“…students, since everyone just got out of their vacation life, so let’s take a simpler lesson today to get back to the state. The Renewal Mantra is also called the Renewal Mantra, just like its name. Generally, its function is to fill a certain container with a certain liquid. It is worth noting that we must pay attention to the angle of waving wand when releasing the spell, and…”

In a spacious and bright classroom, a short man in a suit and leather shoes is standing on a pile of books on a’high platform’ and talking loudly.

In the audience, a group of young girls in uniforms and robes sat full.

Most of these people have a relaxed expression, and sometimes they interact with men on stage very seriously.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything.

The Link sitting in the corner seems less attentive.

I saw his dignified expression, erratic eyes, and his body and limbs were still squirming slightly.

After a while, Link finally stopped his slightly weird movements.

But at the same time, his expression became melancholy and confused.

Because to be honest, Link is really a bit confused for the current situation.

As a professional detective, he was planning to take a picture of the target person hugging left and right in order to complete the task, but he only pressed the shutter with his front foot, but his back foot was dark in front of his eyes. This place has become a foreign child!

There is a saying, which is really nonsense.

Fortunately, after a series of previous self-examinations, Link was able to at least confirm that his limbs are healthy, except for some fat.

And after observation, he was basically sure that he had crossed to Harry Potter’s World, and he also became a student of the Hufflepuff house in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

No way, the robe he is wearing now and Professor Flitwick standing on the podium are so recognizable that anyone who has watched the movie can recognize it at a glance.

But when people travel through school, they always travel before school, or they become babies.

Why did I go directly to the classroom?

And why didn’t the memory of the original owner inherit it at all?

For transmigrator, is it too difficult for the transmigrator to start the game?

In the corner, Link, who has not fully accepted the reality, is thinking about it dullly.

At this moment, a small but calloused hand suddenly shook in front of his eyes.

This scared Link very much. His body trembled instinctively and called out.

A burst of undisguised laughter sounded around, Professor Flitwick saw the right hand holding the wand with a fierce wave, and his tip exploded with a burst of explosion.

“Bang! Be quiet!”

The laughter around here finally subsided, but Professor Flitwick is obviously not as scary as McGonagall and Snape, so there are still some people. Covering his mouth and snickering.

Professor Flitwick was not too harsh either. He turned around and put on a kind smile and said to Link:

“Link, are you feeling well? ??”


Link involuntarily said, the expression on his face changed from dullness to astonishment.

He didn’t even listen to the class taught by Professor Flitwick before, so it was only now that he suddenly realized that his English study dregs could understand what the other party said.

And given the performance of Professor Flitwick, the previous owner of his own body seems to be also called Link.

This is great news!

If you really don’t speak the language and have a different name, then this is really the start of Hell Level.

At the same time, when Professor Flitwick saw Link’s reaction, he naturally understood that the other party hadn’t listened to the lecture just now, and shook the head said:

“We were teaching the renewal curse just now, this The spells of the spell are’refill quickly’. When you release the spell, you need to lift up the wand, and then…”

I finished the statement again, and Professor Flitwick asked nodded. Said:

“Link, do you understand?”

“Ah, understand.”

When I heard Link say this, Professor Flitwick suddenly Hi, I said with some excitement:

“Then pick up wand and try Link! Don’t worry, it’s not difficult to renew the curse, you can definitely do it!”

Hearing this Link His expression froze again for an instant.

It’s not that he was worried that he could not release the renewal curse. After all, Professor Flitwick did not lie. The curse is indeed very simple.

And now that I have enrolled in Hogwarts, my own body naturally has magic innate talent. There is no reason why the soul cannot release magic if it is changed.

But the problem is that Link can’t find his wand.

At this moment, there is only a glass half filled with water and a book of spells on the desktop in front of him, and there is no wand at all.

But Link’s reaction was also very fast. He immediately reached into the cloth pocket under his desk. He was basically certain that this should be the original owner’s thing, so wand should have a high probability. inside.

It’s just that although the pocket looks small, the space inside is unexpectedly large. Link takes things out of it differently, but the wand is not found for a long time.

In a short while, Link’s desk was piled up with various textbooks, cauldrons, measuring pots, plush dolls…

When I saw it, there was laughter around me. It rang again, and the volume was much higher than before.

Even two boys who belong to Hufflepuff and Link directly laughed and fell on the ground.

Professor Flitwick was also convinced this time. He patted his forehead sharply and shouted in pain: “Oh! Link, Link!”

“I found it!”

Link held Wand high and stood up.

It’s a pity that the laughter around not at all stopped because of this, but there is a growing trend.

Professor Flitwick doesn’t seem to have any expectations for Link, he waved his hand, and said with a bit tired: “Then give it a try.”


Link hearing this clicked nodded, posed a pose and pointed the wand at the glass on the table, learning the tone that Professor Flitwick demonstrated before loudly shouted:

“Hurry up!”

Link’s chanting like a beast roar stopped the laughter for a while, everyone was looking towards his desktop, expecting Link to do something stupid to get them happy happy.

But this time they were disappointed.

After Link says spells, not at all, any light or sound effects appear, as if this is a use spell that has failed at all.

But by the way… the horizontal surface in the glass was slowly climbing, and eventually filled the whole cup.

“Oh! Merlin!” Professor Flitwick clawed wand’s tip, “You succeeded in Link! It succeeded!”

After saying this, he laughed and hugged again He took Link and slapped Link’s back hard.

But for such an enthusiastic Professor Flitwick, Link was somewhat indifferent.

He didn’t even give Professor Flitwick the slightest feedback.

But this is really not because he is impolite, but now that all his mind has been stuck on the line of words appearing on his retina at this moment.

[The renewal curse lv1 has been learned! 】

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