The second dynasty great war was only six hours later, and Great Song dynasty was damaged by hundreds of people in the hands of six people in Ye Xuan.

Assuming there are three hundred people in Great Song dynasty, there are only two hundred people now. If you come back a few times, Great Tang Dynasty will be able to win easily.

At this point, the sky is gradually darkening.

Somewhere in the forest, Tang Tian six people are hidden among the trees.

“Ye Xuan, can you find enemy in the evening?” Tang Tian said in a subtle voice.

After the sky darkened, there were a lot of insects in the forest. In Tang Tian’s guess, Ye Xuan relies on the ear to tell if there is an enemy close.

However, he guessed wrong, Ye Xuan is not relying on the ears.

“Yes.” Ye Xuan nodded.

“That’s good, if there is no accident, it may end the battle within three days.” Tang Tian said with satisfaction.

However, it is at this time.

“Someone is coming, about ten.” Ye Xuan suddenly whispered.

“Improve vigilance and act as planned.”

Half a minute later, there were ten Dao shades that caught the eye of Ye Xuan. Although it was night, the Shadow Leopard Bloodline provided a night vision effect, so he saw it clearly.

“Not Song ruling, no one is coming,” Ye Xuan whispered.

Tang Tian showed him the portrait of Song ruling before, so he can recognize it.

It seems that this squad is going to be finished again.


Under the command of Tang Tian, ​​the six people swiftly swept out and quickly killed the ten people.

Ye Xuan killed three, Tang Tian also killed three, and the remaining four people were just divided.

“Your Highness, we have been in it for so long, do you want to see?” asked a guard from Great Tang Dynasty.

“Alright, go back and see.” Tang Tian nodded.

Only half a day later, they killed more than 100 people of Great Song dynasty, but they could not seek instant benefit. If the old nest was discovered, then it would be troublesome.

However, just as they were ready to go back, Ye Xuan’s feet were stopped.

“Someone is coming!” Ye Xuan frowned.

“How many?”


When I heard this answer, several people in Tang Tian were startled.

A person?

It’s hard to be, Song ruling?

“Your Highness, maybe Song ruling, let’s go.” The guard was also a bit embarrassed.


Tang Tian interrupted: “We have six people together, even if Song ruling comes, it can be fight, and we are secretive. If the sneak attack succeeds and kills Song ruling, then this dynasty battle will be Won half.”

Song ruling, the most powerhouse in the Great Song dynasty camp, can swept the four camp owners.

As long as he dies, Great Song dynasty can be folded. By the time, the six of them will not be so careful and act together carefully, they can be divided into three teams.

At the moment, they are quickly hidden. Fortunately, they are only a team of ten people. The six people have solved it without any effort, and they have not made any big noise.

Ye Xuan, the person he sensed, is coming towards them, his pace is slow, and he is slow.

However, when he was only a hedged meter from Ye Xuan.


This person’s feet suddenly stopped, and then went two steps backwards. Then, he turned around and ran.

“It was discovered, he ran!” Ye Xuan shouted at the moment when the other side went backwards.

“It is the Song Dynasty, chasing, capturing her!” Tang Tian big shouted.

It turns out that it is not Song ruling that goes into the scope of Ye Xuan’s induction range, but the younger sister of Song ruling, True profound realm initial stage.

Ye Xuan After hearing the words of Tang Tian, ​​the five people understood it instantly.

With their Strength, the capture of the Song Dynasty should not have much problem, as long as it succeeds, then they can threaten Song ruling.

However, the Song Dynasty is also a Princess of Great Song dynasty. The identity is not worse than that of Tang Tian. Will she have no means to save her life?

“The speed is fast, it must be high-grade Spiritual martial art!”

Ye Xuan Mind trembled. He felt that the Song Dynasty had been far away from his three hundred meters. If he came back for a second or two, I would probably run out of his induction circle.

The Song Dynasty is the key to success.

At the moment, Ye Xuan took out the star chasing bow.

“Hundred-feet Piercing Willow !”

Although he couldn’t catch up, Arrows was faster than he ran. He could harass the escape route of Song Dynasty and let Tang Tian, ​​who also had high-grade Spiritual martial art, catch up.

A series of Spiritual Power’s arrows directly penetrated the thin paper-like trunk and shot in front of the Great Song Princess, causing her a lot of trouble.

“Good job!”

Tang Tian boasted aloud and followed the Song Dynasty.

The Song Dynasty was harassed by Ye Xuan’s bow and arrow, and the speed was reduced a lot. Soon, Tang Tian got closer.

At the same time, she also recognized Tang Tian.

“Tang Tian, ​​are you?”

A beautiful voice sounded.

“Song cut, you can’t escape, let’s get rid of it!” Tang Tian shouted.

“Don’t think, there is a kind of you will follow, my Big Brother will kill you!” Song Congjing said with some anger.

She is not stupid, knowing that Tang Tian wants to arrest her to threaten Song ruling.

“That’s a trick for you, I can’t lie to me.” Tang Tian didn’t care. He thought that Song ruling and Song Dynasty must have acted separately.

“Hey, then you will follow.” Song cuts a flash of crafty color in his eyes.

But then, she is also conscious of the danger.

In order to avoid Ye Xuan’s Arrows, she also wasted a lot of time, so that Tang Tian is getting closer and closer to her.

“The fellow who puts the cold arrow, this Young Lady remembers you, don’t get caught by me, or I will kill you.” Song Congjing was very angry in his heart, and immediately the sigh of the body with the body gathered in the throat. And then shouted.

The entire forest echoed her voice.

“Not good !” Tang Tian complexion changed.

Even if Song ruling is not nearby, I will definitely come over after hearing the Song of the Song Dynasty.

Must be quick and fast!

at this time.


A cold glow flashed and wiped the lower leg of the Song Dynasty, which made her lose her balance.

“good chance!”

Don Heavenly Eye shines, and the machine has pulled a lot closer.

Ye Xuan was also mistakenly hit, but it just broke the Song of the Song Dynasty.

However, this is to let the Song Dynasty be chased directly by Tang Tian.

“Song ruling, let’s just let it go.”

Tang Tian came out from the shadow and looked at the shadow in front.

Song dynasty coldly snorted said: “You want to yell at my Big Brother, I will die if you die.”

“That’s less to say nonsense, see the real chapter under the hand!” Tang Tian said nothing, the sword rushed over.

The Song Dynasty also knew that he could not escape, and he could only passively fight.

The battle of the two True profound realm launched a fierce battle.

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