Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1583: Mutual help (part 1)

Gerun Oasis is something hidden in the yellow sands of history. For Cassia, as his first outing mission, whether it is the things he experienced or the teammates he met, it was given to him who had not been out of town for long. A lot of experience and teaching. With the death of 20 teammates one after another, the only people who knew the location of the "Gulika" signal and the meeting point of the Gerun Oasis should only be themselves and Kara, who has disappeared in the huge empire.

However, Cassia believed that with his horrible ability, perhaps he would not know the secret code of "Gulika", but it was not impossible to infer the gathering place of Gerun Oasis through some clues.

With just a breath, Cassia had already turned around and returned according to the route he had come, faster. The communicator can be obtained, and the time is less than a day before Yisha and the others are on their way back to the small country. It only needs a simple calculation to judge the current situation of the hacker and Yisha.

"I didn't take the hack into consideration." This is what Cassia thinks is the biggest mistake so far. I have already met him in Xiaoguo, even if he knows that Ji is currently standing on Ye Jielin's side, this does not prevent him from making some small moves in the process.

"Isha and the others should be safe at the moment. At that time, there were costumes in the limo, but with his sensitivity, he would never make a mistake in recognizing that the person sitting next to me was Isha at that time." Thoughts operate on multiple lines, On the one hand, he was thinking about the situation on Hae's side. On the other hand, he was still comparing the map to determine the highest mountain nearby. In the end, Cassia was also thinking about Hae's intention to make this move.

Cassia admitted that Hae was a difficult opponent, and even if her current strength was enough to kill him without accident, the degree of danger Hae gave was still considerable. Because Cassia didn't think he could catch the trace of the other party and guess the other party's thoughts. That was a mist blocking his eyes, he couldn't see anything, but Ji could clearly observe himself from the side.

"Carla?" The only connection Cassia can think of is Carla and the dead Li. "Mr. Hae, you have been investigating for so long, and you must have understood many things in your heart. I never thought you would be imprisoned in this matter. "If there is a chance, Cassia would like to personally let the hacker hear this sentence.

For myself, for Kara, for profit, also for Ye Jielin, and even more for the hacking itself that felt unworthy. Among them, there must be Cassia's subjective will that affects thinking and judgment, but he had this idea a long time ago.

I thought that this time the hacker was willing to accept Ye Jielin's invitation to reach a certain agreement to come to the banded mountains. Perhaps it was an excellent start between them. This contact made Cassia suspicious. He really couldn't guess what he wanted to do, now he can only go to the highest mountain, maybe there will be the answer he wants.

It is roughly twelve hours' journey. Cassia is not worried about physical problems and is running at full speed. He has never tested his limits in a small country.

"What is waiting for me there? The huge encirclement of the imperial team, or the hunting of high-level surgeons?" Cassia thinks neither. When making plans and implementing actions, he will regard himself as one of them. ring. The high-level surgeon will not be affected by the hacking plan, nor will he take the initiative to put himself in danger.

For questions with no answers, Cassia thought about a lot of things during the run, and it ushered in the dawn of the next day.


"Do we need to get ready as soon as possible? On the field you said." The surprise in the words was hidden after the syllable of the first word was over. Violet really couldn't think of how to use it. What way to capture the traces of Cassia. Thinking of the beginning of the plan, it means that Cassia is in charge of all matters, and Violet no longer thinks about it. She knew that this was destined to be unanswered, and some problems should be safely entrusted to professionals. In her eyes, for Cassia, he is a professional.

"No." He sighed, as if sighing that Violet did not keep up with his thinking speed and method. "This contact is just to tell you good news, and as a motivation to urge you, I hope you will soon And earnestly accomplish what he should do. Mr. Cassia’s time is precious, and I don’t want to waste too much of his time."

"In addition, the Mevis in your mouth came here alone, combined with the information you provided, this judgment has been invalidated, and gradually went wrong. Mr. Cassia needs some time for exploration, so as to help you complete Plan." He stood on the rock outside the cave, bathed in the warm morning He looked into the distance, a peak stood tall, and the snow-white peak reflected cold light. Lyle was going there to complete the task he had assigned.

"I hope the problem won't lie with you, because you have no way to remedy it in time." Like a warning, the warm and terrifying voice carries the morning cold.

"You can trust us, Mr. Hae." Violet responded, not feeling much about it. "By the way, Mevis went out for inspection again ten minutes ago. Some things that happened last night were not enough. Make her take it so seriously. I think this is an illusion made by her, what do you think?"

"Mevis has not treated you as opponents. She doesn't need to confuse your eyes. Please allow me to say these things so bluntly, Miss Violet." He replied, "Maybe she knows about us. Plan, I want to use this to contact Mr. Cassia, but it’s not necessarily...

"Just do what you should do in the plan. The Astus family you belong to will choose to let Mevis accept the qualifications of knight attendant brought by the experimental body. It has been explained that in comparison, you and Oveli Yadu is not the best choice. Sometimes respecting the enemy and opponent allows you to see things that you would otherwise not see."

After the communication was cut off, he stood on the rock thinking for a long time before returning to the cave and waiting for the contact he was expecting.


At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Cassia, who had almost traversed two areas, finally stopped, stopped in the open area, and looked up at the gleaming white snow of the mountain. Unfolding the sonic pulse, Cassia, who hadn't rested, began to move forward cautiously, and her own temperature became equal to the ambient temperature after one or two breaths.

"Mr. Hae, I don't know what you will prepare for me." Cassia muttered to himself. After this sentence, the body became active. It was a kind of unusual excitement in the mood. Feeling like never before.

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