Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2065: Executors under the Red Star (17)

, !

The excited Waters suddenly became quiet at this time, the distorted voice returned to normal, and Delia and Hesley obviously felt uncomfortable.

"We have rich experience in the construction of the factory, trial production, storage and transportation of finished products, etc., and all arrangements have been made. If there is a problem, we can let our subordinates solve it first, and there will be no major trouble for the time being."

"You've been busy for a long time, you can take this opportunity to have a good rest." Delia chimed in.

Waters shook his head subconsciously, and no one could see his movements even through the radio: "That's not what I want to say. It's a premise, now you know? I want to say, since your intuition says that the regiment leader will be near After putting down the third instruction letter for a while, I can be sure that he will go to the ruins. I just don't have a very urgent matter at hand, should I go there and wait?"

"The last time I saw the head of the regiment was more than two years ago, in a city on the edge of the southern forest. I really want to see what has changed in the head of the regiment, and talking face-to-face, wouldn't it be better to convey his thoughts and orders?"

The more he talked, the more excited he became. Waters, who thought it was very feasible, couldn't help but feel happy again, and his voice was about to enter the distortion mode with the high mood.

Delia rarely hesitated at this time, but not Waters' idea was feasible. There must be reasons for not choosing to meet, but to pass the necessary information in the form of letters. In her cognition, Cassia's behavior is like this, and there are absolutely reasonable reasons under the control of reason.

From a personal point of view, she also believes that reason is not everything. For some things, face to face conversations can indeed achieve better results. More importantly, she also wants to know the current situation of the head of the regiment, which can be regarded as a certain thing, so as to eliminate her long-standing worries.

"It's just a waste of time and energy, or it can be seen as just what you think it is." Hesley's words immediately pulled the two back.

"It seems so." Delya thought a lot at once and sighed, "If the head of the regiment doesn't want to meet you, there are too many ways to bypass you. Your strength is not enough to avoid his perception. Just think about it. Now, remember that during this period of time, just go to the ruins to check with more care. The extra actions we think may bring unnecessary trouble to the regiment leader. "

Hearing Waters' sigh in the communication, Delia waited for a while and continued to advance other matters of this contact.

"Hesley, since the signal has arrived, Steel Security Unlimited's plan can be greatly expanded, and there is no need to be overly cautious as recently. Too slow speed will drag us in, and we will never reach the current target areas. upper circle."

"After that, let alone expand the scope of the Knights to the rights of the upper circles. I don't know if I was too cautious, or because my mentality didn't change well, and I was always the one who didn't want to be part of the group. Long-term troublesome self."

Hesley quickly responded that he generally does not interfere too much with the operation of the entire knight order: "Although it is only a guess, but I would like to make a hypothesis. Is it possible that the captain is willing to see us causing trouble for him. This is the first step to take the initiative. On Ye Jielin's side, as far as I know, there is a big trouble every month, or I find it myself."

"Thank you." Delya took it as a reassuring word, but she also knew what Hessler was potentially expressing. "Anyway, the steel security plan can be advanced according to the ideas you insisted on before. If the necessary equipment is lacking, I will I don't think Waters would mind that you become the first large-order customer for the new factory. Financially, I will fully support you here."

"I hope that when the head of the regiment really comes back, he can directly see a result that is not very good, but at least a good one."


Lyle knocked on the door and entered the study after getting a response.

He went to the desk near the window, waited for Hao to finish reading the page of the current book, and when the book was closed, he opened his mouth to explain the latest news. It's a very brief report, because the information has not yet been ascertained, only that there is such a thing.

",,, is it Mr. Cassia?" Lyle added a questioning question at the end of the message, "I have surveyed the battle scene, and it can be said to be very clean. The traces show that from the beginning of the battle to the end, the duration is very short, maybe Just a breath or two. Enemy spotted, attacked, enemy killed, battle over. Analysts concluded it was a simple process.”

"The only hard prerequisite for this phenomenon is that the strength of the two is not at the same level at all. However, with other information obtained from the black market, most teams in that area are almost convinced that it is No. 0. And No. 0 happens to be in that area."

Hai listened to the report quietly and politely. After Lyle finished speaking, he nodded to show that he knew the information, while thinking.

"It's No. 0. Mr. Cassia has a reason to hide it. He asked Miss Shake to pass the news for us, which is enough to show that he will not let the results of the Southern Forest incident more than two years ago not be used."

"But No. 0 is acting with his own ideas, or who has reached a cooperation behind it, but no one knows."

Lyle hummed at this time, and continued: "Mr. Cassia and No. Zero, there seems to be a hostile relationship between the two? In the southern forest incident, No. 0 is the main enemy to hinder Mr. Cassia. Cooperation between them,,,”

"So this is the interesting place." He said with a horrified smile, "I remember telling you before, never use a fixed mindset and pattern to analyze a certain group of people, because they will be the ones who will undertake the changes of the times and will not be affected by thinking. And the confinement of the pattern. Unfortunately, both Mr. Cassia and Mr. Zero belong to this 'some part'. UU Reading"

"I see, young master." Lyle lowered his head, "Master, if they cooperate,,, wouldn't it be too unfair? To many people in the empire."

"Fair?" He repeated the word, "A long time ago, since Mr. Cassia was specially arranged to enter the military school as a 'gifted student', it was unfair; it was also unfair when he walked out of the training jar from No. 0. Yes. It doesn't matter, even if there is no cooperation between Mr. Cassia and Mr. Zero, it is absolutely unfair to consider only one of them alone."

"Continue to collect relevant information, and the reaction of the flame alliance tribe must be included. There is no need to explore the current relationship between Mr. Cassia and Mr. Zero. When the time comes, Mr. Cassia will tell me personally."

"Well,,, another thing, it's Mr. Cassia's knights, Miss Delia. You continue to ask people in the small country to help, they should encounter some troubles caused by too fast expansion recently."

Lyle immediately understood the meaning of the words: "They knew about this in advance?"

"Perhaps, they just knew that something important would happen, so they prepared in advance to be a little bit faster than others." He said, "Besides, I want to know what Miss Ye Jielin is doing recently."

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