Super Almighty Student

Chapter 846: Playing emotional cards

"Then I tell you that the cultivation of Li's ancestors is the eighth turn of the immortal master, and I was only seven turns of the immortal master, you don't know the difference between the immortal master realm?" Zhou different stared at Zhou Liangan Road, "At that time, I had two choices. The first choice was to lead the Zhou family to fight the Li family, and the final result was that the Zhou family's thousands of people were slaughtered, and the foundation of the Zhou family's ancestors' hard work was destroyed."

After a short pause, Zhou continued and said, "The second option is to devour the blood of Zhou Chenglong, so that my cultivation can go further, I can save the lives of thousands of Zhou family members, and I can lay my Zhou family in one fell swoop. The status of the eight major families."

"I was hesitating for a long time at that time, I am not aware that Zhou Chenglong may become an immortal statue in the future, even if I can't become an immortal statue, my future achievements are higher than mine."

"Just the Zhou family can't wait."

"Zhou Liang'an, you tell me, if you are me, how should you choose?" When Zhou Di asked this sentence, his eyes were full of tears.

Zhou Liangan fell silent.

In fact, this does not require selection.

"Zhou Tianjian, where is Zhou Tianlan now?" Zhou Liangan asked for a long time.

"Zhou Tianjian and Zhou Tianlan are both deceased in the training family." Zhou Different said that he patted his palm here, and then two figures appeared in front of Zhou Liangan.

"Are you really alive?" Zhou Liangan was startled.

Zhou Liangan is no longer a child.

It's impossible to be fooled by Zhou's different words, but after seeing Zhou Tianjian and Zhou Tianlan, his mind was shaken.

"Liang'an, the head of the family is really forced to help." Zhou Tianjian said in a deep voice, "Ten years ago, the head of the family did not want to devour Zhou Chenglong, or the two of us asked the head of the family to swallow. In that case, there is nothing else in our Zhou's family. chosen."

"I still remember that the owner of the house swallowed it at the last minute. Didn't you think that the atmosphere of the house owner was unstable during the battle?" Zhou Tianlan said helplessly, "There is no evil in this world. As long as it’s used for my own purpose, it’s not a big deal.”

Listening to the persuasion of the two friends, Zhou Liangan watched Zhou Yiqi bow deeply.

"Homeowner, sorry, I blamed you wrong."

"You are not wrong, I am indeed guilty. To be honest, I have been living in a nightmare all these years. I really want to ask Jian for their understanding. But I can’t. Our Zhou family is not strong enough until our week. When the family no longer looks at anyone’s face, I’ll give Jackie Chan and others an explanation.” At this point, Zhou Qiong looked at Zhou Chenghudao. “The reason why I say so much is just to hope that my Zhou family is united. If you take revenge for your brother, you can do it."

Zhou Chenghu's eyes were full of struggling colors.

Zhou different words also touched him.

"Chenghu, he is just a rhetoric, you must not believe his gibberish." said the young man standing next to Zhou Chenghu.

"Is my Chenghu being fooled by you?" Zhou Diqi watched a cold light flash in the young man's eyes, and the next moment an overbearing spirit fell towards the young man.

Just at the moment when this soul was about to attack this young man, a figure suddenly came out of this young man's knowledge.

"Li family ancestor, it really is you." This phantom image of the soul is the condensation of Li family ancestor.

The ancestor of the Li family said in a clear voice, "Li Long, go back quickly."

When Li Long was about to leave, he was stopped by Li Liangan.

"Want to go?"

Li Long saw this scene and tore the scroll in his hand.

On the occasion of a thousand shots, a pair of big hands squeezed Li Long's Hao wrist violently. The next moment, he ruthlessly crushed Li Long's Hao wrist, watching the heart of a white-haired old man Li Long sinking in front of him sink. .

"Not bad." Zhou Liangan looked at the old man in surprise.

Zhou Buxun took the scroll in Li Long's hands and then patted his mana on his shoulder. Then he looked at Zhou Liangan Road stably, "Liang'an, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"I thought you were dead?"

"Old stuff, how to say?"


When Zhou Liangan and Zhou Buxun hugged together, Zhou Shao shattered the spirit of the ancestor of the Li family.

The ancestor of the Li family is not his opponent even when the deity is present, let alone the only thought of the ancestor of the Li family here.

"Not bad, give you an hour to repair the formation here." Zhou different said with a smile, "If you have not repaired an hour, my collection of ice and fire brew will not be yours."

"Binghuo Brew?" Zhou Buxun heard a strong look of expectation in his eyes, "One hour will guarantee the completion of the task."

"I still have to guard the library here." Zhou Liangan also wanted to drink, but still remember his duties.

"We are drinking in the pavilion outside the Fuku. Who can sneak in silently and fail?" Zhou Yili smiled around Zhou Liangan's shoulder, "If they really have this ability, we even block it in the Fuku. Can't hold it."

It is also reasonable for Zhou different to say so.

If you want to crack Zhou Buxun's space ban, you must also have a master who is proficient in space ban, and there is an early warning ban in the space ban under Zhou Buxun, so the other party will know whether it is cracking the space ban or forcing it. .

As for the space ban that far surpasses Zhou Buxun, then his cultivation behavior will certainly be more than ten turns of the Immortal Lord. What if Zhou Liangan is there at this level?

Zhou Buxun was thinking about the ice and fire brewing, so his hand moved quickly.

It didn't take a single hour to fix the formation.

Zhou Buxun then left here.

At this time, Zhou Keke looked at Ye Hao nervously.

"You don't want me to take Zhou's house?" Ye Hao looked at Zhou Keke.

"May I?"

"You won't be fooled by Zhou Different's gossip?"


"Do you really believe what Zhou Diqiu said?"

"Why don't you believe it?"

"Naive." Ye Hao sneered. "Do you really think Zhou Dian has what he said so well? Do you remember the things you used to spy on people's hearts in the ancestral hall?"

Weekly cocoa fell silent.

"I can tell you responsibly that Zhou Chuanghu already knew that Zhou Chenghu was going to steal the secret vault. But why did Zhou Chou not wait to catch Zhou Chenghu and wait until now?"

"To put it bluntly is to put Zhou Liangan under his command completely."

"you are too naive."

Zhou Keke bit his lip and said, "But this is just your guess."

"It's okay, let's go." Hearing Zhou Keke said Ye Hao left Zhou Keco tearing away the space.

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