Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 59: Mirror demon

I stepped on the third floor.

I just left the steps, and the flashlight in my hand had not irradiated the surroundings.

In the dark, a black shadow flew out and struck Tang Luo's head.

Fast as lightning.

People can't react at all, even if they can't see what it is, they just hit it.

Well, it's an ordinary person, not Tang Luo.

Tang Luo reached out and grabbed.

The black shadow that came from the attack seemed to be thrown into the net, and he was easily grasped in his hands.

I began to struggle frantically.

The power transmitted by Xun was like holding a vibrating pump.


Tang Luo looked at the "shadow deity" in his hand.

He is not something weird, but an ordinary bat.

Apart from the **** eyes, nothing special was seen.

The badger fluttered, and the bat in his hand flew out faster than before, hitting the wall and turning into a pool of flesh.

The decoration of the third floor has been basically completed.

Not only has the room, but also the door.

I can't help but **** everywhere.

There are renovations, construction waste, and a lot of domestic waste left over from the past.

I'm afraid there have been nomads here.

Tangluo saw several people lying on the ground without moving.

I walked over and glanced.

He was a few skinny corpses, and his clothes were quite new.


Tang Luo squatted and checked.

These bodies have two distinct blood holes in their necks, arms and the like.

I'm afraid that the bat just sucked out the whole body's blood.

的 The identity of these people, needless to say, is naturally a person in the spiritual alien group, a companion of Wang Shuishui.

"Bat fine, not quite like it."

Tang Luo looked at the blood on the wall.

This little bat is not even a wild monster.


I didn't wait for Tang Luo to find more things, and a scream from strong to weak came downstairs.

Tang Luo stepped back two steps and stepped on his right foot.

The thick floor was directly stepped out of a large hole by him, and fell to the second floor with the stones.

Tang Luo, who fell to the ground, saw the Wang Shuishui, hugging him with a man.

The two are "embracing kiss".

Looking at the man's strong posture, it was as if he was rubbing Wang Shuishui into his body.

The half of Wang Shui-shui's exposed face was all twisted and frightened.

Eyes involuntarily turned white.

洛 Tang Luo took a step forward and stretched out one hand, grabbing the man's head.

He seemed to catch the chick and caught him.

I took a look at him, and Tang Luo said, "This is dead, it's not saved."

With strong hands, the man's head cracked.

There is no blood flowing out of the puppet, just like an empty shell.

A faint of black breath rose up and disappeared quickly.

The corpse that crickets fell to the ground dried up at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and even "weathered."

In just a few seconds, it turned into a pile of bones.

King Wang Shui Shui collapsed on the ground, his eyes closed.

Tang Luo lifted her up, shaking for a while, "waking up" suddenly.

Wang Shui-shui opened his eyes, and there was a cloud inside, and then a demented smile appeared, and drool came from the corner of his mouth.

"Yin Qi entered the brain, stupid, and could not be saved." Tang Luo reached out and squeezed her neck, directly pinching Wang Shuishui.

I went back upstairs again and looked around.

Apart from those corpses, nothing more was found.

"There are not enough people, how many are there?" Tang Luo secretly said in his heart.

According to the people who said in the group at the beginning that they would definitely participate, now Tang Luo has seen a few fewer people.

I don't know where.

I still say that there are only a few here, all of them here?

Wang Shui Shui became a fool, and naturally he could not answer Tang Luo's question.

I spent a bit of merit, and he awakened the woman who played the dead body ahead of time.

A few minutes later.

Tang Luo walked to another villa next to it.

According to the ghost-dressing women, they are "dividing two ways."

Some people do furnishings in this villa.

The rest are in another villa.

别墅 The villa over there is actually the main course that really took a lot of effort.

This is just an appetizer.

The completion of another villa is even lower than this villa.

Only half of the courtyard wall was built.

Rough house with complete structure.

The doors and windows are quite complete.

Tangluo opened the door of the villa and saw a figure standing in front of himself, with a slight smile on his face.

At the same time, weeping voices were heard in the corner.

This figure is not others, but Tang Luo himself!

Not far from the doorway, a floor-to-ceiling mirror was set up to show the whole body.

There was still a burning red candle in front of me.

I feel like a horrible ceremony.

Tangluo ignored the mirror and candles, and walked to the corner, where a black sound less than the size of a slap was placed.

I also covered with debris.

Is obviously one of the so-called "main dishes" arrangements.

Unfortunately, when I met Tang Luo, a man who came to demons and demons to earn merits, it was like a wink to the blind man.

"anyone there?"

Tang Luo shouted.

Xu quietly, no one answered him.

I casually swept around. No one was seen on the first floor. Tang Luo walked towards the second floor.

I just stepped onto the platform of the stairwell, turned around and saw another figure.

Ji He is a floor-to-ceiling mirror again.

In the darkness, vaguely reflected Tang Luo's shadow.

Continue to step forward, Tang Luo searched the entire villa.

Many corners and the like are put in the mirror.

Probably want to make a mirror-themed horror house?

But besides the mirror, Tang Luo had nothing more to discover.

I didn't see anyone, nor did I see the backpack-oh, except for that "small speaker".

"Where have you been?"

On the top floor, Tang Luo stared at the mirror in front of his eyes with a flashlight.

In such an environment, even his own face looks extremely scary in the mirror.


流 The horror and spooky events of looking into the mirror late at night are not low.

I watched for a while, Tang Luo turned to the window, pushed open the stuck window, and looked out.

In the distance are the lights of the city, and the nearest are black sparse trees.

Behind ...

He lost the light in the mirror, but Tang Luo's figure did not turn around with his turning movement.

I still kept the "face-out" posture, as if-there was a real person in the mirror.

Looking at Tang Luo in the mirror, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

At the same time, leaning forward, with a strange smile, she completely stuck her face to the "mirror".

The ripples appear like water waves on the mirror surface.

It seems that someone is slowly coming out of the water, and Tang Luo in the mirror walks out of the mirror silently.

I raised my hand and aimed at Tang Luo, who is "I am watching the scenery on the top floor".

The palm of his hand was ten centimeters away from Tang Luo, accelerating his strength and pushing hard behind Tang Luo.

The striated pattern does not move!

No fall occurred.

Tang Luo doesn't even lean forward.

The movement of the person in the mirror stopped.

Tang Luo slowly turned his head, glanced at Yu Guang, and slapped him in the past.


There was a squeak, and the person in the mirror flew out.

The puppet landed on the ground again, and cracks appeared on the body, then it shattered like a mirror.

Turned into a black breath, disappeared.

"Really a mirror demon."

Tang Luo whispered.

Mirror demon, in simple terms, is a horror ghost that is formed by integrating things like grudges and ghosts into the mirror.

Strictly speaking, it's not a "monster".

I'm a ghost.

Some bronze mirrors, portrait paintings, etc., are relatively easy to be occupied and fused by grudges and ghosts.

Painting in the fairy, demon in the mirror.

Belongs to folk's appellation of such ghosts.

Most of the ghosts have the ability to **** people's essence, blood, and upper body control, etc.

For example, a bat encountered in another villa, and the unsaved person.

If the mirror monster, there will be some special abilities.

Some powerful mirror monsters can even create "mirror realms" and draw people into them.

镜 Most of the mirror demon right now is not working.

The "Tang Luo" in the mirror is just a superficial "mapping".

He identified what was working.

It's easy to deal with.

Kicked and kicked up, the floor-to-ceiling mirror in front of him fell and shattered.

"Not this." Tang Luo walked to the other mirror.

Holding out a hand to push.

The man in the mirror also reached out-reaching out of the mirror.

Collided with Tang Luo's palm.

Broken with a mirror, starting from the palm.

"Two sides."

Not sure which mirror is the body, Tang Luo chose to break all the mirrors in the villa.

I also have seven or eight faces in total, and it doesn't take much time.

Ordinary people face the people in the mirror and the like, and if they are lucky, they will be disabled if they do not die.

But for Tang Luo, a wave of things.

I can't stop him from destroying all the mirrors by a hundred more mirrors.

The sound of the broken mirror continued to sound in the villa.

Within a few minutes, all the mirrors were broken by Tang Luo.

I was left with the side I saw when I opened the door. Standing behind, Tang Luo also kicked out.

The candle fell when the mirror fell down.

"OK, it's over ..."

Tangluo laughed ~ ~ Do you think I would say so? "

The mirror was all smashed by him, but the mirror demon was not dead.

These mirrors are not the body of the mirror demon.

The mirror was brought by Wang Shuishui.

If the mirror monster is hidden in it, Wang Shuishui will not even have the chance to make a film.

So, the mirror demon body should be the mirror in the villa.

In addition, no matter how weak the mirror demon is, the body is not just a random push, it will break when it falls to the ground.

Most importantly, no merit is gained.

I prove that the mirror demon is not dead.

洛 Tang Luo didn't know how the mirror demon in the villa came.

He speculated that these guys had arranged the mirrors, and they might be in the mirror demon if they "activated".

This caused the incident at night.

"let me find it……"

Tang Luo looked up at the ceiling.

During the search just now, he basically searched all over.

The only thing missing is overhead.

Sure enough, an ancient bronze mirror slightly larger than the slap was hung above Tang Luo's head.

The distance from the "ceiling" is about ten centimeters.

If you don't look up deliberately, and just happened to shine it with a flashlight, it is extremely difficult to find.

Tang Luo jumped up and reached out to grasp the mirror.

At this moment, four figures were squeezed out of the mirror instantly.

The pale face, red eyes, the original appearance has been distorted.

Tang Luo neither knew them now, nor did they know what they looked like.

But you can judge by quantity.

I was the few remaining people.

I changed my fingers to palms, Tang Luo stretched out his bent fingers and straightened them, his five fingers opened, and an empty palm blasted out!

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