Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 2512: Sub-munition

Although it’s incomparable with the F117’s radar reflection area of ​​0.01 square meters, even 0.1 square meters of reflection area is not enough to trigger ground radars. They just like this, quietly approaching the Eagle Country’s air force base, far away , You can see the bright lights there!

Now, the transportation task of the Eagle Nation's army has not ended. It is not an easy task to transport large quantities of troops from the far shore of the ocean.

It would be great if we had that kind of spaceship!

At this time, the original name of the ground-effect aircraft is forgotten by people. When it comes to this kind of big guy, they will only use one word instead, that is, spacecraft.

That's right, like a ship, it can fly again. What is it not a spacecraft? Seven or eight tanks can be transported at a time, which is a level only available for ships.

However, there is only one such thing, and now, this spaceship is leaving.

Akseleyev is very happy that his invention can be put into practical use. It requires continuous accumulation of data. During this period of flight, a large amount of data has been accumulated, which cannot be solved before.

In the past, there was only a small area for him to fly, and it was impossible to experiment at all. The climate around the world is different and flying under different conditions can make this kind of aircraft truly develop. Now, this opportunity has finally come. Flying all over the world.

Now, the front engine roars and the rumble sound makes people feel shocked. The lift engine of the huge ground-effect aircraft ejects a large amount of airflow, which flows to the rear, forming an additional air cushion, dragging the ground-effect aircraft, Under the condition of loading, it quickly pulled up and disappeared into the sky.

The deafening sound seemed to be roaring non-stop, echoing in everyone’s ears, even General Schwapf couldn’t help but stop and watch. Now, they need this huge spaceship too much, Eagle Country’s technology , Isn't it the number one in the world? Why don't you even have such equipment?

He was very annoyed. Now if there are a hundred of them, all his tank troops will be assembled in place. The arrival of the army will be able to officially start the war.

At this time, a C-5 Galaxy transport plane was taxiing on the runway to take off. If there were no spacecraft, Eagle Country would be very satisfied with big guys like them. This is a super giant. Since it is named Galaxy, it is naturally It's huge, but now, compared with the spacecraft, it's pediatrics.

The huge body outline of the Galaxy transport aircraft moved slowly on the runway. Suddenly, the fuselage shook, and then a huge flame emerged from the middle of the fuselage, rising upward.

"Boom!" The explosion sounded and the fire was soaring on the runway. The transport plane was still rolling forward. Due to the temporary vision, the image of a fire dragon was formed in my mind. The fire dragon just gliding forward, full of weirdness. a feeling of.

The plane had an accident, it must be poorly maintained, **** it! Almost everyone thought this way, but in the next moment, they were stunned.

"Boom, boom!" There were countless explosions around me, as if there were thunders. The power of each explosion was not great, that is, the scale of the grenade, but so many explosions were transmitted together. Come, reverberate around, and immediately lead people into terrible hell.

It's a sub-bomb! Damn, how did they appear? What about the base's air defense radar? At this moment, General Schwapf did not move, but just lay his body down to prevent being injured by the explosion fragments. His heart was full of fear, because he knew the power of the bomb.

Whatever you are afraid of, come here. Just when he got down, he saw a steel ball with the size of a fist and rolled over, and his heart suddenly touched his throat. That's right, it's the mother-and-child bullet!

If the bomb blows up, then he is gone, but he can't move yet because I don't know if there are any nearby!

The steel ball rolled to his side and stayed under his feet. At this moment, he stepped on the door of **** with the same foot. He closed his eyes, and time seemed to stop. He tried to control himself, and now he could not move. If you move, it's even more dangerous!

As he expected, this steel ball-like bomb did not explode. He carefully stepped back, one step, two steps, and at the same time, he also checked whether there was the same steel ball nearby.

At this time, any of his reckless actions may cost him his life.

This kind of sub-munition must have been thrown in the air, and the Patriot missile unit deployed by oneself did not respond at all. What is going on?

Now, there is no time to think about this, nor even time to think about how to retaliate. Now, just how to deal with this problem is giving him a headache.

There were constant explosions all around, and the ground was constantly shaking. Schwapf slowly retreated, and after twenty steps, the steel ball suddenly exploded!

Schwapf suddenly screamed, he felt something got into his arm, where it hurt terribly, and quickly became numb. Fortunately, he didn't see blood pouring out like a fountain, if it was like that. If that happens, he will die.

Sub-munition bombs, the most terrifying weapon, even surpasses thermobaric bombs and air incendiary bombs!

The cluster bomb is also called a cluster bomb. It looks like an ordinary bomb. However, in the body of the bomb, several to hundreds of steel ball-like sub-bombs are installed. After being dropped by the air, the bomb decomposes in the air. In this way, the steel ball-like bullets inside will be scattered, forming a unique surface killing ability.

Sixteen F-14 fighters throw this kind of weapon! It keeps falling from the air, wherever it goes, a mess! After the explosion, there were huge fires everywhere, and the fighter planes on the airport were quickly affected. The fighter planes were originally made of aluminum, and the aviation fuel was easy to burn, so once hit, they would ignite soon. A raging fire.

This is not the most terrible. Those bullets were originally intended to explode. However, due to technical problems, some bullets will not explode after landing, or they were originally deliberate. These bullets have unlocked the fuze and will explode at any time. The venue has become a minefield!

Schwapf didn't dare to move just now, just because he was afraid of stepping on it and being killed. For a long time after the bombing, such unexploded bullets were all very threatening weapons!

Now that there was a hit, the fire trucks at the base started to put out the fire. Just when they rang their siren and rushed up, they suddenly loaded with unexploded bullets, and then they were blown up into the sky!

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