Strange World Survival Manual

Chapter 660: Great Calamity

Secret world.

Three hundred years ago, the sky and the earth broke apart, and the earth expanded, spreading people all over the world, civilization turned into ashes, and countless people died in that catastrophe.

In this disaster, the population increased from 500 million to less than 400 million, and the number of casualties was close to over 100 million.

After the collapse of the sky, the disciples of the Immortal Sect came down from the mountain to rescue those in distress. In ten years, life in the world finally became more stable.

After the world was stabilized, the disciples of the Immortal Sect disappeared from everyone's sight again, leaving only various legends.

After the Xianmen disciples left, Luzhuang's descendants established new countries one after another.

Even Lei Xiao's descendants and others established a country.

Hong, although this country still exists, it has lost actual control.

In name only.

The age of nations has come.

Among these countries, the East was the fastest to unify.

In the next hundred years, many countries in the East came to dominate one after another. After mergers and wars, many countries perished one after another.

The Hong Kingdom also disappeared from history during this century.

The East eventually formed ten overlords and about twenty small countries.

However, this situation did not last long.

A man named Renshan suddenly appeared and changed the situation of various countries. He helped the country of Iraq to reform and make the country rich and strong.

Later, through this man's efforts and the alliance, the country of Iraq eliminated and annexed other countries in the East and became the only country in the Eastern Continent.

The emperor of Yi State calls himself the Son of Heaven.

From now on, the world will be unified, with cars on the same track, books on the same page, and people walking in the same direction.





The roar of the bell resounded throughout the universe.

Officials wearing gorgeous costumes walked into a huge square.

Afterwards, after going through complicated etiquette, the man in black dragon robe walked to the high platform, served by many attendants.

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

Many ministers bowed their waists and saluted the man on the stage.

The man looked at the sculpture in the center of the high platform and remained silent.

The sculpture is of a young man, with a face that is neither happy nor sad, and his eyes are slightly lowered, as if with pity.

At this time, the sculpture was covered with soil and there were some grass growing on it.

Apparently, no one had cleaned the sculpture in a long time.

After looking at the sculpture for a while, Emperor Qian turned around and said slowly: "It has been three hundred years since the collapse of the sky in the Yi Kingdom today. It has destroyed the nine kingdoms, unified the world, and saved the people of the world from water and fire.

I think the prosperity of the country of Iraq is the result of past emperors and ministers, and has nothing to do with this sculpture? When the sky collapsed, this clay sculpture did not come to save people? Why worship it! Today, I will smash this clay sculpture and return my life to others. What do you think? "


All the ministers responded in unison, their eyes wild.

Then, the attendants walked up to the sculpture, picked up the hammer and smashed it on the sculpture.

"Your Majesty, you must not do this!" Miao Zhu immediately exclaimed after hearing his words.

In this world, there are many believers of immortals. If this sculpture is really smashed, will the world be in chaos?

Especially countries in the west and north will also feel dissatisfied,

However, little did he know that the emperors before Emperor Qian had already made a lot of preparations.

The influence of immortals has become less than before with the passage of time.

Iraq has been waiting for this day.

Divine right of kings?


When the first emperor of Iraq proclaimed himself Emperor, he had already expressed his ambition.

Kingship is granted by heaven, not by God!

"Drag him down and kill him!" Emperor Qian glanced at Miao Zhu coldly.

As he finished speaking, the guards walked in and dragged the temple blessing down.

During this process, many ministers remained silent, obviously they had already learned some news.

Soon after, Miao Zhu's screams came from outside.


At the same time, the huge sculpture was pushed to the ground and shattered into pieces.

Just as it happened, the sculpture's face landed at Emperor Qian's feet.

Emperor Qian looked at this pitiful face and stepped on it.

He looked into the distance, his heart racing.

When the country of Iraq unified other countries, the late emperor once said that divine power bound the fists of the country of Iraq.

If the divine power had always been there, it would have been impossible for the Yi Kingdom to destroy the other northwest kingdoms.

But now, it's time for Iraq to take a punch!

The seven generations of rule have allowed the country of Iraq to accumulate strength.

The reunification of the mainland is now!

"Long live my emperor, long live long live!!!"

The ministers looked at Emperor Qian enthusiastically and knelt on the ground.

Today, it has been 300 years since the founding of the country of Iraq. Its national power is at its peak. The shackles have been broken again. The future is promising!

"Heart ghost, do you want to kill this dog emperor?"

At this time, not far from them, there was a man and a young woman watching this scene with cold eyes.

"No need." The woman named Xinggui shook her head slightly, and white threads emerged from her eyes: "There is no need for us to take action. The country's national destiny will not be long."

"Why? Is it because he destroyed the master's sculpture?" The man asked strangely. According to his view of the master, the master would not be so stingy.

"Of course not." Xin Gui sighed softly: "I have the ability to feel people's hearts. Although this Emperor Qian said he broke the master's sculpture, he actually broke his awe.

Once people lose their respect, they are in great danger. "

At this time, the sky suddenly became dark, and the world became cold.

Rays of light appeared in the sky, fell to the ground, and flew to all parts of the continent.

The Heart Ghost and the White-faced Ghost also vaguely felt the call, and immediately turned into light and disappeared in place.

At the same moment, all the immortal sculptures on this continent collapsed.

When the Emperor Qian and the ministers of the Yi Kingdom saw this scene, they were so frightened that they felt that God was angry and wanted to wipe out the world.

At this time, Emperor Qian already felt regretful. He had been smart since childhood, had a photographic memory, and had the courage to stand up to thousands of others.

However, at this time, he felt that his human power was exhausted and he could not fight against the sky.

"Great... calamity... heaven..."

At this moment, a soft murmur spread across the entire continent.

Immediately afterwards, a vague aura appeared between heaven and earth.

There is great terror in this aura.

But soon, this aura dissipated.

Then, the darkness in the sky dissipated, and the heaven and earth returned to their original appearance.

"Long live my emperor!" the ministers' voices rang again.

Emperor Qian stepped on the face of the sculpture with a look of pleasure in his eyes.

At this time, everyone had forgotten what happened before.

However, it didn't take long for people on this continent to discover something very strange.

Sculptures of immortals can no longer be cast.

Even if the original sculpture is glued together, it will quickly fall apart.

Panic is spreading across the mainland.

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