Fortune is a cargo ship belonging to Todd Shipping Company. It is a brand new two-masted sailing ship with a "fat" hull with two decks. It travels between Fulan Port and Westport. In addition to carrying cargo, it usually also carries some passengers. Compared with the simple facilities on Hope and South, the accommodation conditions on Fortune have been relatively improved. In addition to the captain's room, there are several other compartments for passengers to rest—ordinary sailors do not enjoy this kind of treatment. They still use the bunk in the cabin when they sleep, and they must take turns to rest.

In a place like this where the land is so precious, ordinary civilians cannot afford to live in compartments. They can only squeeze into the dark, damp, and indescribably smelly bottom warehouse. This part of the space is completely below the waterline of the hull, and the conditions are similar to those of later stowaways. It's worth fighting for.

"What a terrifying journey!" Liya stroked her chest with one hand and leaned on the side of the boat with the other, her delicate face was pale. She just vomited again, ate a little snack in the morning, and now her stomach is empty again.

Irene patted her back gently from behind, with a distressed look on her face, "Oh, I really made you suffer with me."

After boarding Fortune and setting off, the first day was fine, but her bodyguard Liya started to get seasick on the second day. Fortunately, under the strict order of the Government Affairs Council, every merchant ship must have a doctor. Under the care of the doctor, Liya The symptoms of seasickness have been alleviated, but it can only be good and bad.

Irene apologized: "I'm sorry for making you suffer so much with me."

Liya frowned: "Sister, what are you talking about?"

Since leaving Arda, she has gradually returned to the serious and rigid tone when she was serving as the princess' bodyguard in the palace.

"Serving the lord is the most basic obligation of a knight, and facing adversity is also a necessary training on the road of knights—oh!"

Before finishing speaking, Liya covered her mouth.

"Really, you should teach less!"

Erin continued to thump his back gently.

"What a loyal and commendable subordinate!" There was an admiration from the deck.

Irene judged from the voice that this was another guest on Fortune—the merchant Velos.

Speaking of Velos, he claimed to be from Westport, and he has been stationed in Huxin Town to do business since last year. This trip is also to take the Fortune to return to his hometown to handle business affairs.

However, Irene and Liya always felt that Velos and several of his subordinates were always circling around them intentionally or unintentionally.

Are you suspicious? After all, there is only such a small place on the boat, and it is normal to look down and not to see up. I didn't find any other abnormal behavior of the other party along the way.

Even if Velos has evil intentions, the two women are not afraid. The captain and first mate of the Fortune know the identity of Irene—a subordinate of Earl Greyman and a senior official of the Government Council. Under the instructions of Mayor Theodore Naturally, they attach great importance to the safety of the two of them. After arriving in Westport, they will be escorted to the city hall - of course they don't know what Irene is doing at the city hall.

A rich-looking middle-aged man dressed as a businessman came over. Irene turned around and thanked Velos: "Thank you, Mr. Velos, for your compliment. Are you here to see the scenery at the stern again?"

"Haha, yes. It's not easy for those of us who live inland to appreciate the vast sea on a boat. After all, female knights are rare. Since your servant has the status of a knight, I think you must Is it a nobleman?"

Irene frowned imperceptibly, nodded and admitted: "Let's be considered noble."

"For the time being? Haha, I didn't expect someone as noble as you to speak so modestly." Velos said very familiarly.

Just then, Irene saw someone walking behind Velos.

"Mr. Captain."

"Ah, Miss Dias, so you are here."

The captain of the Fortune waved to this side, and the three of them, including Velos, nodded slightly to him.

The captain came up to them and gently took off his hat. In front of Irene, the captain was very cautious. When he was informed by his boss, Mr. Todd, that the famous female director of the Government Affairs Council was going to take his boat to the south, the captain was full of worries. He was afraid that something might happen on the way. .

He was cautious along the way. Blessed by the Lord of Light, nothing happened except that the female servant was a little seasick.

"Is sister Liya feeling better?"

"Thanks to your care, I am not as uncomfortable as before."

"That's good, you can get used to it by taking a few more boats."

The captain glanced at Velos who was standing beside him, and secretly complained in his heart, why did this guy pester Miss Dias again? Could it be that the toad wants to eat goose meat?

"I came here to inform the two ladies that we will arrive at Westport soon. If you stand on the deck for a while, you will be able to see the port on the horizon."

"Really? That would be great!"

Irene and Liya glanced at each other, and they both saw the excitement in each other's eyes, and they were finally about to set foot on their long-lost homeland. Although I was very excited at the beginning of sailing on the sea by boat for the first time in my life, it was boring to sail so much continuously, not to mention that Liya was still seasick.

"Look! It's Westport!"

From ahead came the shouts of the crew.

"We're home!" The two girls hugged each other happily, and then ran to the bow excitedly.

Velos looked at the backs of the two with a smile on his face.

Fortune gradually approached the port, and the captain set up an awning to look into the port, "It's very strange, there are no ships coming in and out. Although the West Port is not very prosperous, it's abnormal to be so quiet."

A strange feeling gradually rose in the captain's heart. Years of sea life have made him cautious, and the captain inexplicably thought of the great pirate who ran across the northwest bay two years ago.

"There won't be pirates ambushing in the port, right? But the pirates in this water area have disappeared for a long time."

In the end, the captain decided to be cautious, and he ordered loudly: "Stop approaching the port!"

Although the subordinates around him felt, they quickly conveyed his order.

Soon, the first mate, the second mate and other important people on the ship came to the captain, and the captain explained his concerns to them.

The subordinates reacted differently. Some advocated continuing to enter Hong Kong, while others advocated turning around and heading north.

"What's wrong with them? They are about to dock, why don't they continue driving?"

Irene was very strange, she sensed something was wrong with the atmosphere.

"I'll go ask them."

Liya walked towards the captain and others, and Irene quickly followed her.

"Ladies, the situation in Westport seems to be a little off. I suspect there are pirates..."

"Pirates? Haven't all the pirates on the west coast of the kingdom been wiped out? At least the royal family has not heard of pirates along the coast for a long time."

"We are also hesitating..."

During the discussion, a crew member shouted: "Captain, there is a ship coming out of Westport, and it is heading towards us."

Everyone looked towards Westport, and saw a small paddle boat slowly approaching them.

Steel, guns and the industrial party across the world ww.13168/

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