Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2277: Advanced Surgery Stage 4 (Part 2)

It should be night at this time, and the background of the sky should have been a dark blue starry sky, but the burning flame was too hot, and the light emitted directly illuminated the entire starry sky, and the brightness of the stars became very dim.

The continent-like canopy is more like floating in the starry sky, and the flames are spreading with the huge trunk, but they have not yet reached the canopy. And above it, farther away, six huge red stars of different sizes are arranged irregularly, each of which is like a round sun, emitting a dark red light itself.

That light seems to have no heat, only the color that makes people feel cold inside. The red star is extremely huge, perhaps because of the closer distance, the sense of sight is several times larger than that of the moon, and the pits and lines on it are clearly visible at this moment.

Cassia was suddenly attracted by the red star. Subconsciously, the rapidly multiplying fungal substance on the trunk of the ancient historical world tree did not attract him; the red star light that seemed to promote the growth of the fungal substance did not attract him; The dark red eroded moon did not attract him either, but after seeing the six red stars, the unusually clear scene on them immediately made him understand where the focus would be at the moment.

This is an instinctive choice, as long as you see it, you will naturally understand the correct answer.

The lines on the red star seem to have been destroyed, which should be caused by the impact of other stars over a long period of time.

"There must be a protection mechanism to prevent impact, but has time eroded everything after all?" Cassia couldn't help but sigh, "However, the damaged area is only a small part. Although the lines on it are incomplete, they still function." This is not the result of calculation and derivation, but seeing that the red star can still come back here from a distant place. This action is enough to show that although there is a problem with its operation, it is generally within the normal category.

Moreover, the time point of these six red stars is in ancient history, and a longer time has passed since now.

Cassia immediately began to memorize the still complete lines, fearing that such phantom time would suddenly disappear. It's just that the lines are only visually complex, and when it comes to real memory, the difficulty level increases significantly. At this time, in the hallucination, Cassia could also feel a little connection from the rapid operation of the mental body. Those uranium-gold energy light spheres originally prepared for contact with fungal substances are now being used because of the huge workload of memory lines.

But even so, Cassia, who chose the visually largest red star, quickly noticed the lack of memory ability. The red star pattern itself has power. Although it has not changed, it is difficult to remember it only when the eyes are focused on observing it.

It's just lines, why do I have this completely unfamiliar thing, and every bit of memorization has to pay a huge learning price? Without time to think about such questions, Cassia concentrated all his energy and attention, and engraved the lines into his memory one by one through his sight.

At the same time, in the actual reality outside the illusion, the passage of time is much faster than what Cassia experienced and perceived in the illusion. ....

The right hand he pressed has already touched the World Tree fragments, and the fungal substance on it is like when the tree trunk is covered in phantoms. With his right hand, it is spreading crazily towards the whole body at this time, and they are bright red little by little. Cover that layer of liquid gold scales and wrap them.

In less than two minutes, Cassia, who was standing on the root of the tree, changed from a silver withered statue to a bright red silhouette lake. A crackling sound began to come from under the spark-like bright red fungal substance, as if the firewood was being burned violently in the fire.

When the subtle crackling sounds became more intensive, there was a dull heartbeat sound coming from the center of Cassia's chest. Immediately, the dull sound of the beating heart intensified, and accompanied by the vibration of the surrounding hot air, layer after layer of ripple-like vibration ripples dispersed towards the surroundings.

The next moment, amidst the dull sound, the fungal substance wrapping Cassia suddenly stopped viscous wriggling, and the light emitted by them weakened immediately. Like mud, the sticky moldy substance began to lose water and then dried up.

Their peristalsis became slower and slower until there was a sound of "Kaka",

They were dry and shaped like blanks that had failed to sinter, with several cracks showing a little bit of Cassia's skin, which was glowing dark red. And the cracks seemed to be a signal, just one or two breaths, and there were cracks in Cassia's chest.

Through the cracks, it can be seen that the liquid gold scales on his chest have disappeared, the energy conversion structure is completely exposed, and a large amount of green fluorescence is excited from it, bringing a penetrating visual sense, turning the hot light in this cavity pollute!

The drying of the fungal substance did not stop, and at this time it was transferred from Cassia's body to the World Tree fragments. UU Reading There are more and more cracking sounds, and the number of cracks is also getting denser.


A piece of completely dried moldy substance, like the dead bark of a tree, fell off Cassia's body, hit the intertwined roots below, and turned into scattered fragments. Another piece of dried moldy substance followed closely and fell off,,,

When the small half of the fungal substance fell off, it was the green fluorescence emitted by the energy conversion structure on Cassia's chest that was restrained. It's just that when it became dim, there were a series of intricate lines looming on Cassia's liquid gold skin. There are green light spots that swim according to these faintly visible lines. As the speed of the light spots increases, the lines gradually have the texture of a green light path network, like an explicit optical flow network.

And on the gradually brightening optical flow net, there will occasionally appear pieces of potholes of different sizes, as if they were caused by impacts. It's just that in the end, the appearance of these pits was not determined, and the blanks finally replaced them.

Subconsciously, the red star patterns that Cassia remembered in the phantom had already appeared on his body.

At the same time, Cassie, who was lying on the ground vigilantly, seemed to feel something, raised his head, and looked at the cavity under the ground. It roared, got up immediately, and when it was about to rush to the nearest hole, the voice of the new World Tree sounded directly in its head, comforting it, telling it not to worry.

"Even the red star in the ancient history has been eroded for a long time and has become incomplete. However, now is a new era of change. It may be good to use the simulation and replication of the red star as an evolution. try,,,".


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