Super Dragon King Clone

Text Chapter 79 Tragic encounter

Hearing Li Wanhao's question, Hailong shrugged and said helplessly: You have forgotten what I did before. Didn't I sell crabs at the entrance of the village? These ladies were my main customers. Whenever After I caught more than ten crabs from the Devil's Sea, I set up a stall at the entrance of the village. When these ladies drove by, as long as they saw me there, they would get out of the car and buy my crabs, and they never negotiated the price with me. .

They buy all the crabs in Devil's Sea for RMB 300 each. I can make thousands of dollars in a day through them, and more than two hundred thousand dollars in a month. I made my first pot of gold through them. Come.

Unexpectedly, there is such a relationship. Seeing dozens of women across from him, Li Wanhao patted Hailong on the shoulder and laughed, and said quietly: I originally wanted to pave the way for you, but I didn't expect that you and them have established such a long-standing relationship. With a good relationship, it seems that you will be able to establish yourself in Donghai City very quickly without my help.

Hailong did not expect to meet this group of eldest ladies here, and said helplessly: I also did not expect that these eldest ladies have such noble status and backgrounds that they can attend your banquet in the main hall.

Li Wanhao smiled and said mysteriously to Hailong: The lowest status among these women is also the wife of the chairman of a group company. The most noble one, the one at the beginning, is Su Xiaomei, the wife of the Secretary of the Donghai Municipal Party Committee. Don't be too petty. Look at their energy, when they gather together, they are even scarier than an old man like me.

Hailong asked curiously: Then the wife of the Donghai City Party Committee Secretary is more noble than the wives of the chairman of the board.

Li Wanhao said mysteriously: That's because my status is more noble. I will tell you more about it later. Let's continue to toast. Hailong nodded.

For Su Xiaomei, the wife of the municipal party committee secretary of Donghai City, Su Xiaomei, who has just turned 35, is when she is at her most noble and glamorous. She goes in and out of various social circles. She will always be the woman who attracts the most attention. If it is normal, She had received an invitation from a certain chairman's wife to attend a party. She would definitely dress up and enter the party, but Su Xiaomei did not want to attend the dinner today.

Because something happened at home recently, Su Xiaomei needed to be careful about it, but her husband said that Li Wanhao might be able to help solve some of the problems, so Su Xiaomei decided to attend this dinner.

Su Xiaomei, who was sitting boredly, chatted with the wives of the chairman around them about home affairs, waiting for the dinner to end so that she and her husband could go to Li Wanhao for help. However, when Li Wanhao brought When a big boy stood in the center of the stage, Su Xiaomei suddenly felt that this big boy looked familiar.

At this time, I heard the wife of a certain chairman next to me say uncertainly: Is this little brother the one who often sells us crabs at the beach?

Hearing people around her say this, Su Xiaomei suddenly remembered that when Li Wanhao introduced him just now, he said that this person's name was Hailong. At that time, she was curious and thought, there are so many people named Hailong in Donghai City. My crab's little brother actually has the same name. Unexpectedly, the two are actually the same person.

Since Hailong has always asked Liu Yongan to be responsible for selling crabs, Hailong has not been to the rich area for several months. Su Xiaomei and others miss that sunny and handsome boy very much.

I remember that under the afterglow of the setting sun, I and others were desperately trying to buy the last basket of crabs from Hailong at the entrance of the village, but Hailong was determined not to sell them to him and others. The reason was to replenish his mother's health. When I think of Hailong's condition at that time, Su Xiaomei couldn't help but laugh at the cute expression, and her eyes when looking at Hailong became more gentle. She couldn't help but think in her heart, how much more worry-free it would be if there was a child like Hailong.

Gradually, other women also discovered Hailong, so they gathered together and began to discuss every detail of Hailong, especially the silly expression on Hailong's face when he first started selling crabs, which made everyone laugh.

Su Xiaomei couldn't help but laugh, thinking that this might be the only thing that made her happy recently.

Not long after, Li Wanhao came to the group of women while he was toasting with Hailong. They hadn't seen each other for several months. These women missed Hailong very much. On the one hand, it was because Hailong's simplicity in those days left a lot of impression on them. They were deeply impressed, especially that Hailong would rather not sell the money but take crabs back to replenish his mother's health. This made everyone feel that the other thing was that these people had been with Hailong for several months and had formed a deep bond. Apart from the unfamiliar period at the beginning, after they became familiar with each other, everyone asked Hailong to directly call her sister, and everyone also called her brother. It was very close.

Being able to meet again here today, many noble ladies abandoned the etiquette and restraint that should be expected at the banquet. They threw Li Wanhao aside and gathered around Hailong. Hailong also missed these sisters very much. They were them in the beginning. He helped himself earn enough money. If he hadn't met them, Hailong would not have earned enough money for revenge so quickly.

But as soon as I approached to say hello, I was surrounded by this group of women, and each of them had an expression on their face that they had not seen her for a long time and that they missed her very much. Before Hailong could react, they all rushed forward. Hailong had never seen such a scene before. He was surrounded by dozens of women. One pinched Hailong's face, another rubbed Hailong's head. The most outrageous thing was that Hailong In my arms.

From time to time, some women would pull her into their arms and rub her hard, with her face buried in the other's chest. She would smell the other's perfume and feel the softness, which made Hailong very embarrassed. But these guys were crazy about playing. How could a woman care about this? Su Xiaomei also joined the ranks of bullying Hailong.

Li Wanhao had been watching with interest. Many men in the banquet hall also recognized Hailong, because many times, these chairman of the board would accompany their wives to Hailong to buy crabs, especially in the beginning. , knew that Hailong brought few crabs every day, so they helped their wives or mothers who wanted to try them to buy crabs, so they got to know Hailong.

Especially when Hailong first started selling crabs, the second person who came to buy crabs was a middle-aged man who looked like a civil servant. The super eloquent civil servant comrade forced Hailong, who was determined not to sell crabs, to raise his hand. Surrendering, Crab offered it with both hands, looking at the extra few thousand dollars in his hands with tears in his eyes, listening to the man's hearty laughter, and helplessly watching the man drive away in his car. Hilong still hasn't figured out who suffered the loss and who took advantage.

This person is Li Zhenggang, the first secretary of the Donghai Municipal Party Committee Office, who is just over 40 years old. Not only this person, but also many people who recognized Hailong also came to watch the fun. A banquet of this level, this level of banquet Identity, such funny scenes rarely happen anymore.

At first, everyone was very angry. What are you doing? You women are so disrespectful to us at this level of banquet. What are you talking about one by one? But when everyone who knew Hailong found out that he was being bullied. When it was Hailong, he was no longer angry, and was explaining the reasons for the matter to his acquaintances. Hailong, who had not been in the wealthy area for several months, had long made these elder sisters deeply resentful.

When other people learned what happened, they all laughed and looked at Hailong with interest, who was bullied by the group of women.

Helong had never thought that women had such a ferocious side. At this time, Helong only had one thought in his mind. Mature women are so scary. The clothes that he was bullied by these sisters have disappeared. There are tens of thousands of Versaces. , just disappeared. Hailong could only hold on to his shirt tightly and not let go, otherwise he would not be able to keep his shirt. His face had been pinched by countless people, his head had been rubbed by countless people, and his hair was as messy as a chicken coop.

Fortunately, the waistband of his pants was tight, so no one pulled his pants down. Hailong begged for mercy and said, Sisters, I was wrong. Stop bullying me.

I thought that if I apologized, these sisters would stop, but Su Xiaomei raised her eyebrows and said angrily: If you don't come to see us for a few months, how can I still be your sister if I don't take care of you today? Sister Everyone, don't be polite, come together. Hailong was speechless, helplessly drowned in countless women again, watching Li Wanhao getting further and further away from him, just as Hailong asked for help, he saw Li Wanhao hand him a helpless expression.

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