Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 1229: Way of the Kingdom of David

Use anti-aircraft missiles to intercept rockets?

Objectively speaking, rockets are much easier to intercept than ballistic missiles. After all, ballistic missiles fall from the top of the head with a small arc, while rockets are similar to artillery shells. When they fly over, they have a large arc. At the same time, The speed of the rocket is not high.

Interception is possible, but it is a question of whether it is worth it or not.

After all, the cost of rockets is low, and the cost of interceptors is high. If you want to intercept rockets, you pay at least ten times the price.

Therefore, from the perspective of the whole world, no one has used their brains to engage in air defense missiles that intercept rockets.

If anything, it is the iron dome interception system developed by David's own people, which is mainly used to intercept rockets such as "Katyusha" and "Kazan" with a range of 5 to 70 kilometers. The whole system consists of radar, control system, and transmitter. In actual combat, these three independent parts are deployed in different places with an interval of more than 20 kilometers.

After all, the rocket attacks faced by the people of David are the most frequent. They are already suffering. At the same time, their air defense system is a complete system, including the "iron dome" defense used to intercept short-range rockets. The system includes the "David Slingshot" system for medium and long-range rockets and the "Arrow" missile defense system for long-range missiles.

Except for the Kingdom of David, no other country has thought of doing this. Because the country of David is small and densely populated, the kind of artificially welded rockets made by indigenous methods may cause harm to the Kingdom of David.

Therefore, there is no need for development of this system, and even less for Han. If the enemy can launch rockets close to the city, the country’s powerful army would have killed the opponent long ago, not even the army, the city management This task can be completed.

Qin Guan is not interested in this, and he has no plans to invest in this aspect.

"We don't have this need for intercepting rockets. As for intercepting ballistic missiles, the technology is too difficult. We will have to work for several years." Qin Guan said.

When the ballistic missile falls, the speed is several Mach, and the long-range one is dozens of Mach. This brings great challenges to the response time of the interception system. The technology of this era is still immature.

Even in later generations, in order to pursue unilateral security, the Eagles developed the national ballistic missile defense system. This is still only in theory. The warhead of the ballistic missile that penetrates into the ballistic missile can be changed once. The defense system is playing round and round, it is not easy to intercept.

As for the theater interception, it is still possible. In later generations, the S-300 system will already have this interception capability. Qin Guan knows that there is no need to worry about this. Now he only has standard-1 type air defense missiles, which has just been solved. Whether there is a problem, it will take time to develop to the standard -3 level.

Suddenly, Qin Guan thought of something, his face changed drastically.

"What's wrong, President Qin?" General Lin asked.

A wry smile appeared on Qin Guan's face: "Today, the Rose Country's air defense missile position was destroyed. For us, it is actually lucky."

lucky? Can't talk about this, right? The people present were very strange, and Qin Guan was already explaining: "Everyone, if the people of David suffered a loss today, what means would they use?"

In order to win, they use all kinds of methods, which are omnipotent. For example, they used rocket launchers to kill these missile positions. If the rocket launchers did not work, what weapons could the Davidians use?

General Lin had already thought of something, he shuddered instantly, wouldn't he?

Other people also thought of it one after another, Xiang Jing said: "If the people of David dare to use it like this, aren't they afraid of condemnation from the whole world?"

"There is something they can't do." Qin Guan said: "As for the international condemnation, now, David's countryman has seized a good opportunity."

The timing chosen by the people of David's country is very clever. They have long looked at the north of the country as unpleasant, but they have been forbearing it until now, because the opportunity now is good.

The bear country is caught in the quagmire of the war of the mountain country and cannot extricate itself. At this time, it is obviously impossible for the people of the bear country to open more war modes. You must know that the biggest war of the bear country comes from Western Europe, and there is no need to be here. What's up.

As for the Eagle Nation, the Eagle Nation has always been very tolerant to the David Nation. Since the Eagle Nation came out of the quagmire of the Monkey Nation's war, it was covered with sorrows. It would not start the war easily at all, and at most it would be sanctions Yes, a few years have passed and nothing has happened.

Other countries, headed by Niu, have just finished this naval battle, and they have not yet caught their breath. At this time, who else can control David's country?

The Kingdom of David is confident.

Thinking of the possible actions of the Kingdom of David, everyone shuddered.

What will David do? Of course they use their Jericho missiles!

The advantage of ballistic missiles is that they have a long range and are not easily intercepted. Therefore, many countries in the region have begun to develop ballistic missiles.

For example, the date palm country introduced Xiong’s Scud missiles, and now under the guidance of technical experts from the Han country, the two have been combined and the range has doubled.

The ballistic missiles of the Parthian Kingdom were also developed on the basis of the Scud missiles, and at the same time, they are also exported. For example, the ballistic missiles of the Rose Kingdom were developed on the basis of their missiles.

The Kingdom of David also wants to develop, but due to the complex technology of ballistic missiles, the Kingdom of David is unable to complete the research and development alone.

Fortunately, the Kingdom of David takes advantage of its backing to the Western camp, and can always find a partner that can be used. In particular, the Eagle State has imposed severe sanctions and suppression on the development of strategic weapons including ballistic missiles by the third world countries, while it has adopted a conniving attitude towards the development of ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons by the State of David.

The Eagle Nation is not against their own attitude. They did not directly assist the David Nation ballistic missile technology. David Nation obtained it through the Chicken Nation.

In 1963, the two countries signed an agreement, stipulating that the chicken country GAMD company will develop a short-range ballistic missile with a range of 300-500 kilometers based on its MD-620. This plan is called the "700 Project" and includes the design and production of missiles, the construction of a test field, and the construction of a missile storage site in Sacharia. The entire project budget is as high as 860 million eagle yuan.

This missile, known as "Jerico"-1 in the State of David, began to be equipped with troops in 1971.

If there are only ballistic missiles, it is not terrible. Because only a single inertial guidance system is used and the technology is rough, the missile is not accurate enough, and the circular probability error is 1,000 meters.

Its biggest feature is that it can carry 450-800 kilograms of conventional high-explosive warheads or a 20,000-ton nuclear warhead.

That's right, ballistic missiles must be combined with nuclear weapons to have deterrence!

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