Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 63: Monkey King? !!

Outside the villa, Yao Jingwu walked behind the car and looked around.

I'm sure no one followed.

Open the trunk and take out a nearly humanoid ginseng from the exquisite packaging box as fast as possible.

He then squeezed the packing box with his bare hands and shoved it into the corner.

Don't say it is a 500-year-old ginseng brought out from the mission world.

Even in the real world, there are not five hundred years.

And the traces of artificial cultivation are too serious.

Yao Jingwu looked at the ginseng in his hand and stretched out his hand twice to make it look less human. Then he walked back slowly.

I was thinking about how to solve the matter satisfactorily-successfully get cleaned up.

I ca n’t just stand by. Everyone is close to science.

经 Yao Jingwu belongs to the one who gets a piece of money and does nothing.

The same as "inside people", rules can not be broken.

At least Yao Jingwu didn't have that ability, broke the rules, and will definitely be punished.

If you stubbornly come, you will only steal the chicken in the end.

So, the focus is on that newcomer.

Yao Jingwu's eyes turned around, and suddenly he had a good idea.

Judging from the contact just now, the newcomer is arrogant, and this character can be easily used.

He showed a confident smile, and Yao Jingwu stepped back.

That look made some of the daemons who had suspected that he was going to pit a newcomer walk.

Is it really five hundred years old ginseng?

"Try it." Yao Jingwu handed the ginseng directly to Tang Luo.

Tang Luo took it, tore off a small ginseng, and put it in his mouth.

Chewed a few times and swallowed: "Fake, do you have anything else?"


Yao Jingwu seems to be a hunter who finally seized the opportunity and immediately attacked, "You actually said that this is fake!"

"It doesn't work for me," said Tang Luo, calmly.

Elder Tang has not seen any storms.

Little brother, you want to do something.

"You say useless is useless?" Yao Jingwu Yi filled in angrily, "This ginseng is what I got in my last mission after nine deaths!"

"You are really weak," said Tang Luo.

Jiu Jiu died in such a useless thing?


Yao Jingwu's anger suddenly made it come true, "Want to die?"

"Do you want to die?"

Qin Menglan's voice is not in the spring breeze, as a cold wind blows.

"Leader Qin." Yao Jingwu turned to look at the coming Qin Menglan, his voice stiff, "This boy said that my ginseng was fake, and it was passed down from the public. Who else would buy my things? The smaller one, It broke my financial path! The bigger thing is to destroy my reputation. No one will deal with me in the future. This is my life! "

Righteous words.

"..." Qin Menglan didn't say anything, looked up and down Yao Jingwu, and seemed to guess that he had an idea.

"This thing can't be counted!" Yao Jingwu was decisive.

"So what do you want, apologize for taking that equipment as a gift?" Qin Menglan mocked.

The smallpox was let go by Yao Jingwu.

She couldn't make this guy succeed.

As soon as I opened my mouth, someone had learned everything, and the consequences were unthinkable.

"Am I such a person?" Yao Jingwu said, "I just need to meet in person and sincerely apologize."

"Hum--" Qin Menglan chuckled, "Is your ginseng true or false, dare you give me a try?"

"Is the leader Qin still a ginseng appraiser?" Yao Jingwu resigned.

提升 Enhance your strength and survive to have a sister.

He can tell the difference between priorities.

I said again, when he was so strong that he would rely on science even when approaching science, was he afraid that the woman would not yield?

冷静 Calm mind and clear thinking.

Licking a dog has no reason, he understands it.

"Do n’t I say that, don't you let everyone taste it?" Qin Menglan wanted to defeat Yao Jingwu's foothold.

"One person, one sip, I'll just give it away." Yao Jingwu said, looking at Tang Luo again, "Don't hide behind a woman, it's a man who comes out. What I want is simple, right here, right now, in person Apologies to me! Sorry! "

"Oh, get off."

Tang Luo is very cooperative with Yao Jingwu.

Yao Jingwu flashed the expression of "Planning", and turned into anger that was not disguise, but must show up.

"It seems that this is no longer good."

I didn't wait for Qin Menglan to say anything, Yao Jingwu immediately said, "I want to fight you! For my reputation and dignity, the inheritor of the fate is not shameful!"



The people around me are a little embarrassed. It's not good to make such hard lines.


Tang Luo agreed with a smile, and let Qin Menglan swallow it back.

"Very good."

Yao Jingwu smiled from the bottom of his heart.

The other side really hit his radical method.

So ...

"If I lose, your ginseng belongs to you, if you win, your equipment belongs to me." Yao Jingwu revealed his true purpose.

If Tang Luo refuses to answer.

He had no choice but to obediently return the cleaning.

But Tang Luo took it.

Qin Menglan cannot continue to jump out and preside over justice.

Such things as gambling.

It has not happened before.

Belongs to everyone's default rules.

At most scolded Yao Jingwu is black and shameless.

"Not enough." Tang Luo laughed, revealing his white teeth. "Today we have both victory and defeat."

"Father and son-no, life and death ?!"

I was surprised.

This is too much fun.

I have heard of gambling and have seen it.

But life and death?

I have never seen it before, is it necessary?

He took a step back and said, even if you want the other person to die, just find a chance to stab him.

Do n’t forbid “doing things” while walking.

Of course, if you do too much, the side that is doing things first will be easier to disappear.

Yao Jingwu suddenly Tang Luo was pushed to the edge of the cliff and it was difficult to ride a tiger.

Division of life and death?

He never thought about it.

The cleaning of the newcomer under the guise of Heihe is to improve his strength, what is the reason to improve his strength, and of course, to live and live better.

装备 In order to equip the battle of life and death, that is putting the cart before the horse.

Yao Jingwu stunned, and then he saw the taunt and ecstasy in Tang Luo's eyes.

"Okay, life and death are life and death!"

开口 He said, "It's dangerous, I almost got cheated by this kid."

"Find a place?" Tang Luo looked at Qin Menglan.

"Are you all sure?" Qin Menglan asked, "At that time, no matter who loses or wins, we will not try to save people, and we will not pursue afterwards."

"OK." Yao Jingwu nodded.

Someone is looking for death and can't stop it.

"Um." Tang Luo nodded.

"Okay." Qin Menglan no longer stopped.

The ecology between the walking gods and demons is like the martial arts, rivers and lakes of the old days.

法律 Anyway, laws and regulations can't control them.

Now that both parties agree, let's kill.

No matter what kind of person you are, there is a bit of force in your heart.

"Don't fight again" .gif?


At most help people to collect the dead body, and take care of it afterwards.

I walked to the side of the hall and Qin Menglan opened a secret door to reveal a downward passage.

The old people all look strange.

The newcomers were a little surprised.

Is there a basement?

I do have a basement—or, more appropriately, an underground stadium.

An underground space the size of two football fields.

Covered with steel from top to bottom, left and right, the corners are filled with exaggerated exercise equipment.

Some walls, there are marks on the ground-it should be the gods walking here to practice skills.

There is no nonsense, more than thirty demons walking consciously turned to zero, standing far away, watching the two people in the field.

"I can't figure it out, why are you trying to die?" Yao Jingwu said, "Did you forget that I am also the holder of the life pattern?"

If there is an immortal holder, it is just an ordinary demon walking.

It is normal for the other person to be so confident.

But everyone is a holder of life pattern, and he takes multiple steps in advance.

He couldn't figure it out, the opposite—oh, the guy who claimed to be Xuanzang dared to die.

Shouldn't he borrow a donkey downhill when Qin Menglan asked in the end?

Is nothing more than a piece of equipment.

How can life matter?

Tang Luo did not answer Yao Jingwu's words. He folded his hands on his chest, bowed his head slightly, and closed his eyes: "Amitabha, please the donor."


Yao Jingwu scolded and shot directly.

Being confident is one thing.

But the lion beats the rabbit, also with full strength.

Yao Jingwu will not capsize inside the gutter.

五 With five fingers spread out on his right hand, the palm of his hand suddenly expanded to more than twice that of an ordinary person.

Wu Qingjin violently rises, like a dragon covering the back of his hands and fingers around a column.

Nails pop out, sharp like beak's claws.

Suddenly, the palm of the monster came to Tang Luo's head.

The blazing wind blows the face, and the dark clouds cover the top!

This is a skill Yao Jingwu once had-iron claw.

But this skill gradually changed after he became the holder of life pattern.

This change does not form "paper" information.

But the holder of the fate is naturally aware of the changes.

Yao Jingwu took a new name for him—Sanshou Claw!

Hold your claws down, it will definitely make the human soul fly away!

"Sure enough ..."

Tangluo raised his head slightly and opened his eyes, "a little bit mad."

The right hand of Hehe Shi went up and shot on Yao Jingwu's "paws"!

For a while, Yao Jingwu seemed to be bumping into a solid diamond.

Not only didn't hesitate, the feedback from ~ ~ also made him have severe pain in his fingers, followed by a numbness.

Yao Jingwu immediately closed his hands and backed up.

I glanced at my right hand.

The two fingernails of the ring finger and **** have been turned upside down, and blood is slowly flowing out.

The whole hand was shaking unconsciously.

看 Look at the other's hand again, without any injuries!

"how come!"

经 Yao Jingwu's complexion suddenly twisted.

Scooping his soul claws, grabbing ordinary steel-concrete watered buildings, just like grabbing tofu blocks.

Is the underground "training ground", special reinforced steel materials can also leave scratches.

The other hand ... is it made of diamond?

"Skills such as Vajra Palm?" Yao Jingwu secretly said.

Look at the monk's sudden appearance.

He also called himself Xuanzang, the monk's code name.

What is the monk's destiny?

Sweeping the monk?

Shaolin empty character senior monk?

No flower?

Is n’t it possible that he is a deity?


洛 Tang Luo did not chase, with one hand standing on his chest and one behind his back, he suddenly became a master monk.


经 Yao Jingwu laughed angrily and raised his left hand to spread out.

After a while, Sweeping appeared in his hands, and he turned and waved twice.

"Lao Tzu's life style is Qitian Dasheng!"

A violent breath erupted from him.

Blonde hair fluttering.

明显 Open mouth reveals sharply pointed canine teeth.

Soaring momentum!


Tang Luo's expression became strange.

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