Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2206: Empire Tour (8)

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The lift is silent, only the ventilation fans spin slowly, bringing the slightly chilled air in the lift shaft.

Haejing stood in the middle, the elevator door and the protective door opened back and forth after nearly a minute. He walked into the hall, went straight through the not-so-crowded crowd, walked through the floor-to-ceiling glass doors that opened and closed automatically, and when the cold air from outside hit his face, a limousine also drove from a distance and stopped at the front of the building.

Hae, who was walking down the steps, took off his top hat, revealing golden hair that reflected the lights at night, and nodded forward in a polite greeting. The door opened when he approached, and then closed naturally. The limousine also seized the good opportunity, immediately started to accelerate, and quickly disappeared on the road covered by the lanterns.

"Dear sir, where do you want to go? Your driver is at your service."

"Mr. Cassia, it seems that you are in a very good mood to come back to the Empire. I'm very happy for you."

"The empire is now a new thing in my eyes. Although there are few things that have changed, I have not carefully understood it in the past." Cassia chose a broad road at random, and sonic pulse momentarily The collected, updated information continues to plan the route.

"I haven't seen each other for a long time. Mr. Zero contacted me and said that compared with a few years ago, you have changed a lot. It is exactly the same as what Mr. Zero said. First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks for your help in this mission." The hat and the cane sword were placed on his legs, and he said with a smile.

"It's only a few years, I don't think it's a very long time." Cassia took a long breath of relief, her tone was relaxed and happy, "It's just a sleep, for me, it's only now. Several months. Thank you, Mr. Ha, for this mission. It helped me to familiarize myself with the internal environment of the empire. It is indeed different from other small countries. It needs to be more concealed and silent. I almost made a mistake. The memory has not been forgotten. Thank you for your past self.”

"There is one person left, I wonder if it will affect the plan?"

He responded with a smile that was different from a normal person, "It won't affect, just to prevent the people of the Praetorian Guard from getting more information. The competition within the empire is still fierce. Immediately after that, the personnel were replenished and the overall strength was strengthened. It did relieve the pressure on many special operations agencies, but the interaction with each other also caused constant friction.”

"Under the current situation, it seems that the control of various internal regions has become very important. The Praetorian Guards are separated from the king's faction, and they must be eager to grasp certain actual rights and use them to consolidate their position? In the future, they will face the forces of the four sides. Only when we can win the land again can we have more bargaining chips. Will the prosperous areas and large industrial cities in various places become small internal battlefields? I have stayed in a small country for a long time, and I have somewhat forgotten who I used to be. A regular visitor to the sewer network."

Cassia sighed here, and he took out the map and travel guide of the last city he bought from his pocket: "In the past, there should have been three booklets of this style, and they would have been bought from black market merchants. I went to the general underground waterway layout and institutional drawings of the city. I probably completely forgot it. When I found out that the enemy was in the underground waterway network, I suddenly recalled my past memories. It cannot be said that I like to drill in very much, but I can only see it as a I have to. But I can't resist it at all."

"It's surprising that the network of underground waterways has been expanded like a huge underground building, with warehouses, kitchens, centralized air circulation systems, and even rest rooms and ammunition workshops with several machines, etc., ,, wonderful changes and environments, but it is also the most suitable way to exist in a prosperous area. Has it always been like this? Dozens of powerful surgeons gather in a small area. In a small country, All armed, they can go into large-scale battles as a good team.”

"Recent changes, the war after the impact of the climate is only the most superficial scene. In places where most people don't realize it, the war has already begun." He gave the answer, "The Guard and several famous In addition to this reason, the Knights will become active, to deal with such troubles, and to obtain corresponding merits as rewards like members who go to the extreme areas. The only difference is that the base will be one level lower than the extreme areas.”

"There is another difference

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, more secure. "Kasia added, "We are still better at communicating with other operators that are not very friendly. There is no systematic fire support. In the face of pollution and a large number of second-class creatures, there is really no better way to deal with it in our imagination. ...their numbers can largely offset the difference in strength, and there are also very powerful individuals among them."

"The Guards and some members of the Knights, do you need any help?" Afterwards, Cassia looked at the co-pilot and asked, "The time to stay in the empire will not be long, and there is one more thing that needs to be done. completed within a limited time.”

Horror shook his head as a matter of course, "Miss Ye Jielin has returned to the empire for a while, and is now in a certain extreme area. But you probably won't go to the same area, and the last few months of hiding still need to be maintained. The trouble now It's not a problem, you can let the people around you adapt to the future environment."

"Before going to the extreme area, will you go back to Manoma?" Hae suddenly asked, the smile on his face deepened.

"After all, most of the memories are there." Cassia didn't think much.

"Miss Shake will definitely be one of the people who is going to visit." He said, his tone suddenly changed a lot, "I don't know where I got the news, after Miss Ye Jielin returned to Manoma, she went to I found Miss Shake."

Can feel the horrified eyes, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Cassia pretended not to feel it, "Um,,,"

He waited for a few seconds, still maintaining a smile, and then continued, "Miss Carla and Miss Yietta are currently in the frontier area, and Mr. Atohuan and Mr. Selmer have been following behind Miss Yejielin. Miss Yeta said that there is a woman next to Miss Carla, who is also a friend of yours, Mr. Cassia."

"Another one?" Cassia wondered.

"If you have enough time, you can go and have a look. Lele will finalize the itinerary and transportation."

"Thank you." Cassia sighed, and drove the limousine to the quieter road to the side, continuing to drive at a constant speed, "Mr. Ha, this time here,,,"

"Miss Kara and my brother Li?" He interrupted Cassia's words, which seemed impossible to happen to Hae. The voice is still warm, and for a long, long time, the sharp timbre seems to have been forgotten by the horror.

Provide you with the fastest update of "Steel Steam and Fire" by Arashi Shulan!

Chapter 226 The Journey to the Empire (8) Free reading: https://,!


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