Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 1226: The battle begins again

For the Kingdom of David, this day is definitely a proud day for them. A few years ago, they were so severely beaten by the Sam-6 missile that some military observers unceremoniously said that Aunt Sam went to the sky, Sam Uncle landed, they held back this tone for several years.

Now, Uncle Sam’s equipment finally beats Aunt Sam down. To everyone, it feels very proud. They are now spreading this message to the world. They have killed 19 Sam-6s. The missile company also shot down 82 Roseland aircraft, and they themselves did not have any losses!

I opened my eyes and said nonsense. In the daytime, everyone saw that the fighter jets of the rose country were beaten down. Yes, the generation difference has an advantage, but there is not enough advantage to be able to lose nothing. This is too mysterious. Up.

The Kingdom of David desperately needs such a myth.

"You don't need to puncture them." Qin Guan said with a smile: "Keep our evidence. By the way, the photos are not enough. It's best to use video to record all the surrounding environment so that they can't deny it. HD. Video."

In the future, if the people of David’s country come to protest to themselves and say that they are helping the Rose Kingdom and pose a threat to them, then these evidences can be brought out. If you say ours is not, we can also expose your lies. This is a good excuse.

In the last naval battle, the country of Niu was hated by the country of Niu. In this air battle, the country of David was unhappy again, and perhaps their Lao Tzu, the country of Eagle, would do it.

Qin Guan thought to himself in his heart.

I spent this night in my sleep. When the sky lit up again, everyone set out the tools again. Xiang Jing was holding a high-definition camera with an external power supply, waiting to record the next hot scene. Yesterday Why didn't you think of these when

General Lin was even more excited. Has the air defense force of Rose Nation been arranged according to his own plan? Today, can you knock down the plane from the Kingdom of David?

He was looking forward to it.

In the sky, there was a rumbling sound, and an F-4 ghost fighter flew over from the other side of the valley.

What is going on in the kingdom of David? Qin Guan was very strange. Yesterday, David was so cautious in his actions. First, he used a large number of drones. After the radar on the ground was turned on, he started to use F-4 ghosts to launch Mozillas. But today ? Just used the F-4 ghost fighter?

This is unbelievable. Are they lure the ground radar to turn on? Then why not use drones directly like yesterday?

Qin watched the plane flying towards the valley in a magnificent manner, getting closer and closer, getting closer, and suddenly, he understood something.

Yesterday’s indiscriminate bombing caused all the air defense missile forces here to become ashes. The people of David’s country are not gods. In their eyes, they should feel that the ground air defense missile forces of the Rose country have been blown up. The empty place here is their meal, right?

David's countrymen fought a big victory, naturally there is a reason for pride.

The other party flew closer and closer. Suddenly, the plane seemed to realize something. It turned in the air and the flames at the tail were clearly visible. It opened the afterburner and wanted to run out.

Want to run? Where is it so easy! On the ground, a puff of white smoke rushed into the sky. The ramjet of the Sam-6 missile was very fast, and it immediately came into contact with the F-4 ghost. A huge fireball appeared in the sky. The pilots of the opposing team had not had time to eject before they were enveloped in the fireball.

There were cheers in the entire Beta Valley. Yesterday they were beaten and disabled. Today, they finally won the battle and killed an enemy plane!

However, their cheers are too early, after all, the battle has just begun!

Just two minutes after the F-4 ghost was shot down, there were more buzzing noises in the sky. A plane had flown over the Beta Valley. Their arrival represented the beginning of the battle. !

At this time, compared with before, a lot of changes have taken place. Around the Beta Valley, on the peaks and in the wilderness, there are countless people holding binoculars and watching the sky.

Visual air defense is the oldest method. This method has been used since the emergence of aircraft. In World War II, in order to defend the capital, Niu State mobilized a large number of personnel to conduct visual search for enemies. Machine task. But later, radar appeared, and the technology of radar continued to develop. Up to now, visual air defense has almost disappeared. Now, Rose Country has been used again. They used visual air defense and the oldest wired telephone. Communication, just like this, their intelligence is constantly reported to Ishak’s air defense command.

"It's a drone, not a fighter jet."

"No fighters were found!"

Sure enough, just like yesterday, the drone was dispatched first, planning to use the drone to lure oneself into firing? Ishak sneered: "Order the troops, don't turn on the radar without my order!"

As long as the radar is turned on, its position will be exposed. Following that, a large number of fighters will arrive with anti-radiation missiles. They are now waiting for the opportunity!

Quietly in the Beta Valley, the downed F-4 ghost was still burning on the ground. In the sky, an unmanned reconnaissance plane was flying, seeming to find the trace below, but nothing was found.

Finally, the nation of David couldn't help it. In the sky, there was a huge rumbling roar, one after another F-4 ghost fighter planes, carrying the Mozu, rushed out from the valley.

When they meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. Now, even if they don't have a drone to attract fire and find the target, they themselves firmly believe that they can rely on their quick eyes and quick hands to kill the radar car on the ground first.

That's right, this is a contest between warriors. When the opponent locks them, they also lock the target. Everyone fires together, even if the Sam-6 flies up to the front, as long as the opponent's radar is killed, that Sam- 6 missiles are blind.

When these ghost fighters flew over the mountain, finally, the battle began again.

Ishak looked at the map, heard what the visual observer said, and shouted loudly: "Turn on the radar and kill the Davidians!"

Break the wings of David! Everyone was extremely excited. The radar cars were finally turned on, and electromagnetic waves scanned the sky. When the ground was finally started, the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft in the sky also detected the target and sent these target coordinates. go back.

Fight, start!

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