Jiang Xuan was startled when he heard what he said, and then said in disbelief: "Do you just want to change two people?"

Human life, in his heart, has always been worthless.

In fact, this is also true.

In this world, the least valuable thing is human life.

People can kill people, demons can kill people, and ghosts can kill people.

Human life, in their hearts, is the cheapest currency.

No matter the Yinsi, Yaoting, Kantianluo Island, Sanren Thirteen Islands and other places, they all think so.

Li Si's method of controlling blood energy is absolutely priceless.

But using this thing in exchange for two people, he felt a little weird.

"Are they in your hands?" Li Si looked at Jiang Xuan and asked.

"Not bad." Jiang Xuan smiled, "I can exchange them for you."

When Li Si heard this, he was slightly relieved. He had just used the ghost mirror's ability to look at it and found that Jiang Xuan was indeed not lying.

Then, he said calmly: "Not enough."

"Not enough?" Jiang Xuan was stunned for a moment, then calmed down immediately.

He was slightly dizzy just now because he saw this secret method of blood energy. Looking back now, he only felt that his previous thoughts were very childish.

Both Li Si and Zhang Yuan are very smart people. Although they have relatives of Zhang Yuan, they will not deal with them so easily.

"These are Zhang Yuan's parents. To Zhang Yuan, their value cannot be compared to the blood energy secret method." He put down the tea cup and slowly poured a cup of tea.

Although he knew that Li Si wanted more, he was not a fool and just made a deal with Li Si.

After all, he wanted this secret method of blood, but didn’t Zhang Yuan want his parents?

The value of a transaction does not lie in the specific value of the things between the two parties, but in the hearts of the two parties.

This kind of thing, the more urgent it is, the more things will happen.

"I want your latest blood energy formation and give me a group of Tianluo survivors." Li Si ignored Jiang Xuan's words and slowly stated his conditions.

Hearing his words, Jiang Xuan sneered and put down the teapot, "Why? Your blood energy secret method is just the icing on the cake. At most, it can only be replaced by Zhang Yuan's parents or the blood energy formation."

Choose one of the two, as for the Tianluo survivors you mentioned. Sorry, I have never been in the habit of selling my people to outsiders! "

"Oh." Li Si nodded slowly, and then said, "What if we add the life of the entire island?"

After saying that, a killing intent enveloped Jiang Xuan's body.

Feeling the killing intent, Jiang Xuan's pupils shrank slightly and his expression turned cold.

"Brush!!!" A uniform voice suddenly appeared nearby, and soldiers emerged from the darkness one after another, drawing their bows and arrows, pointing directly at Li Si.

"This is my territory. If you want to play tricks on me, I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place." Jiang Xuan stood up slowly, his eyes filled with coldness.

Li Si remained silent, his expression calm, not affected by the surrounding environment at all.

"Human blood and Qi are hidden in the flesh and blood, inside the organs, transformed by Yang Qi, and generated by thoughts..." He spoke slowly.

As he continued to talk, Jiang Xuan's face became increasingly ugly.

What Li Si is talking about now is exactly the outline of the Blood Qi Formation, many of which were written by him.

"Do you want me to continue?" Li Si looked at Jiang Xuan mid-sentence and asked.

"Since you already know the blood formation, you must know that this blood formation can only be used by people from Tianluo Island. Why are you still trading with me?" Jiang Xuan stretched out his hand and asked the surrounding soldiers to put away their bows and arrows, and then asked slowly.

"You are actually already thinking of ways to allow ordinary people to join this battle, right?" Li Si asked.

Jiang Xuan frowned and stared at Li Si, then sat down and remained silent.

"How do you know?" he asked after a while.

"Isn't it just for this step that you brought so many martial arts masters before? I'm trading with you just for this result." Li Si also mentioned this issue when discussing with Zhang Yuan before.

Since Jiang Xuan had recruited so many martial arts masters, it was impossible not to make full use of them.

"Okay." Jiang Xuan suddenly smiled, "But I have a request."

"What's the request?" Li Si frowned slightly and asked.

"I need you to attack the Nine Provinces Continent with me." Jiang Xuan stared at him closely and said word by word.

"Impossible." Li Si shook his head.

"Why, as long as you attack the Nine Provinces Continent with me, after success, half of the world will be yours!"

"I do not care."

Li Si shook his head. He never cared who owned the world.

He doesn't want to be that kind of emperor, riding on others and dominating others.

Moreover, Jiang Xuan's trip to the Kyushu Continent this time was destined to lead to death.

"I am fighting for the human race! Now that you cooperate with me, our human race's winning rate will increase a lot!!!" Jiang Xuan's eyes turned red and he gritted his teeth.

"What you are doing is for your own interests, not the interests of the human race." Li Si suddenly smiled and said slowly.

Just now, he felt Jiang Xuan was lying.

"Even so, so what, in fact I am fighting for the benefit of the human race! But you are hiding behind, like a coward!" After being exposed by Li Si, Jiang Xuan was not embarrassed at all, and just said coldly.

"What I want to do is not only eradicate demons and ghosts, I also want to eradicate people like you who treat people like animals." Li Si said slowly.

In this world, people can also bully others.

The most serious place to bully people is precisely this violent sea that cannot be touched by the Yin Division and the Demon Court.

Here, Li Si has seen enough ugliness.

"Pfft!" Jiang Xuan suddenly sneered, "Li Si, I never thought you would be so naive. Where there are people, there are classes, and where there are classes, there will be oppression. This is the general trend and it cannot be stopped. !

There is only one thing we can do, and that is to climb to the top of the class and exploit others. This is the real way to survive.

You don’t even understand this, do you? "

Hearing this, Li Si suddenly laughed: "I understand, but I think that if there is oppression, then break it, just like the Yinsi and Demon Court."

"What about where you stand? Take Blue Sea Island as an example. As long as you live, you are the highest-ranking person. According to what you say, you should be broken." Jiang Xuan sneered.

"I will not oppress others." Li Si shook his head, "Besides, it is my people who are higher in class, not my heart."

"It's useless to talk! The bottom line is that you don't want to go to Jiuzhou Continent with me, right?" Jiang Xuan looked at Li Si coldly.

"Yes, this secret method of blood energy control can be used as my help." Li Si nodded slightly.

"I'll make a deal with you!" Jiang Xuan said straightforwardly.

Then, he paused and looked at Li Si: "But if I fail, you have to remember that you are a sinner of the human race!!! This is a rare opportunity. If you miss this time, you will not have another chance. Got it!!!”

"Whether he is a sinner of the human race is not for you, a person who kills people without calculation." Li Si looked calm and calm, "You should be careful with yourself. The Yin Division and the Demon Court are not as simple as you think."

He is no longer the impulsive person he was at the beginning, so it is naturally impossible for him to be kidnapped by Jiang Xuan's morals.

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