Struggle in Russia

Vol 3 Chapter 900: Recommended to go abroad (Part 1)

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Leonid said firmly: "For those differences, some of them are my fault, and I should apologize to you, such as my over-optimism and lack of calmness when the war broke out, and my judgment on the situation..."

Li Xiao thought that this guy was going to confess to him, but who would have thought that he had just finished apologizing and suddenly changed the conversation and said, "But on some other issues, I don't think I did anything wrong, even I think you Your attitude is worthy of vigilance, and you should have a good self-reflection!”

Well, now Li Xiao understands what this sage classmate did to him, and the apology is only to condemn him in more aspects.

Li Xiao, a more serious sage classmate, is indeed a bit unreasonable, because this is the virtue, and he thinks that if he is doing it straight, he will naturally not be able to rub sand in his eyes. Once he finds out that his friend has made a mistake, he will definitely not pretend not to see it, and whenever there is a chance, he will raise it face to face and urge others to correct it.

To be honest, such an attitude is admirable, but the problem is not without it. The simplest point is what is right and what is wrong.

In terms of Li Xiao's values, he thinks he has done nothing wrong. But in terms of Leonid's values, that's probably something else.

From the perspective of development, Li Xiao's values ​​must be more correct, but the problem is that in this era Leonid's set of values ​​is more marketable and recognized, which makes him more and more self-confessed. is the agent of truth.

This is very annoying, Li Xiao really can't accept his set of theory, and is very impatient to listen to his set of theories.

"I know there are differences in our ideas... But I always believe that being loyal to the monarch and patriotism does not mean accepting the monarch's orders unconditionally and in all directions... Doing so is not patriotic, but it is very likely to cause the country to fall into catastrophe... The simplest example, if If the late emperor could listen to the opinions of others and not start this war blindly, why should our country be humiliated?”

Without waiting for Leonid to speak, he quickly said: "If there is a state, there is a home, so the state is not just a monarch or even a family, but thousands of thousands of families that make up the whole country... If the monarch Its will is domineering over the will of everyone else, how can there be any country to speak of?”

Leonid fell into deep thought, and Li Xiao continued: "Don't tell me that you don't agree with this truth. If there are not thousands of Russians, where would there be a great Russian Empire?"

The truth is this truth, and Leonid didn't think there was a problem with listening to it, but he just thought it was wrong. This is completely different from the education he received from childhood to adulthood. It completely subverts the program of the monarch, the monarch, the minister and the minister. According to someone, the big and small things in Russia should be decided by thousands of Russians. How is it possible!

Li Xiao said: "How is this impossible? Democracy is not a new concept. The French Revolution spread this concept to the whole of Europe decades ago, and the most powerful countries have realized it without exception. Some degree of democracy, isn't that worth learning?"

Leonid pursed his lips and stopped talking. Li Xiao could see that he did not accept it, but the world has never been driven by personal will, and personal preferences cannot stop the torrent of history. Any act of blocking a car beyond one's capacity will inevitably be crushed into slag.

The Romanov family in history was ruthlessly crushed into slag, but if you want to say how bad and how bad the family of Nicholas II is, it is not so. The aristocratic circle is also quite satisfactory, not the best but by no means the worst.

It stands to reason that people like him should not end up like that, but history has just come, who can fight?

In the same way, no matter how Leonid insists on his traditional noble virtues, his set of things will only become more and more out of date and less marketable. Even if he insists to the end, there is no way to restore the historical fate of the Romanov family. .

At least Li Xiao felt that if the Romanov family did not take the initiative to make bigger changes and completed the step of constitutional monarchy early, the further back the fate was, the more dangerous it would be, and it would definitely be torn apart by the violent revolutionary masses in the end.

Given that he was reluctantly forced to join the family, he naturally did not want to see his descendants not being slaughtered like the descendants of the Romanovs in history

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Chapter 900 is recommended to go abroad (Part 1) for free reading: https://,!

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It is exile in another country, or more simply become a plaything for others.

As a poor man who happened to hit this time node and got on the bus of the times, his ancestor could only be forced to do business and find a way to make a living for his descendants. So in the face of a stubborn "saint" like Leonid, if he can't persuade him with reason, how can he convince those despicable little ones who are not even "saints" who are purely profit-oriented What about people?

After a while, Li Xiao looked into Leonid's eyes and said solemnly: "Or my friend, you look down on those commoners who are not from nobles, and think they are too vulgar, and they are not worthy of caring about national affairs or expressing their opinions on it. Is it even more unworthy of defending their legitimate rights and interests?”

Leonid was silent for a while, because he had seen the potential of the grassroots serf soldiers as early as when he was working with Li Xiao in the 748th Regiment. As long as they were given the opportunity to learn, as long as they were given a platform where they could exert their abilities, They will burst out with infinite learning ability and creative enough to smash those so-called noble dudes who have received elite education since childhood.

So he knew that if he denied the rights of commoners and serfs to defend their rights, it would be tantamount to talking nonsense. And he always thinks that he is a person who seeks truth from facts, and he is determined not to accept that he is talking nonsense.

What makes him uncomfortable is that once he admits this, all his pride from childhood to adulthood will be shattered, and what is even more terrifying is that the ideas he believed in from childhood to adulthood will also collapse. After all, he has been educated to be superior to others since he was a child.

Once those beliefs were destroyed, and Leonid thought he was no longer himself, what was the point of his life? All his hard work and struggles over the past 20 years were in vain.

So he was determined not to accept this, which is why he suddenly found Li Xiao to discuss this topic. He really wanted to prove that Li Xiao was wrong and that his beliefs were the most correct.

If he can't prove it, he really doesn't know where the future will go...

Provide you with the fastest update of "Struggle in Tsarist Russia" of the great tinplate!

Chapter 900 is recommended to go abroad (Part 1) for free reading: https://,!


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