Super Almighty Student

Chapter 815: Law enforcement elder

After Ye Hao and his party walked thousands of miles, Ye Hao said to Wang Yongtian and nine other immortals, "You go to Jinyang City immediately, and all will follow the instructions of the Lord Lin."

"Follow the orders." Wang Yongtian rushed in the direction of Jinyang City after nine people answered.

Wang Yongtian and other nine master masters of the Immortal Realm were conquered by Ye Hao. Ye Hao did not intend to give these nine masters to Dongxian Hall.

"Where are we going now?" Huang Huanger said softly.

"Dongxian Temple."

"Then I'm going to practice in the Xian Palace." Huang Huang'er knew he was not suitable to show his head now.

Dongxian Temple!

Linghu wine is very melancholy these days.

Because so many intelligence personnel were dispatched, there was still no news of Ye Hao.

And while Linghu Jiu looked at the information in his hand, a figure suddenly rushed in, "The host."

Linghu Jiu was surprised, "But Ye Hao was found?"

"Ye Hao's figure appeared in Qiancheyu half a day ago, and he should be approaching our East Immortal Hall now."

"It's great." Hearing Linghu Jiu heard this.

When Linghu Jiu told this news to Huangfu Jian, Huangfu Jian came to the door of Dongxian Temple together with Linghu Jiu.

The disciples of Dongxiandian were curious to see who the two bigmen in Dongxiandian were waiting at the door. Who were they waiting for?

And as time went by, more and more disciples gathered.

Huang Fujian watched Ye Hao's delayed appearance, anxious in his eyes, "Linghu Wine, is your information accurate?"

"It must be accurate." Linghu Wine said in a deep voice.

If it is inaccurate, his intelligence staff will not dare to give the intelligence to himself.

A figure finally appeared in his sight just when Huangfu Jianwang wanted to wear it.

"Ye Hao, Ye Hao, he is back." Huang Fujian was excited and incoherent when he saw Ye Hao.

Huangfu Jian was too aware of Ye Hao's value to Dongxian Temple.

Dongxian Hall has no problem with Ye Hao in the future to unify the entire Eastern Region, and Ye Hao may fail to die if he does not return.

Because it means that Ye Hao didn't forgive him for Dongxian Temple.

At that time, Dongxian Temple still want to unify?

It would be nice not to be unified by others.

"Brother Ye."

"Brother Ye returned to Zongmen."

"Really Brother Ye Hao."

"Go tell Sister Chu." The disciples watching at the door saw Ye Hao's figure also exploding.

As the details became public, these disciples knew how amazing Ye Hao was?

If nothing unexpected happens, Ye Hao can become the fairy king in the future.

When Ye Hao came to the door, he saw the excited Huangfu Jian sigh slightly, and immediately saluted the Huangfu Jian with respect, "Ye Hao paid respect to the Sect Master."

Hearing this sentence, Huang Fujian's heart finally fell.

Ye Hao also called himself the patriarch, indicating that he still recognized the patriarch.

"You don't need to be more polite." Huangfu Jian said quickly.

After a pause, Huangfu Jian went on to say, "Just the disciples of Zongmen are here, and I will announce in public that Ye Hao will be the young master of my East Immortal Palace."

"Young Master."

"The lord of the palace finally determined the young lord of the palace."

"Ye Hao deserves the title of Young Master."

"Brother Ye has given all three hundred light of creation to Zongmen, and I am one hundred and twenty support for Brother Ye."

"I believe Dongxian Hall will be more and more brilliant under Brother Ye's leadership."

The disciples of Dongxian Temple still support Ye Hao.

Is it really Zongmen who can compare with Ye Hao?

Many monks thought Chu Jiaojiao was the most amazing existence before, but now they are shocked to find that Chu Jiaojiao didn't even reach the top 100. Ye Hao, who is smaller than Chu Jiaojiao, was the first to see the gap between the two sides, even a fool.

What the monk did not expect was that Ye Hao shook his head gently.

"I don't intend to be the lessor of the palace."

"Ye Hao, you are the most suitable candidate."

"The only road in my heart is."

Ye Hao had refused so firmly that Huangfu Jian knew that it would be useless to persuade him.

Slightly pondering the Huangfu sword, "Since you don't want to be the young master, then you should be the law enforcement elder."

"Law enforcement elders?" Ye Hao stunned.

The elders of the law enforcement hall?


There are more than 30 elders in the law enforcement hall.

Huangfu Jian let himself be a law enforcement elder, but despised himself?

"The elders of law enforcement I said are not the same as the elders of the law enforcement hall." Huangfu Jian shook his head softly. "The elders of law enforcement are a newly drafted title. Only disciples who have 33 turns can be eligible for election. And Ye Hao, you are the first law enforcement elder."

"The law enforcement elders in charge of the sect rule can interrogate any existence of the sect of the sect except the sect. If the sect is ethical, the law enforcement elder has the right to convene the sect of the sect to discuss the removal of the sect."

Because Huangfu Jian gave law enforcement elders too high authority.

In a sense, the authority is higher than the suzerain.

The patriarch also has to consider the interests of all parties and must abide by the rules, but the law enforcement elders themselves represent the law. In other words, the law enforcement elders just say the law.

"Master, do you want to consider this matter carefully?" said an elder busy.

"I have informed the ancestors of Zongmen about this matter, and these ancestors all agreed with my decision." Huangfu Jian said hurriedly.

"But--" the elder just wanted to say something like a thunderous sound exploded in midair, "but your uncle, shut up for Lao Tzu."

The figure of dead wood appeared next to Ye Hao at the next moment.

However, the dead wood at this time is not a state of exhaustion and exhaustion, but the whole person's face is full of radiance, and this power can make the Huangfu sword sway.

"Ancestor---you--" Huangfu Jian looked at the dry wood road in amazement.

"Two days ago, I was lucky to break through to Xianzun." Withered Wood said in a good mood.

Can the dead wood be in a bad mood?

Did you think you fell off after shaking for half a year?

As a result, the source is now filled and the immortal venerable.

"Xianzun?" Hearing these two words, the whole monk of Dongxian Temple was shocked and speechless.

What does Xianzun stand for?

Isn't there an Immortal Venerable in the entire Eastern Territory?

"Congratulations to the ancestor." Huangfu Jian said quickly.

"Congratulations to the ancestor."

"Congratulations to the ancestor."

The disciples of Dongxian Hall congratulated the dead wood one by one.

Witherwood grinned broadly.

"The ancestors broke through the Immortal Venerable, and they should be celebrated all over the world." Huangfu Jian said after thinking for a while, "I will immediately issue an invitation to invite all parties to come to the ceremony to celebrate the ancestor's breakthrough of the Immortal Venerable."

Withered wood just refused, and immediately understood the intention of Huangfu sword.

This is a demonstration and a percussion.

If those forces don't know what to do, don't blame the Dongxian Temple to wipe them out in one fell swoop.

After all, where would the strong man with the dead wood, Xian Zun, tolerate these territories?

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