With a core core of Earth Core Realm great accomplishment, Ye Xuan can get eight points to devour the crystal. If it is replaced by crystal stone, it is 80,000 Top Grade crystal stone, which is equivalent to one hundred pieces of medium-grade device.

“Wait, Great Elder has seen the Bible before, that is, she has already come out. It is hard to say that when Father once came to see her, she remained a lot of good things?”

Ye Xuan suddenly had this idea in his heart, but he didn’t think much more. Since he said it was too elder, he would open.

“Okay, then I will say it.”

Ye Xuan brewed a bit of heart, saying: “Hundred thousand top grade crystal stone of Earth Core Realm great accomplishment, 30,000 of Earth Core Realm small accomplishment, 5,000 of Earth Core Realm. Two thousand of Human Core Realm great accomplishment Three hundred of Human Core Realm small accomplishment, first entered Human Core Realm…”

“The first time I entered Human Core Realm, I sent it.” The elder complexion was too heavy, secretly said in one’s heart Ye Xuan. It was really Lion’s big opening.

“Good, white!”

Ye Xuan nodded generously and agreed: “Do you trade now?”

“You wait for me for a while…” As the elder said, he left.

Looking at the direction of his departure, Ye Xuan’s guess was also definitely too elder, it should be to find Great Elder Lin Wenyue.

“It seems that Father still has a little affection for Great Elder. Remaining a lot of good things, but why not take it out early and go to Central prefecture to buy weapon martial art?”

Ye Xuan is very puzzled.

Eight years ago, when Ye Chong left the Profound Yang Empire, it was already Divine Soul, so when he came to Approaching Heaven Prefecture, it was naturally the same.

These Profound beast inner cores are very valuable to Divine Core Realm, but for Ye Chong in Divine Soul, I am afraid it is just a glimpse.

“Great Elder seclusion for more than a decade, it should be because you don’t want to break the four major domains. And so, seclusion…”

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan’s eyes suddenly shouted.

“The Great Elder’s realm may have been broken into Heaven Core Realm or Divine Soul.”

He groaned in his heart and remembered another thing.

When he was in the green land, he sold the middleware to the elder. At that time, he was very confident in the eyes of the elder. Those who were not afraid of Sky Origin Sect got the Chinese products and shot them. .

Now think about it, it must be that the Great Elder is secretly following.

“It turned out to be the case. Unfortunately, if Great Elder took the shot, the lapis lazuli might be ours. I might be able to break through to Heaven Core Realm or even Divine Soul.”

Ye Xuan reveals a helpless expression. The high man is a high-ranking person. After seclusion for more than ten years, his mood is beyond the scope of the average person. A large celestite with a big fist is unmoved.

Of course, it is also possible that Great Elder can’t see it.

Soon, the elder is coming back.

Ye Xuan has long been calculated, about sixty 70,000 Top Grade crystal stone, which eliminates the fraction of seven hundred Top Grade crystal stones.

“Wow haha, devour the crystal more than one hundred, cool!”

When Ye Xuan took the crystal stone, the whole person was cool.

Sixty 70,000 Top Grade crystal stone, if all swallowed, it is sixty-seven points to devour the crystal, plus his original thirty-five points, reaching one hundred and two.

Now he has the money to raise the Physique Bloodline, Battle Bloodline, and Assisted Bloodline to the top-level. However, realm is still far from it.

“Well? That kind of taking, can increase the medicinal pill of the refining inner core a hundred times?” Tailder elder asked strangely.

“Hey, that thing is another!” Ye Xuan showed a crafty smile.

This is a good opportunity for extortion. Can you miss it?

“You are a black-hearted boy, open a price!” Too elder roared.

“Well, a five hundred Top Grade crystal stone.” Ye Xuan said casually.

Fine Pill Refining, which can increase the speed of Profound beast inner core refining, only needs 5 billion swallow points nothing more, but the 500 Top Grade crystal stone is equivalent to 50 billion.

Simply put, the price has turned up ten times.

“Your kid…” Too elder again, saying: “Come to 1000!”

Ye Xuan hearing this, almost didn’t scare him to death, the opening is 1000, but his swallow points are enough, or he will lose face.

He spent five directly consuming the crystal and redeemed the 1000 Pill Refining.

“tch tch, five phagocytic crystals, turned ten times, turned into fifty, really cool.”

Ye Xuan took the Top Grade crystal stone, and at this time he had more than one million Top Grade crystal stones in his swallowing space. In total, he has 147 phagocytic crystals.

These are enough for him to break through to Earth Core Realm.

“With these, my overall strength of Approaching Heaven Prefecture may increase by two or three levels, no worse than the Central Prefecture’s Main City.”

Too elder whispered.

“oh, right, too elder, presumably you must have a lot of Top Grade crystal stone, can you lend me something?” Ye Xuan raped with a smile.

Too elder frowns, “There are so many, enough to buy the four major domains, you can’t spend the flowers, but also what crystal stone does, how much?”

“Three thousand, oh, 30 million!” Ye Xuan said with a slight smile.



Ye Xuan was driven out by Zhou Yan. The former was a bit puzzled. It was obviously his father’s money. Why should he sell things back?

“Forget it, these are enough for me to break through to Earth Core Realm, go back and talk.”

Ye Xuan shook his head and then left Ling Xiao and returned to his place of residence.

Then, he started to devour a little bit. When the engulfing crystal in the Devouring System was close to one hundred, he finally heard the System notification sound.

“Hey, host breakthrough is the first to enter Earth Core Realm.”

“Hey, unlock the high-grade place to redeem!”

“Hey, unlock high-grade Earth Grade martial art!”

“Hey, unlock the third heavenly device forging!”

Ye Xuan is overjoyed, and finally can buy high-grade land, which means he can earn Top Grade crystal stone again. He quickly checked it and found that a high-grade device had five crystals that were engulfed, expensive and expensive.

He looked at the third-class heavenly device, and sure enough, the material needed lapis lazuli, and the map was not what he could buy now.

However, the next moment, he was stunned.

Because, better than the high-grade device, the heavenly device did not even sell!

In other words, he needs to forge himself!

In addition, there is no heaven grade martial art martial art.

After hearing the news, Ye Xuan almost cried out because he heard that the material of the heavenly device was very rare and it was difficult to get together, which means that it is difficult for him to batch forge in the future. Moreover, there is no heaven grade martial art, which means he has to get it himself, and then learn with swallow points.

“Forget it, go to the elder tomorrow and ask if you want to go high-grade!”

Ye Xuan thought, it was just planted on the bed. He didn’t close his eyes these days and was tired.

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