Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1606: Plans, poor information and celebrities (part 2)

"Steel Steam and Flame (

The sounds of birds and cicadas have long since disappeared and no longer appear. Only the sound of steam spewed out, heavily scattered around. There was a large area of ​​milky white steam permeating the side of the falling airship, which was shaped like falling clouds on contact with the ground, condensed into water and soaked. It seems that there are no living objects in this place, any breath disappears, and only the shadows of trees and rocks gradually deepen in the morning sun.

The movements are very gentle. Even the gestures used to convey information, Mousse and Mevis try to be as small as possible, as if they are afraid of raising air currents. Mousse was lying on the ground, and the moment the aerial bomb hit the airship, he drilled out of the room directly from the round window in front of him, attached it to the shell, jumped off at a suitable distance and at a suitable angle, and Go aside in that short time and let the dead leaves cover yourself.

There were Mevis and Agnes who did the same thing, but there were only three round windows, Isabel, Augustus, and St. Gerd stayed in the airship and fell to the ground with the airship.

When the aerial bomb hit the airship, they were not far from the ground, about thirty meters. The height is not fatal, but it will cause some trouble. Almost all the airships were made of metal structures, and when they fell along with them, the impact was much more severe than when Mousse and the others fell on the earth.

The seven did not disperse, and they did not support them in doing more at that point. Now no one is worried about their own and other people's injuries. If this level of attack can make a person lose the ability to fight, then the automatic breakdown of the alliance relationship is also a natural thing.

"Keep waiting?" Mousse only let the palm of his hand stick out the dead leaves. Except for the slight turning of his head, his body has been artificially rigid, no longer moving like a dead thing, and the rhythm caused by breathing has been restrained to the limit. His **** and index finger tapped each other lightly and rhythmically, conveying information to Mevis and others around him.

The surroundings were really too quiet, and the enemy's attack was like an untimely shower on a sunny day, suddenly coming and disappearing in a hurry. In fact, the seven people believed that at the moment after the airship fell, they should be greeted by a few or even a dozen teams from the surrounding woods. The firepower web then intertwined, blocking their escape route.

It is worth the enemy to do this, and to analyze from the air bomb that the opponent shot down the airship, that kind of thing definitely comes from Ye Jielin. It is absolutely impossible for the team wandering in the mountains to carry that kind of thing. The number, power, and type do not fit the characteristics of the wandering team.

The enemy has insight into the rules of his daily intersection and grounding points, and he has been prepared. This is a certain point of the seven people, and will not doubt it. But what does being quiet mean now? The enemy is waiting for the scattered surrounding teams to gather here?

"The other party also waits for support? The number of surrounding teams is not enough to pose a threat to us, or are they unsure and need to increase their confidence?" The question spread among the four people outside the airship.

"The signal has been disturbed. In a short period of time, the crew probably failed to contact the mine. The emergency plan requires half an hour after the signal disappears. The enemy should understand this. If they choose to wait, can they be sure of their support? The speed is faster than they expected?" This is Meivis's question. The four of them are thinking, and none of their questions can be answered.

"Are we too careful?" Lydian, who has been silent, conveyed his thoughts, "I want to have enough certainty to eat the seven of us, in the absence of a few enemies equal to us, even if the enemy There are more than a thousand people, we don’t have a problem if we want to leave, right?"

It was immediately opposed, and the three of them tacitly voted the same against.

"The current information is sufficient to show that the other party is fully prepared. It already knows the rules of our daily handover by airship, and the location has also been explored. This is enough to show that the other party roughly knows the number of people on our side. Exist, but you five, they absolutely have this number in their hands." Agnes dismissed Lidian's idea, "We still have some time to consume, so we might as well analyze the current situation. Isabel and Isabel in the airship Saint Gerd should do the same thing again."

"In addition, I am very concerned about one thing. Whether it is perception or temperature detection, at least within a kilometer, I have not found an abnormality." Not only Agnes, the other six people also failed to capture anything. Although the intensity of perception decays with distance, if the number of enemies is large, some traces will definitely not be concealed and will always be caught.

But at present, all that everyone can feel is a quiet forest between mountains, nothing else.

"Can the enemy observe us?" A question that is very important to Mevis and the others, because once determined, they can analyze how much free space they have now, "Anyone who is good at sneaking among the enemies?"

"If we are sneaking, without the influence and cover of the external environment, we are in a state of combat, and when we are focused, even if the opponent is an assassin of the Hill family of equal strength, we want to come within a distance that can attack us. It’s impossible.” Agnes’ information seemed to reveal that he had had a similar experience, “I’m concerned about whether the enemy knows our location? The movement of the airship falling is not enough to hide all four of us. trace."

"Why don't you try? The more time goes back, the enemy may get closer to us." Mevis tried to guide, but none of Lidian and them answered her. Silence fell for a moment.

"I felt a back and forth sight!" After a few breaths, Lidion, who stopped moving in silence, suddenly conveyed what he felt, "It's very weak, the distance is relatively far, but it's about kilometers. In the direction of,,, and 7 o'clock, the launch position of the aerial bomb moved clockwise by about one hundred degrees!

Several breaths passed again, and Lidian felt that the faint sight seemed to be gradually increasing. It's just that there are no rules, so he can't judge for a while. The rigidity of the body became more severe, and Lidian had stopped breathing. When lying down, he did not turn his head slightly, but moved his eyes to obtain information.

In the perception, in the position Lidian determined, his perception spread out secretly and finely, showing a fan shape, not letting go of every small place. But nothing was gained. The gaze that he glanced back and forth seemed like an illusion he had imagined out of thin air. It was clear that it was gradually strengthening in the sense, but there was nothing in the certain position.

"Assassins of the Hill family?" Like the other three, they couldn't find anything.

"There is definitely an enemy there." Lidian emphasized at this time, "The distance is getting closer, and the intensity of the saccade has increased. It is in my position. Probably I was caught a little while jumping off the airship. trace."

"Does this attract the other party to reveal the flaws?"

"I'm trying to find the exact location of the enemy." Lidian responded, "At present, the enemy only confirms that I am in a range, but has not yet determined where I am." The high concentration of attention makes Lidian more Spread out your own perception network meticulously, but the grid of the network is too big to receive what you want.

The sweep of sight was still irregular, but the feeling it gave Lidian became stronger. The number of back and forth on myself has increased significantly, and there has been a short stay. It was an extremely sharp sight, which once caused Lidian's body to produce an instinctive protective response. Passing this information to Mevis and others, Lidian indicated that the enemy's position and orientation have not changed much, and the distance is continuing to approach.

"Should we approach in that direction?" Mousse asked for advice at the moment.

"There may be more than one enemy, and we don't know what our current situation is." Agnes responded, "But we need to think of a solution. We are more restricted than the enemy. The short time of falling allows the enemy to calculate how much we can disperse. Approximate area."

"The line of sight has increased, and the saccade range is decreasing!" The speed of the finger touch shows the importance of Lidian's information, "It was the second time I stopped here!"

"Notify St. Gerd in the airship." Mevis made his suggestion at this time.

"There is currently no good way. Anything that is too big will be caught by the enemy." Agnes responded, "We are too short of information about the enemy. If we know the number and configuration of the opponent, even if it is the approximate direction, the situation can be immediately affected. Keep it simple."

"The third pause, more than one second!" The information exchange was interrupted by Lidian, "I am about to act, although I am not sure about the time, but you pay attention to the direction I said. I will move towards the airship, By using it as a cover, you can also join Saint Gerd and them..."

"Fourth pause!" Lidian moved his fingers, "The other party does know the approximate location of my hiding place after jumping off the airship, and is currently under continuous investigation. There is only one line of sight for shooting back and forth, not sure if the enemy is in the direction There are other people in..."

"Fifth pause..." Lidian paused here. Under concentrated perception, he seemed to "see" a person who was looking at him through the trees at a distance of kilometers away. But this feeling was only a moment, that line of sight suddenly disappeared, and he went elsewhere.

"Wait..." All the sensations in the body are pays attention to the line of sight to and from her body, "Do you feel this line of sight?" Like seeking For comfort, Lidian's sharp eyesight made Lidian very uncomfortable. At the same time, this may be dissatisfaction with one's luck.

Receiving a negative response, Lidian just smiled bitterly in his heart, and suddenly vented from a distance with a huge pressure of sight, directly pressing on him.

"I've been found!" The tapping fingers even made a slight tapping sound, and Lidian felt the weight in his sight. When the rigid body instinct instantly rejuvenated, a strong sense of danger spread to the whole body in an instant. . The source of danger was too close to him. It was not the kilometer distance obtained from the field of vision at all, but was nearby, but within a range of about forty to fifty meters. While the dead leaves were rising, Lidian directly ejected from the ground, his tightly pressed mouth opened.

But the first syllable hadn't been roared yet, but the dull continuous burst of gunfire came from the direction he said, quickly spreading around them.

"Sorrow!" The most primitive reaction, Lidian suddenly felt empty.

In perception, the source of danger is not kilometers away, but very close to oneself, and there is a big gap in the direction deviation. More importantly, this sudden gunshot caught his attention in that moment. I was aware that the enemy was not in that direction, but there was also a momentary loss of consciousness..., replaced by Mevis and Agnes...

Is the enemy's target really self? Mayvis?

Lidian did not continue to think, and the information was not enough to support his continued analysis. While shouting "Evasion for All", he flipped his body in the air and pulled the trigger against the source of the perceived danger.

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