Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 75: So skilled

He also walks as a senior demon.

The white-haired monk in front of me is not comparable to the self-righteous newcomers like Ma Qiang and Zhang Wen.

Being able to persist in the deadly poisonous mist for so long will surely have its own dependence.

Dong Dongyuan needs information and time, so that poison can play a greater role.

确定 Until she is sure that the monk in front of her is completely dead, she will not rush.

As for why not sell Ma Qiang and Zhang Wen directly, and instead cooperate with Tang Luo, a strong man.

In Dong Yuan's thinking, this white-haired monk is not a good partner. Otherwise, Ma Qiang and Zhang Wen are so full that they can come to her for cooperation?

In the final analysis, she still prefers to be alone.

"It seems that the people on the painting are killed by the donor." Tang Luo said, "I don't know why the donor hurt the killer?"

Dong Yuan was so full of eyebrows: "Someone is looking for death."

She's experience was a "black history" when she nearly capsized.

In simple terms, it was Dong Yuan who investigated the information related to the little girl selling matches in order to make an in-depth investigation.

I met someone who was fairly energetic in Ansan City.

The two sides met to draw a picture, and then Dong Yuan was overcast, and she was almost overwhelmed.

He walked as a demon, and when he was angry, there were nearly a hundred corpses.

The deadly poisonous mist spread, and the people on the painting, whether innocent or not, killed everyone.

Finally, the medicine broke out and he was groggy and was picked up by Ma Qiang and Zhang Wen who just passed by.

The words "someone is dying" alone cannot obviously satisfy the curiosity of listening school Tang Luo.

He asked, "Can you say more in detail?"

Dong Yuan's eyes narrowed, and the other person's fearless appearance made her feel a little bad.

The original colorless and odorless poisonous mist suddenly changed. You can see the green "waves" rising in the air.

This is the ultimate manifestation of the deadly poisonous mist by Dong Yuan.

Radon is much more toxic than the "colorless and odorless" state.

Similarly, the duration is shorter and the scope is narrower.

For a minute and a half, counting the time just now, the deadly poisonous mist can only last for a minute and a half.

After Xun did this, Dong Yuan didn't stop, she reached out her hand and made several complicated gestures.

Xu Shi exhibited his second skill-retardation.

In front of Tang Luo, a snail pattern composed of glowing lines appeared.

The seal was on him and disappeared.

Tang Luo glanced down and tried to raise his hand, a resistance came from all directions.

I felt like I was completely placed in a thick slime, and I even encountered resistance when I flicked my fingers.

"You have no chance. Let ’s talk about the role of the skull, how much do you know about the matchstick girl?" After finishing these two things, Dong Yuan relaxed a little, and sneered at the corner of her mouth.

Arrogance is deadly.

I just, just relaxed, her body tightened again.

Because she saw, behind Tang Luo, in the surging green poisonous mist, I don't know when a figure appeared.

A skinny little figure.


Dong Yuan was shocked and took a few steps back.

The figure ignored her, but raised her hand slowly, belonging to the child, timid, with a hint of husky sound that should not be heard: "Excuse me, do you want to buy a match?"

的 Little girl selling matches!

Dong Dongyuan immediately confirmed the identity of the visitors.

I just don't know if I'm asking Tang Luo or Dong Yuan.

Deadly poisonous mist, no matter it is color or toxicity, for Dong Yuan's performance, naturally it will not produce any effect.

She clearly saw that the little girl selling matches had her head down, and the point of sight was neither in that Xuanzang monk nor in herself.

Instead, on the chair's skull!

"This skull really has something to do with her ... Did killing her even get a skull and complete the task?" Dong Yuan secretly said in her heart.

I did not leave, and did not act rashly.

I didn't get a response, the little girl slowly looked up and looked in the direction of Dong Yuan.

For a moment.

Dong Dongyuan's body was stiff, completely seized by huge fear.

Under the helmet-like dirty hair, there are obscure dark red eyes, which completely occupied Dong Yuan's world.

Is not a special ability. It is the instinct that the weak face the strong, the lower face the upper, and the prey faces the predator who has completely entered the hunting state.

"Do not!"

Dong Yuan is not bad, and growled.

Break through the fear, her stiff body moved, opened the door as fast as possible, and rushed out.


The mission cannot be to let the demon walk to kill such a monster, there must be something wrong!

No matter what is wrong, flee first, flee first is the only thing needed now.

Dong Yuan is lucky.

The green poisonous mist dispersed, and the little girl selling matches did not chase her.

Tang Luo did not go after her.

Dong Yuan is just a "little thing". The "person" in front of me is more important now.

The little girl who sold matchsticks didn't release her right hand when she raised her fist. The matchstick inside showed the ends in the cracked palm.

"Excuse me, buy a match?" She asked again. This time, I asked Don Luo.

"Okay." Tang Luo laughed.

"Okay!" The little girl's voice suddenly rejoiced, spreading her palms.

The other hand also stretched out and took the other matches, leaving only one.

"how much is it?"

Tang Luo asked the match from the cold little hand.

Can retardation really achieve the effect Dong Yuan wants? nonexistent.

不要 "No money," said the little girl selling matches. "Can you throw it out?"

"Huh?" Tang Luo said for a moment.

He has already answered the other party such as "your life".

I didn't expect it to be money, but to throw out the match.

This operation is a bit interesting.

"Can you throw it out?" Seeing Tang Luo holding still, the little girl selling matches urged.

Is still the original child's voice, but you can hear impatience, and finally weird stress.

Is almost like a prelude to the storm, a gunpowder barrel about to explode.

"it is good."

Tangluo flowed like a stream, throwing it lightly, tossing a small stick match to the wall.

The little girl who was selling matchsticks turned around instantly, fell on the side of the match, picked it up with her mouth, and returned to Tang Luo.

Fast speed, action ... very proficient.


Why is he so skilled?

"Again, again," she murmured vaguely.

Tang Luo reached out and took the match from her mouth. There was no drool or anything on it. All she felt was cold, and she suddenly changed from a match to a popsicle.

"Are you a Teletubbie?" Tang Luo lost it again.

The little girl fluttered again, fished with her mouth, and sent it to Tang Luo: "Farther, farther."

The second half of the sentence was full of threats and impatience.

Gives a very obvious feeling-if it is not far next time, it will be swallowed by the monster in front of it.

"Okay." Tang Luo flicked his fingers.

The stick-stick match smashed the closed window like a bullet and flew out.

This little stick match is not ordinary, such strength and speed are not enough to damage it.

When the matchstick disappeared by the window, the little girl selling the match disappeared.

The speed is staggering.

Tangluo continued to sit still, and in his eyes thoughtful, this feeling seemed a bit familiar.

He didn't worry about the little girl selling matches not coming back.

The skull is still here.

Tang Luo felt that although the little girl seemed to be wise, she could still communicate with him.

But in fact, it acts more like following certain rules, or instinct.

I can confirm that Tang Luo was focused on by the little girl who sold matches because of the skull.

For him, even the daily "killing" or selling matches has stopped.

I can really face Tang Luo after.

Her move was not to get the skull immediately, but to ask Tang Luo if she wanted to buy a match.

Meet the "consistent standard behavior" of little girls selling matches.

This is not like what a truly intelligent “being” can do.

Is more like ...

I did not wait for Tang Luo to come up with a reason, a faint cold wind passed.

The little girl who was selling matches appeared again to Tang Luo.

"Farther, farther, farther!" She held on to the match, her voice more and more vague, and she had already beast-like roar.

"How far?"

Tang Luo tossed the match up and down without asking directly.

"Farther! Farther!" The little girl looked up at Tang Luo, obscure dark red eyes, exuding endless fierce light.

It seems that even if she buys a match and throws it out according to her requirements, she won't be able to escape by biting half of her body or swallowing it completely.

"Begging, this is not the attitude, little thing." Tang Luo smiled, reached out and stroked the little girl's head, and then patted it.

The little girl who sold matchsticks suddenly lost her balance.

His head moved his body, and he hit the floor severely.

The smashed wood splattered, and the little girl selling matches had her head inlaid in the floor, half on her stomach.

For a second, she propped her head on the floor with her hands.


Will only be heard by Tang Luo alone ~ ~ deafening beast roar.

The little girl who sold matchsticks opened her mouth wide, completely occupying her face, and continues to expand.

His sharp teeth shone with cold light, and his scarlet tongue danced like a wild snake.

Its shape is not a human mouth, like a snake. And those sharp teeth like machete belong to the beast.

I faced this blood basin with a big mouth.

Tang Luo finally stood up, while right leg kicked up with his knees.

化 Hold your left palm, lifted it, from top to bottom, and press the little girl's growing mouth, pressing down.

The open jaw had to meet again.

The radon gas surged and the plates on the table kept shaking.

Stomp his foot, and squeezed the "little girl" 's protruding mouth with his left hand. Tang Luo's expression was a little bit suspicious: "Dog ... son?"

The little girl was struggling frantically, her hands and her feet were scrambled, but she couldn't escape Tang Luo's clutches.

The whimpering sound really resembles a dog.

"One yuan and two instruments, sharp edge broke through, sick!"

When Tang Luo planned to study in detail, the sound of Qingyue sounded.

A streamer of ice-blue color hit his back.

Tangluo turned his head, showing his sword in his right hand, a little back.

The icy blue streamer turned into little starlight fragments.

I just, at the same time, another ice-blue streamer struck from the other side.

更快 Faster than just now!

Tang Luo slightly moved his left hand.

"Roar!" The little girl selling matches instantly burst into a powerful force far beyond what was just now. Taking this opportunity to break free from Tang Luo, she disappeared without a trace.

Tang Luo grabbed an empty palm.

The ice-blue streamer struck his chest!

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