Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2298: Li Suman and the Joy of Training (Part 1)

There are not many pedestrians on the street, which can be described as very few. Be it the pedestrians or the shop owners, their faces were completely covered with worries, apart from being haggard. Cassia suddenly felt that he didn't blend in with the environment, because he was in a good mood. Although he didn't show the slightest expression on his expression, he could clearly find the difference in himself with his keen perception.

Afterwards, feelings began to emerge naturally, and Cassia knew what she should look like at this time, so that she would become the one who was not noticed by anyone, and could better hide under the environment and behind most people.

After walking a certain distance, Cassia bought a large breakfast, which was already digested after eating. Of course he felt the taste, but he himself knew very well that for a long, long time later, the hunger in his stomach and the desire for food were no longer a natural signal feedback. Everything can be controlled by oneself, just like after the heart is gone, how violent the beating of the heart wants to be can be adjusted by oneself.

[In view of the general environment,

The refinement of control goes to another stage. And for the evolution of life level, this degree of control is really needed.

Everything is for demand, Cassia commented. Whatever is needed, there will be, and the body is in this state at the moment. The influence of spiritual will does affect its own changes, and when the energy optical flow network is connected with the spiritual world and the spiritual body, the influence becomes more intense and the proportion becomes larger.

Some understand why at the low stage of surgery, the speed of self-developed surgery projects will be much faster. In addition to the influence of the residual consciousness of dragons that could not be eliminated at that time, the energy optical flow network that existed in advance is the key, right?

Speeding up my pace, the city under the cold wind and snow is covered with a non-reflective film, and most things are waiting to rot under the film. Knowing that he couldn't change this, Cassia didn't want to see this kind of scene. All he can do is destroy it, so there is no process and result of "waiting to rot".

In his imagination, the small frontier town he used to live in is slowly developing towards this appearance. Maybe in a certain period of time, I myself will be a member waiting to rot under this film.

After passing through the city, carrying suitcases, and running in the wilderness to the next big city with an airport, Cassia couldn't help but think of her mother and sister Lilia. It's only been a few years, but thinking about what happened in between, it feels like a long time ago.

I haven’t forgotten anything, but emotionally,,,

Whether it's Delya's place or Macquarie's place, the search has been going on, but there has been no result. In fact, he had already reached a conclusion halfway through. Maybe it wasn't death, but he went directly to a neighboring country, which made the strength of the Grand Duke's family's intelligence team useless, so that he couldn't find two ordinary people.

However, the odds of the neighboring country being the... But a few years have passed, and the subsequent search encountered the impact of the upcoming Red Star, and the increased difficulties can be ignored, but the impact of the war that will gradually break out is what worries Cassia the most.

Surgeons can at least have the possibility of ensuring their own safety. For ordinary people, no matter which country they are members of in the Houxiang Continent, they can only pray to the gods who caused all this to happen. It's just that until death, the praying person will not know that what caused this situation happened to be the object of their prayer.

To clean up his mood on the way, all Cassia can do is to put all his emotions at the bottom of his thinking, so that he will be overwhelmed by many things, and will not be easily remembered again.

He didn't think about other things until he went to wait outside the airport parking lot for the airship that only came twice a day.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, an hour before the airship whistle sounded, Cassia, who was wearing thick clothes and huddled in the corner of the parking lot to avoid the cold wind, docked with the person who brought the ID card, and then went to the airport waiting hall while waiting. I took an old newspaper that hadn’t been replaced for more than a week, except for reports on abnormal weather

In addition, gas leaks and explodes, steam pipes break due to lack of timely maintenance for a long time, explosions are caused by improper operation of chemical factory employees,,, and so on.

This kind of news occupies most of the newspaper, and it is accompanied by carefully prepared photos. If you don't look carefully and have no contact with the circle of surgeons, you really can't find the details from the traces.

"It's very lively." Several issues of the newspaper were the same. Cassia could only comment that, "It will be even more lively in the future, but it will be hidden under the extreme climate, and it will be even more difficult to be discovered."

Before boarding the airship, there were very few people in the waiting room, and I could count them one by one with my fingers. At this point in time, those who will go to the coordinating country have already left, and those who want to leave but cannot leave will probably stay in various cities for a long time.

Not long after, Cassia took off with the airship and sighed when he could see the unobstructed sun above the clouds. But he knew that what he sighed was not the things he saw during the short journey, but his mood when he saw these scenes, and he was more motivated to change it just to cater to it.

I didn't think about it in depth, because it was really unnecessary. The population base of a huge country is too huge, and the first and second stages of surgery are more likely to be active in one area from becoming a surgeon to turning into a corpse. And ordinary people,,,

Plant-like species that grow on given land?

While Cassia wondered why he had such an, he also felt that this metaphor seemed very vivid, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Go to Delya and the others first to learn about the situation of the knights, taverns and security companies. After that..." Cassia hesitated a little here, "It's time to talk to the lighting organization again, whether it's Miss Lisuman The detonating core mentioned in the mouth, or about uranium gold and uranium gold bombs, need more detailed information, which may help my own life evolution route. In addition,, "

He glanced at the suitcase, "I also have to ask Perkinz about the fungal substance on the World Tree fragments. By the way, I will learn from him about the application of bioelectrical stress fields and the experience of receiving high-level surgeons."

Past combat experience does apply, but it doesn't cover all of it anymore. Cassia knows that he can grow extremely quickly, especially in combat-related matters. It's just that after a while, when I take the initiative to stand up, the enemies I encounter probably won't give me a chance to learn.

It would probably be easier to practice with people of the Knight King class first, and then encounter enemies, he thought.

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