Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2265: Should be the figure of the undead (Part 2)

, the fastest update of Steel Steam and Fire! Ross, who remained silent for a moment, jumped off the rocks and walked towards the deeper hole, "Don't worry about any dangerous actions I will make. In order to ensure your own safety and life, while preparing for the battle, finally It is also very necessary to break open the sealed hole at all times. Confirm its structure once again, and if there is an accident when you want to destroy it, you will be irresponsible to yourself.”

"Just take a look!" Losak's words were full of warning.

"Of course, I understand the difference between seeing and destroying." Ross replied seriously, sitting cross-legged a dozen meters away from the entrance of the cave, closing his eyes, "Just wait here, if you need us to go out, remember to shout." After speaking, Rose quickly lost his breath, and also melted into the not-so-bright light of the underground cavity.

Losak looked at Rose carefully for more than ten seconds. After sighing, he returned his attention to the scattered perception, leaving only the most basic layer of perception wandering around. He is clear about the situation he and Rose are in at the moment, and he also understands that Rose's thoughts and actions are not wrong.

Because after discovering that there are strange things deep underground, I and Rose have taken turns trying to use spiritual perception to explore the information of the so-called strange things. But as long as it is close to the end of the hole, the perception will be distorted, like the air rising above the flames, there is no chance to move forward at all.

It is not clear what power is affecting the spiritual perception of their high-level surgeons, but this information makes them guess that the master of the cave network will have strong strength. As a completely free southern forest, except for the country of fog in the center, it has never had the concept of a territory. If you want to protect something and circle a place, you can only rely on your own strength.

In their view, the cave network with high concealment also needs strong strength to protect it.

Losak didn't think any more, and had already chosen to wait, so he just needed to calm his mind and emotions.

In the burrow network, the triggering of traps reaches its peak in a certain period of time, and then drops rapidly until it becomes occasional with one or two explosions. The three-stage member team of Exploring the Network did slow down soon after, focusing on collecting map information and implementing it more steadily.

There were almost no encounters and battles. The members of Losak's side had already recorded the map of the entire cave network in their heads. During the period, they kept updating the traps and retreated slowly, all in a defensive posture. Fighting is the last option, and during this period of time, retreating and defending will make the enemy overly vigilant and slow down their advance.

On the ground, the four high-level surgeons dispersed by the Theocracy maintained a speed that was not much different from each other, making a fan shape as far as possible towards the front, and inspecting the places they passed one by one. But the place where Cassie Hei is active is only in the network of burrows, and the things that enter their perception have the most real nature, but they have deepened their own imagination.

But whether it is members of the Theocracy, or Sarok and others, time has become the least cherished item in the hands of both parties.

Not long after, the communications of the four members of Theocracy sounded one after another, and polished building materials, sword-shaped weapons, and strange characters and symbols were discovered in the huge underground cavity. It must have taken a lot of time to enter the cave network one after another, and it was more than half an hour before returning to the ground.

"One of the unknown information that is not known to us has appeared."

"The strange characters and symbols are the most important. This wild dragon will be very special. In addition, the polished materials and sword-shaped weapons,,, humanoid wild dragons?"

"If there are people from the Nature Association, you can immediately ask whether this situation is normal. With the memory of seeing relevant records in the materials, humanoid dragons will be closer to humans in thinking and wisdom, and Not following the set of rules established by dragons."

"Isn't that important? Now consider whether the owner of this burrow network is just a wild dragon, or whether there will be other surgeons, is the most urgent thing. The two targets chose to stop, and the strange text is their basis One of them, but definitely not all of them, at best it only accounts for one-fourth, or one-fifth, or even less. The results of the existing underground cave network may already be able to explain the problem..."

At this time, someone answered, "The network of burrows has spread over a huge area. In the center, or somewhere, that is, in the underground cavity, they found something more alarming than strange characters."

The judgment was agreed by everyone, and the silence of their own thinking quickly ended.

"Going directly to the center, unknown information is waiting for us with great probability. The other option is to continue to advance steadily but slowly. In fact, I have an unfounded speculation that the goal is probably to hope that we slow down Footsteps. Deliberately creating unknowns and illusions, arousing excessive vigilance, is to serve this."

"Well,,, the goal is to discover that there is an opportunity in this area. However, that opportunity has not yet returned here? Was it attracted by pollution?"

The silence of thinking came again, and this time it ended a little longer. UU Reading www.

"I still think it's safest to move forward steadily."


"Is it an option to go directly to the central area and evacuate in time after finding something wrong?" someone tentatively asked.

"You can try it yourself, the three of us will wait for your news in the rear."

"Then, push forward steadily, let's continue the unfinished ground exploration."

Ten minutes later, a fan-shaped exploration surface was launched again, advancing forward at a good speed. Blizzards and cold winds are still howling in and above the forest, and the weather has shown no signs of improvement in the recent period, and it has become more severe. The torrential rain that used to come during the day has not been replaced by blizzard for a long time.

At some point, there was a faint whistling sound that was not affected by the cold wind. A gap was broken in the gray-black snow clouds in the sky, and a jet-black mass that blended with the background fell down.

Almost at the same time, the four members of Theocracy, who were fanning out, raised their heads and looked at the sky ahead covered by the forest. Afterwards, the figures of the four disappeared from their original places, turning into shadows in the darkness, moving forward.

But it was only a little late, whether it was Sarok who closed his eyes on the stone to spread out his perception, or Rose who was sitting in front of the hole, the moment he opened his eyes, when their bodies were ejected and they were side by side again, they were already together. In the cave leading to the entrance and exit.


"Huh—I actually feel nervous." Ross said.

At the same time, the black shadow that fell from the sky suddenly accelerated on the way. It should have slid down and landed gently, but it passed the distance between the snow cloud and the ground in the blink of an eye, and fell suddenly. While the vibrations and shocks spread to the surroundings, the atmosphere was affected by invisible influences, and the area began to become chaotic.

It seems that a storm will form here!

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