Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2241: The undead revived in the forest (20)

Cassia did not forget to tell Cassie that he was not eating, but experimenting. He didn't carry solid red mercury on his body, and it was impossible to implant uranium gold into Cassie Black now, so he could only comfort him verbally.

"The results of the blood test can probably confirm that there is almost no possibility that the pollution can affect oneself. If the additional tests are in line with expectations, then the information obtained from the beast and cavalry team just now, the three contaminated dragon knights must Just go and have a look. During the time when the tainted dragons haven't fallen, if you want to get a lot of pollution, it seems that you can only get it from the three infected dragon knights." Cassia, who took off his coat, rolled up his clothes, Showing off a sturdy but not explosively muscular right arm. The skin is still fair, and the muscles that should be bulging will bulge, but there will never be a deliberate feeling.

Natural, coordinated, these two words best describe his current physical state.

Taking the second-generation holy sword to the side of the blue wolf, Cassia took the elbow of the right arm as the starting point, and drew a wound to the wrist, artificially controlled and restrained, the fluorescent green blood did not flow out, strong The self-healing ability did not immediately allow the wound to heal extremely quickly.

Putting the second-generation holy sword on the ground beside him, he immediately immersed the entire front end of his right arm into the part that had been cut open on Blue Wolf's body, allowing the blood and flesh that had changed towards gray and white to come into contact with the wound as much as possible. The suppression of itself has also been strengthened at this moment, almost completely stopping the flow and circulation of blood. The energy optical flow network and the body's instinctive protection mechanism are simultaneously suppressed by reason, so that the moment after contact will not trigger a danger signal and produce Cassia. A defensive move that he could not have predicted.

The only thing that is enhanced is whole body perception. The spread of the spirit is also gathered inside the body. On the one hand, the spiritual body observes the real-time changes, and on the other hand, it also collects the necessary data.

When the front end of the right arm was immersed, it clearly felt the heat. After all, the cut part was like a boiling hot spring, with a lot of heat tumbling all the time. In addition, Cassia knew that this blue wolf was not completely dead. After abandoning the structure of the brain and turning it into a neural network, their death conditions became very harsh.

If it is a powerful pollution species, it should be very active in consciousness only in the current state. For high-stage polluted creatures, it may only be the body that is seriously injured, and the mental body is only slightly affected because of the neural network structure. It is not necessarily true.,,, Cassia thought of one of the reasons why the dragon knight was polluted, perhaps it was swallowing. Among the large number of polluting organisms, there are individuals with this type of situation.

Or, although the pollution is scattered among the second-class creatures one after another, after gathering a large amount of pollution by eating, the pollution from the root network of the ancient historical world tree is well executed. This characteristic—the small roots gather together, and finally gather strength to let the new shoots break through the soil.

Cassia emptied the thoughts that spread in an instant, and let her focus on the contact of her right arm. The eyes watched as the blood gradually drowned in the right arm, about to be completely submerged, wrapping from both sides to the wound that had become a thin seam. After he took a deep breath, his right arm was completely covered with blood, and the wound that still had a slight pain suddenly felt ablation.

"The feeling of about four hundred degrees should be in this range,,," Cassia said to himself, he also felt that the still active green wolf flesh and blood tissue burst out of abnormal vitality at this moment, and the muscles around the right arm recovered. Creeping, with a considerable speed, "Sure enough, the neural net did not let the blue wolf die,,, but is this the blue wolf's own desire to survive, or is it a collection of polluted consciousness?"

"Is the blue wolf still alive? Or is the pollution alive?" Cassia pondered this question.

The wriggling muscle tissue began to proliferate in a short time, completely wrapping the front of Cassia's right arm. Then, the proliferating muscles took on a vine-like shape and wanted to continue to spread along the right arm, and then wrap the entire living body.

"Pollution is indeed comparable to, or even surpasses, a dragon-like life form." Cassia pulled out a tactical knife and directly cut off all the vine-like spreading muscles. This scene reminded him of the dragon awakened from a fossilized skeleton encountered by Brino in the gray area, and the method of taking the brain and body of the operator is almost the same.

Subsequently, the ablation sensation that only spread in the wound invaded towards the inside, but only a small part of it invaded, and they immediately lost their activity when they encountered the fluorescent green blood. However, the spread did not end immediately, and Cassia could feel that the pollution seemed to have similar properties to her own blood—one was to automatically adapt and evolve, and its performance on biological poisons was to make itself the same toxicity very quickly; It also has a strong ability to adapt and change. After the spread of ablation stopped for a short period of time, as the muscle tissue continued to spread, it tightly wrapped around Cassia's arm like a rhizome. When finally adapting completely, expand again,,,

The next moment, even if he had suppressed himself, the body's instinctive defense was activated at the moment when the danger signal was raised. The wound healed very quickly, and in the spiritual space, the slightly glowing spiritual body Cassia opened his eyes, and the strange familiarity led him to tilt his head to the side - a crack in the sky where dark red and fluorescent green stripes coexisted. The small gap, the gray-white substance shaped like a mold, gathered into a mass, without a specific shape, constantly changing and falling from the crack.

Perhaps due to the influence of environmental factors, this mass of gray-white matter was not far from the crack, and dark green spots appeared on the body one after another. Then it was completely changed color at an extremely fast speed, and finally disintegrated suddenly, leaving no fragments, it completely disappeared, and the cracks in the sky healed immediately.

"Pollution retains the remaining fragments of consciousness, but the will of the new world tree has been created. What is the will of the ancient world tree, it will take time to prove it,,,"

"So looking at it this way, can the reason why the third general brought the pollution out of the underground world can be determined?"

The spiritual body Cassia closed his eyes, and his spirit returned to his right arm - the wound had been closed, but the burning sensation still existed. And Cassia, who felt it, let out a sigh of relief and smiled. The perceived result seems to be very good and what he needs.

"The amount of pollution from one blue wolf is indeed far from enough. The nature of pollution is indeed all,,, inherited from the World Tree,,,"

(End of this chapter)

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