Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2049: Executors under the Red Star (1)

The place where Sissia stopped was an alley, a place that would not be discovered immediately if you did not look carefully on the map. The darkness here is close to pure, which perfectly fits the current desertedness of this region and the chaotic atmosphere that cannot be suppressed.

She lives in the dark, one hand is close to the wall around her to feel the vibration, and the other hand is holding the revolver, the muzzle is pointing straight to the ground, ready to turn around and shoot at the enemy at any time. This is the only thing that can bring her comfort at the moment, and the coldness makes her feel a different kind of comfort.

At this moment, the body began to slowly enter a still state, and the heartbeat and breathing were approaching the limit of what she could get close to. Thinking is also disappearing, but it is more like a man-made standby state, which can be activated instantly afterward, fully awakening the still stone-like body. And the little remaining attention was distributed by her to the enhanced perception.

Information is the most important, knowing where the enemy is, how far away from you, etc., is useful information that can make you delay as much as possible later. She had thought about taking the initiative to attack, because that would be the best defense. But after careful consideration, she came to the conclusion that she was thinking too much.

First of all, not to mention actual combat experience, just from the content of the exam set by Cassia, she can get a judgment that is almost infallible - now she can only escape, facing the alliance monsters, there is still a long way to go Walk through to go to the next step.

Sisia was still nervous, but staying in the dark, the coldness around her made her emotions physically eased. I can't say calm, but there is not much left to panic. After continuous thinking, she thinks that she has no chance to complete the exam, and there seem to be many ways.

In her thoughts, she kept recalling what Cassia had said in the past. It was all memorized and recited, even the tone of voice, which made her recall very easy.

Start matching the descriptions and explanations that can use the current scene, where the tone is emphasized, where is the explanation, which details should be paid attention to, and so on. At this time, when they were used in actual combat, Sicily found that the experience of these explanations and explanations seemed to have deepened.

In the past, I just simply wrote down those words and thought about why, but I couldn't get an answer. Now, rather than thinking and actually experiencing it, Sicia finds that understanding is much, much faster.

"This is the so-called experience?" Probably so, Sicily gave her answer. And the experience of those explanations and explanations deepened, and she suddenly felt a sense of relief. The tension hasn't gone away, but at this moment, yes, it has indeed eased a lot.

After that, her thoughts continued to slow down, and she also challenged her own limits of suppressing her breathing and heartbeat. The physical activity is further reduced, the experience of staying in the spiritual world for a long time and the darkness, and the suppression of breath, is also very good.

The diffused perception is according to the method Cassia told her, and only a very shallow layer falls, like an almost invisible mist. Sisia understands that now she only needs to know whether the enemy is approaching, and other things are not the focus of attention for the time being. Because after that, it is a long-distance running, not an attack on the enemy.

In the distance, a fire suddenly rose, deepening the darkness here. The night that should have been quiet suddenly became lively under the pull of an explosion. The sound of gunshots and explosions sounded almost instantly in all parts of this area. Sicily was still unmoved, his attention was only distracted by the first explosion, and then he completely ignored the surrounding situation.

However, this small distraction has already deducted two points from Cassia, who was leaning against the analyzer.

"Concentration is not yet highly concentrated, which needs to be strengthened later." Cassia drew the deducted points with her fingers on the ground, while not forgetting to write down the reasons for the deduction of these two points in her mind, as well as how to correct it, etc. Wait. In his opinion, this exam is just a formality, and it is the goal to let Sisia truly experience an actual unilateral battle and gain growth.

In addition, he also regarded it as a parting party when he was about to leave the third stage and move to another gaming venue. Maybe they will face these enemies again, but certainly not many times. Staying in it all the time will always let the environment drag down your sense of smell. After the cultivation of the new body is completed, it is necessary and necessary to contact the new environment and think about things that have never been thought before.

The red star is not far away, and before it really appears, it has already begun to affect the climate of this world. The increase of personnel in the Later Phase Continent by the Church and the Nature Association is also the focus of Cassia's current focus. Back then in the Southern Forest incident, he knew that in the super country, there were also monsters like himself and No. 0. These people are all candidates for the power of the future knight-king class.

If there is no corresponding power to contain,,, Cassia here to replace himself, know that this will be a disaster. This time, the two superpowers will not be the same as before, just sending some reinforcements to maintain a balance in the war between the three giant nations on the latter continent.

In order to prepare in advance before the arrival of the red star, it is an inevitable trend that most of the power will come to the post-phase continent. The appearance of Pekinz and Grote made him somewhat understand how enormous the pressure he would face for the Empire, or for Noer.

The power of the knight-king class of the two super countries of the past dynasties will be restored this time.

I feel like I'm thinking somewhere else all of a sudden, UU reading www. uukanshu. com Cassia put aside these troublesome things and focused on the current exam that was going on. Since it is a parting party, he also hopes to have a smooth and satisfying start and end.

On the other hand, as No. 0 who was asked for help, it was the first time to do this kind of thing, so I didn't understand how to do it. He didn't know what to do to be the best help, so he could only act according to what he thought was the best way.

After the first explosion sounded, he left where he stayed and went to the place where the two lieutenants were located not far ahead. Almost no effort was spent - the two were attracted by the explosion, and while hiding, they contacted the others in Zhou, quickly formed a counterattack network, and dispatched personnel to various locations to prepare for a counterattack, but they did not find it at all, and it was impossible to find No. 0 at all.

No. 0 simply hid to the side and waited for the two to leave the house where they lived. The pneumatic sword was not used either. One in each hand, the two adjutants were crushed by their necks without any struggle.

During this period, he also turned his head to look in the direction of Sicily. Because in the perception, one of the main targets has approached the past, and the other is rushing in the direction of Korkewa and others.

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