Asoye asked: "Conquer? Who are you going to conquer?"

Eugene smiled and said, "Who occupies the fertile plain? Who owns the lush aquatic plants?"

Asoye said solemnly: "Are you going to provoke a war between orcs and humans?"

"Starting a war? No, my old chap!"

Eugene shook his head and said, "There is no need to start a war, because the war between the two sides has always existed!"

He said excitedly: "Just a hundred years ago, Aldo's army emerged from the Nerodan Valley every year to drive out the nearby orc tribes! Do you think this is a very peaceful action in the deep forest? Damn it, they are not used to living in the grassland, but they don’t let us live there, they set up a fire viciously, and burned the fat pastures to ashes in vain, creating an open space called the buffer zone for nothing .”

"The establishment of the King's Tent changed everything. The orcs once again united under one banner, repelling countless attacks by the human army through heroic battles."

"Although we can't say that we have completely overwhelmed human beings now, we can proudly say that we win more than we lose. Finally, we don't have to run away in a hurry as soon as we saw the human army like a hundred years ago."

Asoye remained silent. He knew the weight of the history of the orcs. His tribe was moved to the depths of the forest **** by his ancestors to avoid disputes.

"All this was brought by Great Chief Abal and his ancestors. All the children of the grassland are favored by the Zarg clan. Therefore, we sincerely elect him to be the leader of all of us."

Eugene waved his arms, he was so excited that even the flames in the firepit kept jumping as if echoing him.

"Now, it's time to gather all our forces and earn more land for the survival of the orcs."

He slapped Asoye's shoulder hard.

"Old man, I know that you have always had a good prestige in this forest, and even the humans who live here praise you. Why do you let your prestige fade away with your body's old age? Are you willing to spend your whole life?" Nest here, silently turning into a pile of loess!"

"Come on, use your appeal to gather the warriors in this forest to follow the king's account. As long as you are willing to serve the chief, we will welcome anyone, even from a human tribe."

Asoye's body trembled slightly, obviously Eugene's words caused ripples in his heart.

Eugene continued to persuade: "Aldo is failing because of the vassal's rebellion, and Gabela has no time to care about him because of the succession struggle, and the Holy See, the spiritual leader of the human world, is being torn apart by the religious disputes in Jiaowan. Now They are at the weakest moment in thousands of years. Isn't this an opportunity given to us by God?"

"Asoye, let us join hands to build a great achievement? Think about it, your name will be sung throughout the prairie, and future generations will be proud of you."

Asoye's shoulders began to shake, and his breathing became short of breath.

He stared at the flames without blinking, hoping for peace from it.

Finally, his breath slowly calmed down, and his eyes became firm again.

"No!" he refused bluntly.

"I still choose to follow the teachings of my ancestors, live quietly in the forest, and avoid getting involved in disputes on the edge of the grassland."

Eugene said with great disappointment: "Asoye, you are no longer that vigorous warrior. Time has eroded your courage, and ease has destroyed your will. Now you are just a lingering, waiting for the pain of the disease to swallow you up Just an old orc."

"Asoye, you are still a selfish person. Because of your cowardice, you have tied others with ropes. Don't you think that the warriors in your tribe are willing to be as ordinary as you? Don't you think about your son? Are you willing to be as ordinary as you? Oh! Gunther, what a good guy he is, I saw it in his eyes during the banquet, he has the courage and ambition of our orcs, but now he is a coward* *kissed her feet."

Asoye shook his head and said, "Haha! Eugene, if you were ten years younger, your provocative words might still be useful. But it's useless to me now."

"Perhaps you are right. I am already an old man with lost ambitions. But I still want to advise you, it is better to be cautious about war."

Seeing that he couldn't persuade his friend, Eugene could only shake his head and sigh.

Asoye asked: "Let me find out, who is Chief Abal planning to have first?"

Eugene opened his eyes: "What do you think of Aldo? As I said just now, the rebellion of the vassals has weakened the country, and the suppression of the rebellion is anticlimactic. Now their royal family's prestige has been greatly lost. The real power lords everywhere They're ready to move."

Asoye waved his hand: "Arabian Nights, we...cough, I mean, the only way to enter Aldo from the grassland is the Inner Rodan Valley, where there are fortresses and castles all over the place, even if it takes ten years to chew on it, it won't be enough." .As long as this valley is in the hands of humans, no matter how chaotic they are internally, people outside will never be able to fish in the muddy water."

"Hehe!" Eugene showed a smug look on his face. "Your inherent cognition has ossified your thinking! You know, there is more than one way to enter the Aldo Valley."

Asoye frowned, "How is it possible? There is nothing else... Wait, you mean..."

Eugene had to fold his arms and say with certainty, "Yes, that's what you think!"

"That's even more impossible!" On Asoye's face, there was an expression of what crazy words you were talking about.

^0^ "Haha, I'm here not only for business, but also for the impossible in my mouth."

The happy expression on his face was fleeting, and he sighed heavily.

"Asoye, since you are so stubborn, I won't continue to persuade you. However, I hope you will not hinder me from recruiting other tribes in this forest."

"You can rest If other tribes are willing to go with you, I will not stop them. This is against my inner principles. Even in my own tribe, if there are fighters willing to join you, I will I won't stop it, but I can't use the name of the blood cow."

"Okay! Asoye, I feel relieved with your words."

Eugene stretched the wrinkles on his face, as if the argument just now had never happened.

"Ah, yes! Those dwarves will come someday?"

"They come out to trade at this time of every quarter, never an exception."

"it is good."

The flames in the firepit are still jumping, continuously providing heat for the longhouse.

Eugene fell asleep with a loud snoring, but Asoye was rolling over and over, unable to fall asleep,

Chapter 439

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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