The cause of the matter is actually not that complicated.

Although Luo Zhen was willing to take a risk in order to see Izanagi Style’s technique, Luo Zhen is not a foolish guy, he still made quite a lot of preparations.

For example, in order not to be discovered by the Akabane Family and Izanagi Style’s guards, Luo Zhen imposed a layer of “Magic Defense” defense on himself and Akabane Raishin’s body.

Detection skills like “Heavenly Eye” are formed by magic feedback.

Once the released magic power touches an object, the magic power will immediately bounce back to the applicator, letting the applicator know.

So, as long as the defensive wall of “Magic Defense” is applied to the body, the touch of magic power is defended and the transmission of magic power is isolated, then the accuracy of other people’s “Heavenly Eye” will plummet.

Thanks to this, Luo Zhen and Akabane Raishin slipped out very smoothly.

In order not to touch anyone, Luo Zhen also unfolded his own “Heavenly Eye” almost fully, avoiding everyone, and even used “Telekinesis” to change the weight of the two Be gentle, lower the sound of footsteps, and cooperate with the techniques of “Spirit Vision” and “Body Hardening”. Don’t follow the usual path, or go directly over the wall, or avoid places such as sensitive Formation and strictly guarded taboo places. Be cautious Can no longer be cautious.

Under such circumstances, the two finally arrived at their destination.

That is Izanagi Style’s training field.

Just like Akabane Clan’s puppet walkthrough, in Izanagi Style, there is also a place to practice and practice “Onmyou Arts”.

After all, no matter what kind of family it is, the more powerful it is and the larger it is, then, in order to practice the secret art of inheritance, it will inevitably require a larger training ground.

In Chadea, Magus also needs his own workshop, on the one hand to have a place to study magic, on the other hand, to protect the magic results of his research from being easily peeked.

Therefore, like Akabane Clan, Izanagi Style is bound to have a training place inside the family, and will definitely not perform the secret art of Zhan Family inheritance outside.

In other words, as long as you find a place like that, you can achieve Rozen’s goal and get a glimpse of Izanagi Style’s “Onmyou Arts”.

As for where is such a training field, it is very simple.

“Shiki God was born from the miasma, as long as you find a place where the miasma is strong, then it will be pretty close.”

Luo Zhen relied on this judgment, with ” “Spirit Vision” toured the entire Izanagi Style’s mansion and finally found the training field. I saw the scene of Izanagi Style practicing “Onmyou Arts” by the younger generation, and even saw the screen taught by the older generation Onmyouji.

Luo Zhen just immersed in it as if drunk and stupefied, and watched happily, until the bored Akabane Raishin pulled him away, he reluctantly left.

During the whole process, due to Rozen’s caution and preparation, the two of them were not discovered by anyone and returned to Akabane Clan’s base.

Originally, in this way, something will not happen.

However, even if Luo Zhen was clever, he couldn’t think of it. When he slipped out of the base area, someone else sneaked into the Akabane Family’s base area and blocked the door of the two.

Luo Zhen didn’t know how the two ten-year-old kids sneaked into the Akabane Family’s base.

But the other party’s intention is quite obvious.

In addition to provocation, there is no other purpose.

Unfortunately, the origins of these two disobedient children are really not simple.

The sturdy boy on the left is called Kamo Subaru. It is the Kamo Family’s heir of the second only to Tumen in Izanagi Style. Among the younger generation, except for Domon Hinowa, it is estimated that it will be his in the future. The highest status, if Domon Hinowa inherits Izanagi Style’s in the future, then Kamo Subaru will definitely become her left and right arm. Therefore, the other party will serve her as Domon Hinowa’s entourage.

The slender boy on the right is called Yuge Mutsura. I want to know that it is the heir of Yuge Family’s. He has been responsible for receiving Akabane Clan’s Yuge and his father, and his status in Izanagi Style is also not low. Like Kamo Subaru, he acts as Domon Hinowa’s entourage.

And this is the reason why the other party came to provoke.

“Mercenary Family also want to marry our Ojou-sama?”

“And one is an adopted son without the bloodline, one is a talentless waste?”

For this reason, Kamo Subaru and Yuge Mutsura came here to stop Luozhen and Akabane Raishin.

If Luo Zhen and Akabane Raishin sneak out at first not at all, they can stay behind closed doors until the Akabane Family’s guards find out what’s happening here and come to resolve the situation.

Unfortunately, the two of them have already left the room.

What happened next is simple.

Kamo Subaru and Yuge Mutsura have been provocative, making Akabane Raishin’s angry, and finally it became like this, as if it was possible to fight at any time.

“It’s already happening like this. The people in the family haven’t discovered what are you doing?”

Luo Zhen is so helpless, but he also knows. Even if someone finds out what’s happening here and knows that it is the heirs of Izanagi Style’s two famous families who are making trouble, there is no way to do anything. It is estimated that they have gone to ask Akabane Kuukan’s for advice now, right?

With Akabane Kuukan’s personality, Luo Zhen can guess what decision he will make.

“Since it is a joke between young children, let them go.”

Akabane Kuukan is bound to do this, right?

Otherwise, if even the adults are involved in this dispute, Izanagi Style will also directly intervene, which will evolve into a state of total dispute between the two sides.

Conversely now, if there is only a child’s own problem, then there are excuses for any trouble.

In this way, wanting to wait for someone to deal with this matter is undoubtedly idiotic.

“A group of cunning old ghosts, curse you to choke on rice cakes until you die of bliss.”

Rozen cursed in the heart extremely maliciously.

Seeing that the dispute between the two parties became more and more intense, when Luo was really thinking about how to solve it, he suddenly glanced at a dark figure on the side.

“Is it her?”

Luo Zhen slightly startled, surprised.

I saw a young girl in a Chinese dress hiding behind a wall. She wanted to stop, but she was a little scared.

Who else besides Domon Hinowa?

“Why did she sneak in too?”

Luo Zhen only felt weak for a while.

It seems that in the opponent’s territory, no matter how guarded, there is still time to drill.


“This may be a good opportunity.”

Rozen rolled the eyes and finally stepped forward, holding down the one who was about to fight with the other side Akabane Raishin’s shoulder.

Then Luo Zhen said to Kamo Subaru and Yuge Mutsura.

“You have come here, have you asked your master’s opinion?”

Luo Zhen said such a sentence directly.

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