Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 405: Isolation (final)

   The waiting hall is also very small, which reminds Cassia of the previous history of human projects described in books. The waiting hall of the station here has a taste of evolutionary history, and the functions that are not frequently used will eventually be eliminated in time. There were only a dozen people who got off the high train here, dragging heavy salutes, and staring at the surroundings with confused eyes for a long time after getting off the train.

   There are no obvious buildings, only a dirt-gray road that curves to a place where there is less weeds in the distance.

   The station was not built with the town, which is why Cassia did not figure it out.

   The weather is fine, and there is still sunlight without the slightest temperature. The train did not stay very long. When Cassia stepped into the carriage again, only Cassia was left in the long carriage. The train attendant, who could have been seen from time to time, disappeared now. I probably think that there will be no more guests left in the carriage on the next journey. For the last station of this railway line, no one patronized except for them all year round.

   In the next time, the train entered a truly barren land. It is rare to find traces of human activities in the flowing scenery on both sides. Several concrete roads were seen in the process, but the road surface had completely cracked under the force of nature, and the cracks were filled with withered weeds. There is not even a road that can follow the train for a long distance. Most of them are engulfed by weeds from the waist or blocked by a large piece of gravel, and lost forever. A trace.

   There is also an abandoned railway foundation beside it. It seems that this railway line has undergone many changes in its course during its long history because of geological reasons. Nothing is set in stone, let alone something fragile like steel.

   When the high-speed train sounded the siren, the surrounding scenery had become blurred and there was no bright light and shadow. Only the white light of the lonely high-pressure mercury lamp lit on the side of the railway, and the moths that would accompany it most of the night in summer.

   The platform is very long and long, and the surface is also badly worn. There is nothing that can be called a sign, so it lies quietly in the silent darkness around it under the white light.

The high train beside    didn't take long after Cassia got off, and then started again, slowly following the curved railway line around a big bend, and heading in the direction it came.

   "I really think that there is no one else on the train." Cassia sighed, "But fortunately, I stopped here when I got to the station."

When    was rejoicing in his heart, he dragged his luggage to the end of this long platform, where there were several connected houses and bungalow structures covered with evergreen vines. Whether it is from the thickness of the roots and stems of the plants, or the corner of the building that emerges from it, it is the product of a long time.

Inside    there are more dazzling lights, and electronic sounds of "zizi" come over from time to time. Someone is adjusting the radio equipment. Maybe I just want to listen to the radio or something. This is not deep in the mountains and old forests, but apart from the platform and a long railway beside the platform, there is nothing else.

After    approached, Cassia discovered that the room was playing soft music. It seems to be a film machine, in which you can distinguish the sharp sound of the sharp stylus and the rubbing of the black film lines. I don't know what song it is, but Cassia doesn't know much about it. Now, among the imperial aristocrats, a group of noble ladies who have nothing to do, the machine called "movie" has become popular. Although it can be seen in newspapers or some best-selling books and periodicals, Cassia saves himself In addition to books of interest, I am only interested in rough steam pipes and machinery.

   Very good music, Cassia described the sound he heard. It's just that it is destroyed by electronic sounds all the time.

   The windows are not closed and the curtains are not drawn. Standing at the window, you can feel the continuous overflow of heating.

   The space is huge, at least about twice the size of the room in the imperial standard. A very simple room with several large tables in it. The film machine was placed on the table by the window, next to it was a large kettle next to a set of metal cups. Through the smell from the air, there is half a cup of coffee that has cooled down.

   The electronic noise comes from a communication machine, should it be military supplies? Cassia thought, because he hadn't seen the model of the communication machine. A middle-aged man was fiddling with the machine, touching the buttons and rotary switches on it seriously, as cautiously as a child who first touched the water, he couldn't help sighing.

   can no longer be called the age of the uncle, Cassia judged. The body is very strong, aside from the strength, only the body shape and the faintly visible muscle mass under the thin cotton coat are already close to most students in military schools.

   Inside the room, you can see a few air-dried furs hung on the wall from which belong to goats. On the other side of the wall, there are several heads of goats treated with antiseptic agents. There is also the brown bear fur, which is very large and neatly spread out and nailed to the wall.

   There are several brown shotguns at the corner of the wall. The barrels are very thick. After loading the ammunition, it can be imagined to be far more powerful than ordinary small shotguns. This place is roughly at the foot of the mountain, although the surrounding terrain is still not rushed, but a swelling black shadow is not far behind, there is a mountain range at the junction of the empire and the distant sea common country.

   The middle-aged man should be the garrison of this small station, and his attention is all on the communication machine in front of him. There is no one here all year round. In addition, even if Cassia is dragging his luggage, his footsteps are not loud. It is a natural control of the body.

  Standing outside the window for a while, the middle-aged man looked at a detailed instruction to re-adjust the communication machine, but he still received a constant electronic noise. Feeling irritated, his mouth dry, he turned around to take a sip of water, and saw Cassia who was standing silently behind the window.

   The hand holding the manual shook a few times. The middle-aged man's reaction power was still amazing. He finally reacted in an instant, and he did not exhale a "Yeah" from his half-opened mouth.

   exhaled, the middle-aged man was half surprised and half confused. It's been a long time since I saw any strangers other than those from the army, and suddenly I didn't know how to speak.

   After thinking about it, I found the right word.

"Hello there?"

   "Hello." Cassia replied with a smile, and naturally raised his luggage to indicate his identity. 8

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