Super Floating City

Chapter 3: Catastrophe three

The surrounding scenery gradually changed from desert to barren Gobi.

It's as if Stephen is watching other people, and others are watching him as well.

As Taring 1 slowly scanned, Stephen also collected a small amount of specific data about the planet. The energy of Taling 1 is currently lacking, and the scanning ability has been reduced to the initial level again. Stephen has to find a way to restore its energy in the future.

This world is a little strange.

First, it seems that all people have a certain amount of spiritual power.

Psionics is a very peculiar force. There are many kinds of titles, and it is widely called ‘Phantom’ in the astral world. This is a kind of power that everyone can get in theory, but the premise of all is to have a strong mind. Not all psionic powers can be used to fight, and Stephen also has good psionic powers, but he has a hard time using psionic powers to cast spells, perhaps after the divine power of the feather snake **** is fully integrated with him. Test again.

Many weak psionics are an auxiliary ability.

The most common are mental concentration, self-hypnosis, psionic insight, etc. These are actually very simple auxiliary psionics that can strengthen a person's various abilities.

A true psionic spellcaster needs a huge amount of foundation, which is to be able to interfere with reality with the mind.

Steven feels the breath of psionic power in almost everyone, but all of them have weak psionic power, that is, there is no way to cast spells at all, and it is only possible to gain a little passive blessing of psionic power through practice. This kind of characteristic generally appears in the astral race. Only creatures active in the astral world will be born with psionic power. The specific reason will have to wait for Stephen to analyze it later.


The most troublesome thing, Stephen discovered that the world seems to be [Barren Magical Region], and is gradually transforming into [Depleted Magical Region].

[Barren Magic Area] The power of the elements is very rare. It may be that the passages of the four elemental planes have been blocked by ancient evils. In the entire planet, the wizard's difficulty in casting spells will increase by 50%, and the power of casting spells will decrease by 50%. Any spell casting requires a higher concentration judgment, otherwise the spell may fail due to the barrenness of external elemental energy. In such an environment, it is almost difficult to give birth to new wizards on the entire planet, and even the number of other casters will be greatly reduced. Steven estimates that this may be because the star of death omen has swallowed the vitality of the moon.

This is a planet that is gradually dying!

If the caster who changed to the Arcane Empire came here, I am afraid that the whole person will be abolished by half, but the aboriginal wizard is slightly better, because they are using their inner power when casting, they devour the elemental energy into the body to cast the spell. .

But under the environment of this planet, the speed of their recovery of mana will also drop by more than half.

The entire planet has reached the brink of collapse. If it further becomes a [depleted magic area], then the environment of the moon will be irreversibly changed.

"No wonder I recovered so slowly!" Stephen murmured secretly.

Xuanyue's ecological environment has basically collapsed. Conventional animals and plants are hardly visible on this planet. Those who can survive are terrible deformed variants, some of which are more difficult to deal with than monsters. On the way, they encountered a huge vulture, with wings about seven or eight meters long. There were strange sarcomas and tentacles between the feathers on the body. The bird pecks and claws looked like metal sharp. It should have been the overlord of the sky, but now it survives by hunting scarlet devil eyes. A large number of consuming monsters has caused its body to undergo an irreversible reversal, and the mutation of the demon has been induced more thoroughly.

Many times, the surviving creatures on this planet will be more terrible than monsters!


There was a burst of cheers from the team, and then everyone stepped up.

Stephen felt the breath of the wind!

Active wind elements wandered around him, but they did not fly too far away. They were sheltered here by some kind of power, and the extremely hot breath was reduced a lot.

"finally come back!"

"It's better to stay here, it's so hot outside!"

When seeing a canyon in the distance, everyone couldn't help but breathe. Many people's bodies changed a little bit, and their closed pores expanded slightly. This is a kind of cultivation of the body to a certain degree. Things done. On the way, Stephen also saw some other teams, and they would greet each other and ask about their casualties. Each team has some camel beasts, these big guys are called camel beasts, a kind of mixed subspecies earth dragon. Their biggest advantage is that they can eat and drink at a stretch for about half a month.

"I felt the breath of the feather snake god!" Stephen suddenly looked away in surprise.

The entrance to the canyon is small.

The sand and rocks outside are dark red. They are dried flesh and blood, and there are countless corpses next to them. Some skeletons are incredibly large, and I don't know what kind of monsters have attacked here.

A solid city wall over thirty meters high appeared in front of us.

The wall built entirely of obsidian is dark red, and blood has penetrated into the deepest part.

There are some heavily armed guards on the city walls, many of which are half-giants. They are descendants of the Vrykul, giants and humans, and the remnants of the northern Now their homes have been already The ancient demon swallowed, and the survivors followed the monastery to migrate here.

The Vrykul are very recognizable.

They looked somewhat similar to the Normans, their limbs were very sturdy and burly, and their height was about two meters two, but the width can reach more than one meter two.

These are some powerful warriors!

Occasionally, the traces of elves can be seen, but they have long lost the rumored grace and calmness. On these elves, they can only see fatigue and wind and frost, as if they were wandering for a long time.

With indifference and tenacity, they maintained a little pride.

After entering the Fengling Canyon, a group of people felt the gentle breeze blowing away, taking away the heat and fatigue from them.

This is an oasis in a canyon!

Stephen can see the large low-rise shacks and a strange building in the distance. In the center, there is a huge circular platform suspended, and a pale golden feather snake is sleeping in the open wings. His divine power continually emanates, and the power that governs the wind encases the entire canyon.

"Miss Hagi!"

"Master Hagi!"

"Sister Miss is back!..."

Along the way, some people bowed towards the girl. She always responded with a gentle smile. The other people in the team showed pride. From time to time, they cut off a piece of sandworm meat and handed it to the ragged civilians next to them. A large group of blue-yellow children surrounded the girl. The girl smiled and touched their heads, and then put some food into the children's small hands.

Stephen watched all this with surprise.

He saw a lot of emotions from these people along the way, but only one of them was missing.

That emotion is called-[Despair]!


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