Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 1241: Anti-missile interceptor

This sentence left Rafael speechless.

Originally, what Rafael said they bought by themselves, of course, said casually. It was just a transfer. The real buyer was Rainbow Country.

Moreover, this project must be top secret, and it must not be known to a third party. Even if the Chinese state knows, they will not say anything in the future, unless they don't want to export fighters.

After all, the Rainbow Nation is subject to international sanctions. If you directly export weapons to the Rainbow Nation, you will be cursed by various people. Rafael does not want to take this risk.

In this case, how could they go to Eagle Country to buy the F404 engine?

If I ran to buy it, wouldn't it be exposed? Bought a large number of engines, but they were useless? In the end, a large number of airplanes suddenly appeared in Rainbow Country, all of which were equipped with this kind of engine. Once the incident spread, everyone knew what was going on.

So, no, absolutely no. But now that Qin Guan said so, he really couldn't refute it, how should he answer?

He couldn't say that they didn't buy it, it was handed over to Rainbow Nation, and he couldn't deny that they couldn't buy the F404 engine.

"It is said that you Davidians are the smartest businessmen in the world." Qin Guan said, "I think, if you think of a way, you will definitely be able to buy this engine, as long as you buy this engine. , We don’t need to change other projects. We can directly produce it for you. Next year, you will almost be able to receive this type of fighter. Now our factory is gradually increasing its production capacity. There are hundreds of them in production."

You have to pull them up!

The Davidians are the most proficient in business. They have various close relationships with senior government officials in the Eagle Country. It can be said that they can definitely buy what they want, even if they are secretly trading. It is also available.

In this way, I pulled the Davidians, and waited until the Rainbow Nation incident happened in the future, it was not our own relationship. The fighters exported by our side were sold to the Davidians, but the Davidians sold it to the Rainbow Nation. Let alone. Just look at the engine.

How could Han Guo get the original F404 engine?

"This is our fastest and most suitable way." Qin Guan said to Rafael: "Since you are here, I still have some ideas. I don't know if you are interested."

It’s impossible to make this project clear all at once. They want to buy engines, what excuses, and so on, they will definitely have to spend a long time in Eagle Country, and they can’t decide it all at once.

But now, since the other party is here, if you don't fool them with some other projects, how can you? This time, you can't let them come in vain.

When Qin Guan said that he had other ideas, the two of them immediately became interested. Graça said: "Is there any project, please explain to Qin."

"This time, in the Beta Valley, I saw your rockets, they were amazing."

When Qin Guan said that, both of them smiled. That's right, the general Lin of Han was a genius. He gave such a bad idea to the ground-to-air missile force and caused great losses to his own air force. The rocket troops were all ready, and they used long-range rockets to kill their anti-aircraft firepower in the Beta Valley, otherwise, I really don't know how to fight.

"Mr. Qin, I'm sorry," Graça said.

"So, have you ever thought about how to deal with enemy rockets?"

When Qin Guan asked, the two looked at each other, the enemy's rocket? Does the enemy have rockets? We use fighter planes to blast the enemy's rocket troops first. Isn't that enough?

"I found that there is a short leg in the army of the Kingdom of David." Qin Guan said: "Your air force is very strong, but your surface-to-air missile force is very weak, so weak that it can be ignored."

That's for sure, we have a strong air force, isn't that enough? What more ground-to-air missiles? Didn't these several battles all explain the weakness of the surface-to-air missile force?

"You probably already know that several countries around you have deployed Scud missiles. Can you intercept the Scud missiles by fighter planes?" Qin Guan continued.

Hearing Qin Guan's words, everyone was stunned. Yes, it is really possible. Several nearby countries have begun to deploy Scuds. Once these missiles are launched on their own land, what should they do?

There must be a defensive method, and this method is really a ground-to-air missile.

However, using surface-to-air missiles to intercept missiles is too difficult, right?

Both of them are not outfielders and businessmen. Both of them have strong technical backgrounds. Naturally, they know how difficult it is to intercept missiles with missiles.

The MiG-25, only flying at Mach 3, few missiles can intercept it, while the speed of a ballistic missile is several Mach.

"This kind of interception is very difficult. It may take many years of development before it can bear fruit. However, if you want to ensure your complete safety, this technology must be developed by hands. If you are interested, we may We can work together," Qin Guan said.

Intercepting ballistic missiles is of course quite technically difficult. At the same time, Qin Guan also knows that the first anti-missile system in the world was developed by the people of David.

This is their "Arrow" type anti-missile system. It is the world's first experimental and actual deployment of high-level anti-tactical ballistic missile special surface-to-air missile weapon system, mainly used to intercept short- and medium-range tactical ballistic missiles.

The development of arrow missiles began in 1986. At that time, the Eagle State and David State signed a memorandum to jointly invest in the development of arrow missiles. Its combat targets were the Scud, Hussein, and Frog equipped by neighboring countries at that time. Type short-range ballistic missile.

These years passed. In August 1990, David State tested the first Arrow-1 anti-missile missile, which is a two-stage solid missile. It was unsuccessful. After 9 test firings, the Kingdom of David stopped the development of the Arrow-1 missile, and instead developed a smaller, faster, and more lethal Jian-2 missile.

The first test firing of the Arrow-2 took place on July 30, 1995. But the real major breakthrough in the development of arrow missiles came on November 1, 1999. On the same day, the Jian-2 missile conducted its first interception test and successfully intercepted a target bomb that simulated "Scud". In this way, the Kingdom of David became the first country in the world to successfully develop, build and use an anti-missile system.

More than ten years have passed. This system has finally matured, and at the same time, Eagle Country has also begun to develop their TMD and NMD.

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