Chapter 235

Bidow Castle, located between Portree and Adela, is a fortified castle. The owner of the castle, Baron Brett Sean, is one of the vassals of the Kent family. After the conflict broke out between the two factions in the Northwest Gulf, Earl Molly Malcolm and Viscount Dylan Johnston immediately joined forces to besiege Bidowburg.

Viscount Sean has made preparations in advance, storing a large amount of food in the castle, repairing defensive equipment, and recruiting and training a large number of troops. Relying on these preparations, he commanded the garrison of the castle to defend the castle firmly, repeatedly defeating the offensives of the coalition forces.

Molly Malcolm and Dylan Johnston had to turn to other lords in the alliance for help, and this was the letter from Price Parker to the lords.

Naturally, the people in Bidowburg would not sit still, and Fei Ge sent a letter to the Earl of Kent, asking him to gather the strength of all his allies to rescue him.

The military forces of both sides began to gather here gradually.

Members of the anti-Kent coalition chose a temporary headquarters in a village near Bidowborough.

"Let me tell you! We should send the letter of war to the other side now, and make an appointment with the enemy to fight a battle in heaven!"

In one of the largest houses in the village, a young man was hammering the table impatiently.

"Don't worry! Let's see what the other side will do first, so as not to change!"

Molly Malcolm tried to persuade him, complaining in his heart that this son of Winifred Heller was so militant, he was not at all like his father who advocated "non-violence". I heard that this time Earl Heller Originally, I wanted to wait and see again, but it was this young man who jumped up and down and actively encouraged several elders in the family, and the Heller family got involved.

No, it was this brat who brought the troops here this time, so his father wouldn't be taken away by him, right?

Earl Malcolm also wanted to end the war in front of his house as soon as possible and get rid of the thorn in Bidowburg as soon as possible, but he had to be cautious when the enemy's reinforcements were overwhelming.

Others in the room also echoed Earl Malcolm.


Derrick Heller snorted dissatisfiedly. In his opinion, these old guys are too conservative, and their brains are a little rusty.

"I want to remind everyone that spring plowing will start soon. If the soldiers are not allowed to go home to plant the land as soon as possible, there will be no food harvest in autumn!"

Price Parker, who was sitting at the top, said: "Nephew Derrick, we naturally know what you said. That's why I called everyone to gather here, hoping that I can defeat the Kent family in one battle and avoid years of war. Go on. Since the outcome is to be determined in one battle, of course you must increase your chips to the maximum."

Derrick asked: "We have gathered more than 6,000 people, what more chips do we need? What are you waiting for?"

"Waiting for people from the Greiman family and the Gardner family, there are more than 1,000 people who have not arrived. With them, our chances of winning will be even greater!"

Derrick looked disdainful: "I heard that the Greiman family doesn't even have a single knight. How can they help?"

Earl Parker shook his head: "Mosquitoes are meat no matter how small they are. Besides, you can't underestimate them. May I ask, are you confident that you can wipe out the pirates in the Northwest Gulf within a few months with just your own family strength?"

Derrick tossed his hair: "Hmph, it's just some peripheral pirate group left behind after Edward left. What's the difficulty in eradicating these rabble."

The people in the room looked at Earl Parker with some embarrassment.

As the initiator of the alliance, Price Parker felt a little offended.

He slapped the table vigorously, and said in a majestic voice: "Whoever thinks that they will wait for the arrival of Greiman and Gardner before going to war raise their hands!"

Except for Derrick Heller, everyone else at the meeting raised their right hands.

Earl Parker nodded in satisfaction, turned to Derrick and said, "Nephew Derrick, it seems that everyone thinks so, do you still insist on your own opinion?"

Seeing that no one supported him, Derrick was very angry in his heart. He suppressed his anger and asked: "Okay, I respect everyone's opinions. But when will people from the two families, Gleiman and Gardner, arrive? If he is one The moon won't come, so do we have to wait? But at that time, the Kent family also took the initiative to call!"

Earl Parker saw that the kid was a little subdued, and his tone softened. He twirled his beard and said, "You don't have to worry about that. I have received their fast horse message. Their team is already on the way, and they should be able to arrive tomorrow afternoon."

At this time, Bitburg was experiencing the last moment of tranquility before the war. The coalition forces had gathered more than 6,000 people and set up camp in the east of the castle, isolating Bitburg from reinforcements from the Kent family.

And the Kent family has gathered nearly 5,000 people, and they have set up camp not far from the east of the coalition forces, waiting for the arrival of follow-up In view of their existence, the coalition forces stopped the siege. The defenders had less than a thousand soldiers capable of fighting, and they were unable to form a pincer attack with their own reinforcements.

Both sides are adding the last oil to their armies, waiting for the moment to polish the spark.

At noon the next day, Earl Parker was studying with others how to fight the upcoming battle when suddenly a soldier stumbled in.

"Master Parker, sir!" The soldier seemed a little flustered.

The count glared at him dissatisfied: "Why are you panicking? What happened?"

"Viscount Derrick Heller... Lord Viscount led his troops to the opposite side!"


Price Parker and the others in the hall were shocked and angry, and the earl had the soldier repeat it to make sure he heard correctly.

"This kid! Why is this kid so reckless!"

I thought he was honest yesterday! I didn't expect it was all faked!

The soldier who came in to report added: "It seems that the enemy's barracks caught fire and caused a commotion. Lord Viscount thought it was an opportunity and led the attack!"


Earl Parker immediately led the crowd to rush out of the house and look towards the east. The soldiers who reported the message were right. Several columns of smoke rose in the east, obviously a fire!

He hammered his palm, "Hey! Don't he think about what to do if it's a trap? Maybe they have already laid an ambush in the barracks!"

Without further ado, whether it was a trap or not, he had to do something.

He looked around at everyone and made an immediate decision: "Everyone, gather the soldiers according to the formation we discussed and trained before, approach the enemy barracks, and meet Viscount Derrick Heller."


The others responded one after another, and then immediately dispersed to gather their own troops.

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