanced the Eagle Nation people are, the Date Nation is not afraid!

"Blazing, it's obviously that our bomber has suffered a mechanical failure!" Schwapf said: "Now, it is their credit. They are just lucky."

Schwapf was very depressed, but after this incident, the superiors would never let their bomber be dispatched again. The crash of this bomber caused heavy losses.

Fortunately, the air force of the date palm country must have suffered a lot of energy after this attack.

Air base in the southern part of Date Palm Country.

"Fortunately, we were prepared." Looking at the tragedy of the air force base, everyone present had lingering fears. Reyer looked at the runway with craters everywhere, knowing that it was abandoned.

There are still many bullets that have not been cleared. The power of cluster bombs lies in this. For a long time, this place will become a restricted area. However, they have been prepared long ago. Most of the fighters have been moved away. They established a temporary base on the nearby highway!

This is also thanks to Han, who passed on valuable experience to them. When needed, they could use the expressway as an air force base. When they were constructing expressways in China, they carried out in accordance with Han’s plan. Modified, the highway has become a runway, the bridge hole has become a hangar, and all kinds of facilities are in place, especially those stealth F-14 fighters, which have always been tightly protected. Those are their most precious equipment. It's time to save it until the war really starts.

It’s a pity that the president rejected the suggestion to continue the attack, saying that he wanted to save the army. This made Reyer very uncomfortable. In the war, especially the air force, proactive attack is the most appropriate. Last time, it was established by proactive attack. But now, the president has to wait passively, waiting for the opponent to attack. Is the president frightened by Eagle Country’s crazy revenge?

Reyer shook his head and tried to make this idea disappear from his mind. They must not doubt their wise and powerful president. Now, they have to be confident in the war. With advanced Han weapons, can they still worry about failure?

"By the way, what happened to the two pilots of the bomber that was shot down?" the person next to Reyer asked.

"It is said that they have been caught. It seems to be a decoy to lure the Eagle Nation’s rescue forces into the encirclement."

Reyer smiled. This suggestion was also given to them by the Han people during the training.

Han Guo is really their friend! Especially Qin President, without him, the Date Palm Country would be quite passive now.

"Mr. Qin, as you might have guessed, it is true that the Eagles dispatched more advanced bombers. We have obtained the wreckage and temporarily hide it. When the war is over, we will find a chance to transport it out." At this time, in the office of the North Industries Corporation. Here, Qin Guan received a report from Xiucai.

The feeling of only being able to watch from a distance is uncomfortable, but Qin Guan has no choice now. He can only plan strategizing here.

The only force deployed by our side in the date palm country is the air defense missile force, which is small in scale and is for the second verification.

Now, the results of the verification are very good, even Qin Guan feels that luck is overwhelming, and beat the Yingguoren's B-2!

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