Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 33: Of course, choose to forgive him!


Chu Chutian almost spit out an old blood three meters away.

No wonder suddenly there are so many "attachments" around.

You are going to dig others graves!

能 Can Jack the Ripper not explode?

I myself is a wicked ghost.

I'm not right. Originally, it was grievous. Now it's about to break through the sky.

He said, "Master, what do you use to dig a grave?"

Do the two wooden crosses serve as a sign of someone's grave?

能 Can this thing be used to dig graves?

So it only takes two minutes?

Can I find a shovel in advance, maybe one minute is enough.

Chu Chutian thought wildly, not even he knew what he was thinking.

I just instinctively raised the muzzle and pulled the trigger.

I don't need to aim, anyway, there are "people" in front of me, and I can hit the target if I miss it.

六 However, six rounds were soon gone.

It was useless except to slightly block the foremost possessor.

Chu Chutian didn't dare to go to melee.

Even these people in front of me are not moving fast, some are like the slow zombies in the movie.

But everyone knows that once caught in the "corpse tide", the consequences are fatal.

It's the kingly way to retreat while playing back, but now they have to delay for two minutes for Master Xuanzang.

Can't stand back!

The only thing that is fortunate is that when Jack the Ripper is in control of most people, his control is greatly reduced.

Will not let the possessor have that spooky speed, which exceeds the combat effectiveness of ordinary people.

I was thinking so.

A flower bloomed in front of Chu Chutian, and it was as if someone had crossed the distance between them.

He came in front of him, holding the dagger in his hand, and stabbed Chu Chutian's chest fiercely.

There is no whistling sound.

Without any firework, this is a real ghost.

Wu Chuzhong could only say "he saw it", or his thinking reflected it.

But the body's response couldn't keep up.

He could only "look open" and watched the opponent's dagger stab at himself.

There was a feeling that the world was slowing down.

He can only hope for the opening of Master Xuanzang, which can save his life.

Whistling came from his ears.

Yu Chutian's Yuguang glanced at a dark shadow flying by.

Hit **** the head of the person in front of him.

The possessor fell down at the sound and landed at the same time as the "Black Shadow".

Black Shadow is still intact, but the head of the possessor is already incomplete.

"End the storm with."

Tang Luo's voice came from behind.

Only then did Chu Chutian see that the "black shadow" on the ground was a revolver-ominous.

He was a revolver with only six rounds.

With Chu Zhongtian's own blood and blood, at most there were only twelve bullets.

To be honest, at this point, it is far worse than modern firearms.

But the second skill that comes with it-ending the storm, is quite useful.

I fired 6,000 rounds in one minute.

This rate of fire has reached the highest theoretical rate of fire of the M134 machine gun.

This machine gun is mounted on already armed helicopters, armored vehicles and fortifications.

只有 Only the macho like Terminator can directly use this Gatling machine gun to use.

With six muzzles and a rate of fire of 2000-4000 rounds per minute in actual combat, the formed bullet storm is enough to tear most targets.

The ominous "End Storm".

At the same time without any consumption, there is also no back seat.

Even a small child can use it.

What Chu Chutian needs to do is to raise his muzzle, pull the trigger, and then launch his accompanying skill—end the storm.

The runner began to spin frantically.

The muzzle was shot, and a red magnificent fire snake was ejected.

Is not a straight bullet, but a whole piece, the range is no less than the barrage of a Gatling machine gun!

It's like a wheat field driven by a large harvester during the autumn harvest.

The muzzle was pointed at the swept area, and the owner fell down, or disappeared directly.

She Chutian raised her arm and waved frantically from side to side, forming a terrible death Jedi.

I also owe these possessed people to only a twisted black hollow face.

There was no blood flowing out of the body.

Otherwise, the scene of flying flesh and blood, it is estimated that Chu Zhongtian will vomit directly.

Now, if you occasionally glance at some stumps, try to ignore it, Chu Zhongtian can persist.

Zhou Zhouguo stood at a step behind Chu Chongtian, quickly reloaded, and fired several fish that missed the net.

There is also a banned chain as a backhand.

For two minutes, you may not be able to keep it.

Although the end of the storm can only last one minute.

But the number of those who besieged them was also limited.

After a minute's shooting, it is estimated that there are only two or three kittens left.

算 Even if Jack the Ripper has greatly increased his control, with the "open light" protection on his body, and Zhou Zhenguo's skills.

I can stop it!

End the fiftieth second of the storm.

There are very few possessors seen in the sight.

外 But beyond the envelope of the body, faint footsteps can still be heard.

I saw a little blurry figure.

The possessor hides in the snow and is still approaching.

Lu Chu stared deadly in front of him, and moved the muzzle wherever it sounded.

But neither he nor Zhou Zhenguo noticed.

Slantly to the other side of the slug, a ghostly figure slid on the ground, as if swimming like a poisonous snake.

As I approached, my upper body stood strangely.

The dagger in Jun's hand stabbed at Chu Zhongtian's waist.

Then, the figure's movement stopped still.

Hold him by the neck and hold him by a hand extending from the back!

"Well-I seem to have found the tool at hand, and it only takes 20 seconds to get it done."

Zhou Zhouguo heard Tang Luo say so.

I instinctively looked back.

Master Xuanzang holds a small object in his right hand and is waving up and down.

Like, is it a person? !!

He seems, or that priest? !!

"So miserable ..." Zhou Zhenguo said silently in his heart, and immediately turned back.

This priest should be the first person to be controlled by Jack the Ripper.

There is also a high probability of working with the organization to deal with the corpse or something.

首都 Cross and dagger capitals are signs.

The spinning wheel stops.

The muzzle emitted white smoke, but in fact it was still cold and not overheated.

There are two or three kittens that are still close, Chu Zhongtian and Zhou Zhenguo stop.

"All right."

After a few sporadic gunshots.

The voice of Tang Luo came from behind me.

As he spoke, the original snow and snow suddenly stopped at the same time.

Yes, it is still.

Zhou Zhouguo and Chu Zhongtian can even see snowflakes hovering in front of them.

Then, "Plunge clouds to see the moon."

The gray snowflakes in midair fell on the ground, and the thick clouds in the sky disappeared.

Sunny as if there had been no blizzard at all in the last second.

Only the gray snow under my feet

The bright moonlight covered the earth.

Even without the light on her body, it is enough for Zhou Zhenguo and Chu Zhongtian to see the surrounding scenes clearly.

Disappeared along with the snow and snow, as well as those possessed.

"Amitabha, sin and sin."

Slamming the Buddha's horn, let Zhou Zhenguo and Chu Chongtian turn to look at Tang Luo and a pit at his feet.

It was a pit dug by him.

Ignore the digging tools.

Master Yun has said "sin", what else do you want?

Of course I choose to forgive him!

In the pit, Zhou Zhenguo and Chu Chongtian didn't think about it, a coffin, or the body of someone exposed directly.

Beneath the bottom is the pile of bones.

The corpse is incomplete and not completely rotten.

Here is a "hundred people pit"!

"Jack the Ripper!"

Chu Chutian couldn't help but scream, "He is actually the product of the grievances of many experimental subjects.

Why is there such a "hundred people pit"?

Combining your survey.

It is easy to draw conclusions.

Organized a cruel immortal experiment, the remains of the subject were discarded and buried here.

Even if he is mentally ill, he has his own feelings.

What's more, there are many normal people.

Furious, unwilling, mad, monstrous resentment.

I just formed Jack the Ripper.

It's not a person or a ghost.

Rhenium is the product of grievances.

Actually, it is the same evil thing as Su Sheng.

It's just that the strength and form of the two are different.

At least Su Shengzhe and Jack, the Ripper, have a natural, insurmountable gap.

Why does the Ripper open his belly?

Because it was dissected.

The torn wound represents its anger.

Dr. Jack laughed at the ripper's rough technique.

I didn't know, this was some kind of "imitation" and revenge of Jack the Ripper!

Sinister things are seldom intelligent.

Everything is just instinct, destruction and destruction.

With Jack the Ripper, I am afraid there is more revenge.

Indiscriminate hunting is to enhance strength so that it can complete its revenge.

Not only revenge on the organization ~ ~ but also revenge on "everything" you see now.

In the final analysis, there is not much difference between destroying and destroying everything.

"Mission completed, return to the carriage, return to the real world."

After Chu Zhongtian shouted, a message emerged in his mind.

Is a strange feeling between language and words.

I told Donlow that their mission to find Jack the Ripper had been completed.

This made Zhou Zhenguo and Chu Chongtian overjoyed.

Originally thought that he would kill the Ripper to complete the mission.

I didn't expect it would be done.

It's just ... going back to the carriage, is it the carriage when they came?

"Is it possible to return to a special place?" Chu Chongtian asked.

Isn't it that after completing the task, there is a beam of light falling, returning immediately, and then treating the injury?

"I haven't experienced it, but I've heard others say it." The smile on Zhou Zhenguo's face disappeared and he became dignified. "This is not good news."

Obviously, I am afraid that we will still be in danger during our return.

They just repelled Jack the Ripper for a while.

"Let's go!"

Zhou Zhouguo took a deep breath and ran towards the tomb where they first appeared.

He enters the burial chamber, then enters the downward step passage, returns to the carriage, and they can really leave the place.

When I came, there were seven people.

When I went back, I'm afraid there were only three left.

Zhou Zhouguo lamented in his heart.

Suddenly the light that waned on his body suddenly skyrocketed, forming a light curtain.

Zhou Zhouguo seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer.

The soaring body soared more than ten meters away and fell heavily on the ground!

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