Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 39: This "killer" is not calm

Out of the single room of the snail house.

Zhang Yu silk did not leave immediately, but knocked on the opposite door.

The door opened, and a dark-skinned man opened the door. First, he looked around quickly and paused on Tang Luo's face before saying, "What is it?"

"We're going to dinner, will Officer Tan be with us?" Zhang Yusil asked.

警 The police officer Tan frowned: "I won't go, you come back early after eating. Also, said not to reveal my identity."

I was probably protecting it secretly.

As for whether it meets the requirements, such vicious cases of serial killings will be handled specially.

I am also the two last "survivors".

I assigned a little police force for protection, maybe there was nothing to discover.

The murderer murdered and knew the victim's whereabouts, and he must step on it in advance.

"My friend, came to see me specially ... I just complained to him, I shouldn't say I didn't say anything at all." Zhang Yusil said.

His face was awkward.

嗯 "Well, I don't know anything," Tang Luo said with a smile.

Tan Song almost wanted to cover his face and could only say, "This gentleman--"

"I understand, I will keep it secret and will not leak any information to the outside world." Tang Luo nodded.

"Come back early." Tan Song said to Zhang Yu silk again.

Protection is not followed for 24 hours.

Judging from the killing methods of the murderer in the past, it is more dangerous to be alone at home at night.

后 After the third deceased.

Zhang Yu silk, the three remaining "survivors", found a hotel and stayed for a while.

It is considered "Mingbao".

This time, it is relatively secretive.

Zhang Yushen's rental house was also equipped with surveillance cameras.

Zhang Yusil said that such protection would last about half a month to about a month, or the killer would be caught.

For more than a month, it happened to be the time for Zhang Yusil's rent to expire.

At that time, he plans to go home first--either to return to his hometown to get married, or simply go home.

I cannot stand.

"Are you saying, are there any dishes like ghosts and ghosts in this world?" Zhang Yu silk asked with a sip of wine, and the psychological pressure was also quite great.


Tang Luo said with certainty.

草 "Grass! Why did you find me?" Zhang Yushen cursed, "You can't be fine after the founding of the country?"

I was not so sure of Tang Luo's words.

It is better to say that it is a small vent.

"I've opened it for you, don't worry." Tang Luo smiled, "The charm won't hurt you."

"That's the best, dry it." Zhang Yu silk took a drink, "No, I did it, you are free."

He still remembers that Tangluo does not drip.

There is no special reason for, but it simply doesn't like the taste of wine.

After eating, Tang Luo returned the drunk Zhang Yusil, who was seven or eight points drunk, to the rental house.

"Go and enjoy your hotel bed." Zhang Yu silk said.

"Well, I told you, I stayed at Hotel XX for 7 days." Tang Luo said, "Call me for something."

"Well, I'm looking for you tomorrow afternoon and go for a walk together." Zhang Yusil said.

Why is it afternoon?

Because of their college days, if there was no class in the morning, there would be no morning.

The rare days of rest now do not exist in the morning.

I closed the door and haven't left yet.

Tan Song opened the door again and invited Tang Luo to enter.

Nothing special.

I just want Tang Luo to keep it as secret as possible, and as an unrelated person, I want him to stay away.

Tangluo has a Buddhist attitude of "um, okay, you are right."

怎么 As for how to do it, it depends on Tang Luo's own will.

I walked on the bustling street and felt a bit of a long absence, and Tang Luo came to the set hotel.

Go through the formalities, go upstairs, and enter the room.

The vitality of the real world is still thin, and it does not help Tang Luo's injury recovery at all.

"I did not expect the real world in this state, there is still something." Tang Luo secretly said in his heart.

When opening up Zhang Yu silk.

He deliberately suppressed all manifestations.

Otherwise, you can see that Zhang Yusil will flash over.

Then, a "thing" attached to it was dispelled.

I originally thought that in the real world, there is no such thing as a charm.

I didn't expect that there was actually?

"Dish fairy? Is the grudge attached to the dish?"

看 Viewing things from different angles often has completely different results.

The police stand to look at the world view established from a young age. The so-called Dianxian incident is undoubtedly a man-made vicious serial murder case.

But in Tang Luo's view, this may not be the case.

To be honest, it is grievance or something, and it is relatively simple to solve.

Tangluo is good at reducing monsters and demon, not chanting the Buddha.

It is Master Xuanzhang's strong point that he beats the wounding grievous ghosts and destroys each other.

I just have a problem ...

He is good at length, but not good at finding each other.

As Wu went west, Sun Wukong's eyes lit up: "Master! This demon (devil, ghost)!"

"Oh? Then step back and let the teacher come."

Then Tang Luo also brightened his eyes, smiled, and rushed up.

And now ...

"Goku, I miss you so much for my teacher."

I am too serious, it is really not a good thing.

But Tang Luo didn't want to.

He is not partial and does not focus on improving his ability to “just fight”.

要 Where is the dangerous westbound road going?

Monsters need to be cleaned after catching?


It ’s normal for those bloodthirsty demon to drink and spit.

Of course, you have to wash it first, not not without.

You can't say more about these situations, all of them are *.

What's more, at that time Tang Luo always felt that Rulai was a super big pit in front of his eyes.

Until wearing back, Rulai did not hang to Tangluo.

There is always a subtle unpleasant feeling that "I have been working so hard for so many years, and you have not come".

"Without merit, Dian Xian doesn't seem to really solve it."

Tang Luo glanced at Yulian for merit.

When Xun dispelled the objects attached to Zhang Yusil's body, he did not produce any merit.

I was proved to have been dispelled, at most it was only a small part of "Dishian".

The deity must still be hiding somewhere.

I found it and saved it. Fang is doing good deeds to save people.

I want to be a meritorious Buddha, but it is more trouble than fighting the Buddha.

The fearless reckless husband now wants to become a detective.

Life is not easy, Buddha is hard.

"Jingle Bell……"

The phone on the bedside table rang.

"Hello Mr. Tang, this is the front desk."

Tang Luo, who answered the phone, heard a sweet voice.

"Is there anything wrong?" Tang Luo asked.

This is a four-star high-end hotel, and there will be no irregular services?


Even if there is.

Master Xuanzang is righteous, is he like that kind of person?

"Is such that."

The receptionist said in a sweet voice, "A gentleman named Sun wants to find you."

"Last name? Sir?" Tang Luo suddenly disappeared 99% of his interest.

"Yes, he said it was your friend ..." The entertainer paused, waiting for Tang Luo's response.

"what is it call?"

There was a little noise there, as if holding down the microphone and asking.

After a few seconds, the voice sounded again: "He said his name was Sun Ang."

"I don't know, wait a minute." Tang Luo suddenly changed his mouth, "Let him come up."

"Well, okay, Mr. Tang, please feel free to contact us if you have any needs."

After a few minutes, there was a knock on the door.

洛 Tang Luo opened the door without looking at the cat's eyes.

Outside Yemen is a young man who looks about the same size as Tang Luo.

His face looked tired and his black hair was mixed with white hair.

But the look in his eyes was very high and confident.

I'm not right, it can be said to be conceited, but still a bit high.

"you are……"

Tang Luo said looking at this Sun Ang.

He brought him up because of this name, Zhang Yu silk and Tang Luo mentioned.

Of the six people who have played the game of disc fairy, the last survivor is the one who opened the silk cloth.

"Zhang Yusil is your friend?"

Sun Ang did not answer Tang Luo's words, crossed him into the room, pulled a chair and sat down to ask.

I look like "I am the master".

Tang Luo closed the door and said, "Yes, are you his colleague?"

"Yes." Sun Ang nodded. "Since he is your friend and everyone is a colleague, I will let him go. This boy has not offended me."


Tang Luo raised his eyebrows, and then asked, "Are you chaotic in the real world, aren't you afraid of death?"


Sun Sunang was more relaxed, "It was a rookie. It is estimated that only you rookies do not know that the restrictions are loosening now? Do it secretly, without showing off, there will be nothing."

God walking!

Sun Ang in front of his eyes ~ ~ Like Tang Luo, they are all walking.

Moreover, the real senior demon who should have experienced many tasks walked.

I do n’t have any dish fairy.

It is this demon walking before him!

It was the "hidden door" that Sun Ang left on Zhang Yusil.

Maybe listening?

In this way, you can tell why he knows that Tang Luo lives here.

Tangluo said he lived here before giving Zhang Yusil a light.

I am afraid that Sun Ang also dispelled the hidden door he left through Tang Luo, and determined that Tang Luo was walking as a demon, and came directly to warn him.

"Kill four people in a row, the task force is established, isn't it enough?" Tang Luo asked.

"Those people deserve it."

狞 Sun Ang chuckled, "I have nothing to do now, it proves that they deserve it!"

God game, has never explicitly told the rules of walking.

Including ceilings in real life.

Zhou Zhenguo told Tang Luo that it was not a problem to use his skills to seek benefits for himself and improve his life.

Later restrictions were loosened.

I include Chu Zhongtian and they have heard some plausible news.

At the beginning of the killing, Sun Ang was not entirely sure.

After tempting, he found that he was okay and shook.

"The pair of dogs and men, the long tongue woman, the insidious villain who can only make small reports and make fun of it, **** it!"

Tang Luo in front of his eyes is a person who Sun Ang can share pleasure.

Therefore he vented his emotions without any fear.

Loosen restrictions, and once "get the ambition", then mad.

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