Super Almighty Student

Chapter 805: investment

How could Ye Hao care about these light of creation?

Ye Hao has a sprout in his body.

The sprout of fortune can contain endless fortune, and it is better to give it to the sect.

It's just that these words Ye Hao are not good with Mu Ya.

"You are crazy." Anonymous looked at Ye Hao discolored.

Ye Hao didn't make sense of the namelessly, but he still did his best to send the light of creation in his body to Zongmen.

Huang Huang'er looked at Ye Haodao with a surprised expression, "Ye Hao, do you know what you are doing?"

"I know."

"Then do you know what to do?"

"Because I have a reason to do this."

"What reason?"

"You know this is not good for you."

"It's very involved?" Huang Huang'er Bingxue Smart understood immediately.

"It's very involved." Ye Hao nodded.

"Ye Hao, how many secrets do you still hide?" Huang Huanger said leisurely.

"Not much," Ye Hao said with a smile.

Huang Huang'er's face changed uncontrollably.

She noticed the wording used by Ye Hao.

Not much?

Does it mean there are still some?

Is there any more terrifying existence than space creation?

Huang Huang'er dare not think about it.

In fact, Huang Huang'er couldn't imagine it, because even a friar monk couldn't imagine Ye Hao got a fortune seed.

After a while, Ye Hao gave all three hundred light of creation to Dongxian Hall.

The monks in the field looked at Ye Hao's look, um, it was like watching a fool.

"It's not impossible to be loyal to your sect, but you can't take yourself in."

"Ye Hao certainly doesn't know that the high-rise of Dongxian Hall actually doesn't want Ye Hao's 150-ray ray of fortune, and even the high-rise of Dongxian Hall doesn't even want the 150-ray ray of fortune. Because Ye Hao got so many achievements, Ye Hao's growth rate will be faster, not to mention that Ye Hao got the fairy king, even if Ye Hao reached the immortal Venerable Realm, then the feedback to Zongmen must be far more than this hundred. Fifty Lights of Nature."

"I wonder if this guy Ye Hao regrets it now?"

"Now, even if Ye Hao regrets it is useless."

The Xianting messenger said when he saw that the matter was over, "Your top ten will get the opportunity to go to Xianting to realize the Tao, as long as you decide it, but I still recommend that you go earlier."

"Master Messenger, can you elaborate?" Zhong Shenxiu said softly.

"There is a Linglong Taoist tower in the fairy court, you will have the opportunity to go to the Taoist tower in the Taoist tower, and time will be linked to your achievements." The angel of the court said softly, "What I can tell you is that I practiced there for a day. It’s worth a year of outside practice."

Hearing the whole audience uproar here.

If you practiced it for ten days and eight days, wouldn't it be far beyond the existence of the same order?

"The Linglong Pagoda requires terrifying energy every time it is opened, so you don't have much time to practice inside." The Xianting messenger said with a smile, "But you can borrow the magical scriptures in Xianting, but only the top three can do it. Borrow the fairy king books."

"Master messenger, haven't we always had the opportunity to practice the fairy king classics?" Xu Jian asked after hesitating for a moment.

"Yes." The Xianting messenger looked at Xu Jian together. "As long as you can complete the Xianting mission, you will have the opportunity to practice the fairy king supernatural powers."

"What are the tasks?"

"Well, you will know when you go to Xianting." Xianting messenger said that ten tokens appeared in the air, and then these ten tokens turned into ten streamers and entered Ye Hao. Waiting for ten Tianjiao's hands.

"The token is your status symbol, as is your title proof."

"Knighthood?" Huang Huang'er asked curiously.

"Tianyan and Taibao, all seven of you now have the title of Earl, and Ye Hao, Wuming, and Huang Huang'er now have the title of Marquis." Shen Sheng, the angel of Xianting, said, "With this title you represent Xianting, No matter who wants to deal with you, you must consider whether you can bear the anger of Xianting."

Then the messenger of Xianting confessed again and left.

Ye Hao and Huang Huang'er soon disappeared in front of everyone after the Xianting messenger left.

In a paradise.

Ye Hao and Huang Huang'er both stood respectfully in front of the Xianting messenger.

"This is a magic weapon of my space. The two of you don't have to be restrained when you come here." A jade table appeared in front of the Xianting messenger before waving them.

Ye Hao and Huang Huang'er looked at each other and sat opposite the Xianting messenger.

"Introduce yourself to me, I am the Duke of Xianting-picking stars." The Xianting messenger whispered, "Only in Xianting can you be a knight, if you make great contributions, otherwise you may not have a knighthood. . The reason for giving you the title is also considering your future achievements."

Speaking of picking stars here, I paused and said, "Ye Hao, I don't think many people in the fairy court will move you, but Huang Huang'er is in a dangerous situation for you, even if you have the marquis' title, those who want to break through the fairy Guys will get you by any means."

"Actually, you can have no worries in my magic weapon, but it is difficult for you to reach the fairy king realm in the future, because you need to find a variety of opportunities before you can make the 33rd turn of the golden fairy. "Plucking the stars and saying in a deep voice," 33 turns in Golden Fairyland is several times more difficult than 33 turns in Jade Wonderland."

Both Ye Hao and Huang Huang'er understand the truth of picking stars.

This is the reason why Ye Hao is not willing to stay in the Dongxian Temple.

Because Dongxian Temple is about those resources.

Ye Hao, even if he is a surviving man who is defying the sky?

"This is a scroll I have refined." Picking the stars said here and handed Huang Huanger a scroll path, "This scroll can be slashed even if it is the 12th turn of the Golden Immortal, but it is for the Immortal Realm. The strong are useless."

"Thank you senior," Huang Huanger said quickly.

Huang Huang'er didn't refuse.

Because Huang Huang'er really needs such a means.

In addition, Huang Huang'er also knows that the reason for picking stars is to invest in himself.

After all, there is a great possibility that he will claim the fairy king in the future.

"Ye Hao, this is a jade pendant that I wear with me." Xing Xing then picked off a jade pendant from the waist. "It can also prevent you from dealing with the fairy land."

"Thank you, Senior." Ye Hao took over respectfully.

"The means of Xianzun level is difficult to copy, otherwise I will give you." Picking the star shook his head gently.

"Seniors have given us enough." Ye Hao and Huang Huang'er said at the same time.

"Ye Hao, you can go to Xianting at any time, but Huang Huang'er, you must not go to Xianting until you reach Xianzun Realm." Xingxing warned.

"Understood." Huang Huang'er nodded.

PS: I've been changing every day for a while, and I'm so tired, I continue to rush! Seek various firepower support!

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