Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 1251: Unsinkable aircraft carrier

Hearing Qin Guan's words, General Zhao immediately stunned, the sea area to the south?

In the past few years, Qin Guan has shown his extraordinary insight and judgment. The projects he promotes have been verified to be correct. He is almost like a prophet, so he takes the silver country. For this war, Qin Guan seemed to really know that they would go to war, so he sold Flying Leopard and C801 to them at all costs. As a result, his weapons became famous and established a reputation all over the world.

This ability of Qin Guan makes people sigh. Now, what Qin Guan said has naturally aroused many associations of General Zhao.

Now, the biggest enemy of the Han nation is the bear nation, and the bear nation is in the north of the Han nation. Therefore, one must deploy its nuclear potential as far as possible to the north to be able to hit the bear nation’s territory, even so. With a range of more than 2,000 kilometers, it still cannot threaten the capital of the bear country, and can only fight their Far Eastern Military Region.

If it is the Far East Military Region, it seems that there is not much difference between deployment in the northern waters and the southern waters, and both are within reach.

But is the enemy only the bear country? If it is deployed in the southern waters, then there are more targets that can be hit in the surrounding area. Many military bases of the Eagle Nation are also within its own absolute strike range.

General Zhao was meditating, but Qin Guan did not interrupt his thoughts. After a while, General Zhao finally recovered from shock and said: "If it is deployed to the southern waters, the hydrological situation there is complicated, and we have not yet large-scale. I have drawn a chart of the land."

"So we have to do it now," Qin Guan said with a smile.

There is a special kind of ship, called scientific research ship, or ocean research ship. This kind of ship, under the banner of investigating the ocean, actually explores the way for submarines.

If a submarine wants to sail underwater, it needs to know all kinds of underwater information, hydrology, seabed conditions, ocean currents, etc., all of which need to be prepared in advance, even several years in advance.

This is especially true in the southern waters, because there are islands and reefs everywhere, the situation is very complicated, and there are some areas that are not deep enough, so some people even say that it is not conducive to the activities of nuclear submarines.

However, it is precisely because of the complicated hydrological situation there that it is easier for the submarine to conceal it. In that sea area, patrol back and forth, and stand up and fight as needed at any time!

Who are you hitting? It's enough to hit the white elephant country and the base of the eagle country.

Qin Guan didn't treat the Xiong country as an enemy at all. Don't look at the Xiong country's aggressiveness now, but the Xiong country is already dying. The future threat to the Han country is not the bear country, but the eagle country!

Don’t look at the test firing of underwater ballistic missiles now, but this is just a conventional submarine launch. When the ballistic missile nuclear submarine is built and put into service, it was all in 1988. At that time, was there a threat to the bear country? ?

The threat has become the West.

At the same time, Qin Guan mentioned the southern waters, far away from the mainland of the motherland, which is a common tactic used by many national forces when interfering in Han's internal affairs, and they do things in that waters.

But now, while there is still calm, quickly make a fact, tightly protect the place, frighten the surrounding countries, and prevent them from moving.

"However, if you get there, it is not easy to be protected by our aviation." General Zhao said.

The coastline there is long and long, and there is still a lack of aerial tankers in the country. The navy has only the Flying Leopard fighter-bombers that can fly farther, which is beyond reach. Once one's own submarine is searched and driven back and forth by the navy of other countries, how should one strengthen it? ?

"Yes, so, I suggest that we find a suitable island and reef in the southern waters, reclaim the sea and build land, create an artificial airport, and a naval base." Qin Guan said: "Usually only a small number of aircraft are deployed. Under certain circumstances, it can become our key base at any time and become our unsinkable aircraft carrier in the southern waters."

Qin Guan's words made General Zhao feel that something was tumbling quickly deep in his heart.

An unsinkable aircraft carrier!

Now, the country's economic strength determines that it is impossible to make huge investments in the military. If the Navy wants to build an aircraft carrier, it can only be thought about, and it is impossible to get state support.

In the southern waters, the country seriously lacks the necessary means of force to maintain stability there. It would be different if a military base can be established on the islands and reefs there to take off and land aircraft.

Even if the flying leopard has a long voyage, it is better to directly deploy there and respond quickly. Combine the flying leopard and C801, and see who dares to move around? Whoever stabbed him, beat him up!

It is really a great idea to reclaim the sea to build land and use islands and reefs to build bases.

Of course, Qin Guan didn't have a big brain, because in that parallel time and space, Han did just that.

Although it has been Han's territory since ancient times, it is obviously impossible to say it only. Actual action is necessary. After Han's economic strength, it began to continuously reclaim the sea and make land in that part of the sea. .

If it is transported back and forth from the mainland, it is naturally quite costly. Therefore, it is very expensive to obtain materials on the spot, directly excavate locally, dig up some seabed rocks and so on, transport them, gradually pile up, and slowly build up Up.

Although the country's economic strength is not yet strong, there is still no big problem with sending a few ships over to expand the islands and reefs. It depends on whether there is such a determination.

Find a suitable place there, build a base, radiate to all surrounding countries, deter them, and at the same time protect your own waterways, protect your own territorial waters, and protect your future nuclear submarines.

Built in this way, it is a low-cost aircraft carrier with a three-kilometer runway, and a large transport aircraft can also take off and land, and it is even more effortless to replenish it.

In later generations, Han was called an infrastructural madman. Infrastructure projects of this level were all pediatrics. As for now, domestic construction equipment has gradually begun to develop towards mechanization, which can also promote the domestic The development of the construction industry.

After Qin Guan's introduction, General Zhao's eyes continued to radiate light. Yes, this is forward-looking. It must be prepared at least five years in advance. From now on, it is also for the 1990s.

"President Qin, your proposal is good, and we will respond solemnly to the superior." General Zhao said.

Just after speaking, I saw a sailor coming: "Report, it's time for the submarine routine communication."

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