Anthony held the bishop's hand tightly.

"Now I am more sure that I am not mistaken. Lord Elvis, when you sit in the position of the Archbishop of Jiaowan, you will be able to compete for that supreme position! And those of us who are in the holy capital are powerless to change the status quo , I am waiting for you to preside over the overall situation!"

Elvis' heart jumped wildly, and a beautiful picture was instantly outlined in his mind!

He never doubted why Anthony didn't work hard in that direction. After all, the other party was in a special system within the Holy See, and basically had no chance of that supreme position.

Therefore, looking for like-minded people outside and secretly assisting their superiors is also a matter of course.

"We are all servants of God, there is no distinction between superior and inferior."

Elvis realized that he was a little too emotionally exposed just now, and quickly resumed his usual bishop's dignity.

Anthony held back his smile, "Please don't blame me for talking too much. Although I can help you secretly, it depends on your performance in the end. It is likely that I am not the only one who shoulders this secret mission. Moreover, if you really become a Jiaowan Archbishop, and interested in that position, you have to show better and more performances."

"I know this, thank you, Sir Anthony, for reminding me."

Although his face returned to the calm look of Gujing, Elvis's heart was full of fighting spirit. How to make others better results? Let those secular rulers prostrate themselves under the power of the Lord, prostrate thoroughly and sincerely!

Anthony grabbed a small handful of grains and sprinkled them on the ground, and a large flock of birds came up to compete for food.

There was a cockatoo flying from nowhere in the mix.

"Green cockatoo? It's really rare, isn't it usually white or gray?"

Curiosity flashed through Anthony's mind, and he took a few more glances at the weird parrot.

He grabbed another handful of grains and sprinkled a little more around the parrot.

"Speak up!"

He suddenly thought of something.

"The Grand Duchess already knows that her sister is in this church?"

Elvis nodded, "Although I didn't say it clearly, I think she must have suspected this first."

Anthony had a worried look on his face.

"What if she robs people in the church?"

"She... she dares! This is not the Principality of Eaton."

Anthony shook his head: "Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case. Once a woman loses her mind, she can do anything. We locked up her own sister."

" are right."

"I suggest temporarily transferring the person before waiting for the reply from the Grand Duchess. Is there any good cángrén nearby?"

"There is a remote village in the northern suburbs. No outsiders go there on weekdays. There is a country church in it. It is quite suitable for cángrén."

"I think you should transfer people there!"

Elvis nodded: "I'll do it now!"

"No!" Anthony stopped him, "There are too many people on the road now, so it's better to wait until it gets dark before doing anything, it's not too late."

Elvis accepted the suggestion.

"That's right. When it gets dark, go directly through the north gate. At that time, only the north city gate will not be closed."

The green parrot on the ground seemed to be full. Compared with other birds, it was stronger and bigger, and other birds could not compete with it.

The parrot soared into the sky with flapping wings, circled a few times over the church and then flew into the distance...

In the room of the Grand Duke and his wife in the Eaton embassy, ​​Helen was fidgeting. She sometimes paced back and forth in the room, and sometimes went to the window to look into the distance.

It could be seen that the grand princess was restless now, after looking out through the window again, she came to the side of the bed.

There was a person lying on the bed, with a handsome face and green hair, it was her junior girl—Ladi Setia Gerald.

At this time, Ladi's eyes were closed tightly, and she seemed to be asleep or unconscious.

Helen stretched out her hand and sniffed Tanladi's breath, there was nothing unusual, and the worry in her heart eased a little.

A green parrot flew in from the window and landed on the bedside table.


Helen let out a cry of surprise, and her school girl finally returned safely.

The parrot nodded to her, then jumped onto the unconscious body on the bed.

It stretched out its head, and gently touched Ladi's forehead with its beak.

After about half a minute, the person on the bed slowly opened his eyes.

Helen asked worriedly: "Ladi! Is everything normal? Is there any discomfort?"


Ladi didn't answer Helen's question immediately, but grabbed her hand.

"Fanny should be in the cathedral, but they plan to transfer her to a rural church in the northern suburbs tonight, and go directly through the north city gate."

Then I answered the previous question: "Don't worry, my body is normal and I'm in great shape."

A look of gratitude and joy appeared on Helen's face, and she hugged Ladi tightly into her arms.

"Thank you, my good sister, you helped me a lot Let's not talk about this, senior sister, let's plan how to rescue Fanny, I think tonight is a godsend Great opportunity."

"Well, you're right!"

The Grand Duchess took out a handkerchief and wiped the corners of her wet eyes.

"However, it's not clear how many people the other side will have. We can't do it with just the two of us."

Hearing Helen's words, Ladi thought of the friends from the Leachman Adventure Group. They happened to accept the commission to find Fanny, but when she thought that this was a direct confrontation with the church, she immediately drove this idea out of her mind. They cannot be implicated.

Then she thought about the crew on the South, they were equipped with dozens of guns, but this idea was immediately abandoned. If there was too much commotion, it would seriously affect Earl Greyman's trade plan and They cannot be involved.

Besides, people are just helping to pick up their family members by the way, whether they are willing to help or not is another matter.

But Helen looked confident.

"In recent days, in order to find Fanny, the Horn Bay Alliance has agreed that we transfer a group of people from Eaton, and many of them are members of my natal family. I will call them to set up an ambush near the north city gate and take back Fanny. "

"How many people can we muster before dark?"

"Thirty or forty people still paid back."

Ladi nodded, and then made a suggestion: "Senior sister, I'll go with them, maybe I can help."

Helen held her hand tightly, "I am very grateful, but you have to follow them in secret. If the other party has few people, just let my people deal with it. If my people can't deal with it, you can take another shot."

"Okay! Don't worry, senior sister, I know how to hide my identity."


"Anything else?"

"I'll go too."

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